Deal or No Deal Island Season 2 kicked off with a bang. Survivor legend Parvati Shallow joined the cast along with fellow reality TV vets Dr. Will Kirby of Big Brother and David Genat, who won Australian Survivor. Naturally, Parvati’s resume is a threat. However, right from the jump, Parvati and David formed an alliance. So, how will Parvati tackle Deal or No Deal Island?
Parvati Shallow can’t “shake my reputation” on Deal or No Deal Island

Before arriving on the Banker’s private island, Parvati competed in Season 2 of The Traitors. Of course, she is remembered as the Traitor who pulled off a daring murder in front of the other players.
As you may recall, Parvati is best known for creating the all-female Black Widow Brigade on Survivor: Micronesia. She won and competed in four other seasons. “I cannot shake my reputation as the Black Widow no matter what or how I operate. People will always think of me as the girl who brought the women together and slit all the men’s throats and got Erik [Reichenbach] to give up the Immunity Necklace,” Parvati told PEOPLE. “It was like 15 years ago, but it feels like it was yesterday in people’s minds.”
So, what is Parvati’s strategy for Deal or No Deal Island? “I can’t play timid. I’m like, ‘I’m definitely going to come in here and shake things up.’ And it’s not because I intentionally want to do that,” the mom stated. “I’m not a Dr. Will [Kirby], who comes and wants to cause chaos. I just have a way of relating to people and building rapport and maneuvering people through human emotion and psychology that stirs things up.” She added, “I’m a catalyzing force, and I’ve come to accept that.”
And Parvati is comfortable working with David, who is flying under the radar. Parvati said, “I knew who he was instantly when we hit the beach and I was like, ‘This is my guy. This will be my partner, and if I keep his secret, then the trust between us is cemented.’ So I was willing to be the front-facing threat and just have him be in the shadows working the other end of the beach,” she added.
Why did Parvati decide to join Deal or No Deal Island Season 2?

Well, a fellow Survivor legend who played last time, “Boston” Rob Mariano, had a lot to do with Parvati’s decision. “So I’m like, ‘If Rob did it and he went really far, I could do it. I could win this thing and I could take the crown and that would make me feel like I was on top of the world,’” Parvati said.
She also admitted Boston Rob was right when he told her how much of a role luck played in the game. “There’s no real plan that you can put in place. It’s just like, ‘Okay, let’s see how the deck gets reshuffled after this challenge, and then I’m going to play with the cards that I’m dealt,'” Parvati said. “It really is a gambler’s paradise out here.”
Deal or No Deal Island continues on Tuesdays at 9/8c on NBC and streams the next day on Peacock.