James Woods shared devastating videos on X (formerly Twitter) of the Palisades fire engulfing his hillside Los Angeles house. Woods, who was forced to evacuate his home amid the raging wildfires, posted a series of videos to share the heartbreaking news. The flames in Palisades sparked on Tuesday morning and have spread over more than 15,000 acres. In addition, other bushfires such as the Sunset Fire, Hurst Fire, and Eaton Fire, started in multiple areas across the region, causing thousands to evacuate.
James Woods shares tragic videos of his house just as fire begins to engulf it
In a heartbreaking video, James Woods shared the final moments of his LA house before the raging Palisades fire engulfed it. On Wednesday, Woods posted a video of his home from the night before on X (formerly Twitter), capturing the last few moments on the hillside property with a video. The clip showcased the beautiful sunset and the peaceful neighborhood. In the caption, he wrote, “I took this last night from our beautiful little home in the Palisades,” updating that “all the fire alarms are going off at once remotely” now. “It tests your soul, losing everything at once, I must say,” he added.
Before that, Woods posted a clip of the LA fire from their deck. A third individual seemed to have recorded the video for him, sharing an update, “You’re looking good. Your house is not on fire.” The person then assured the actor, “I’m here just in case some embers land on it. Hope all your windows are closed!” The Emmy winner shared another video of their neighbor’s friend driving around and evacuating the area. The harrowing clip showed burned houses, smoke-filled orang-ish skies, and embers everywhere.
Dropping more updates on his house amid the LA Fire, James Woods revealed they “renovated a home after COVID and just finished last month.” He noted that all smoke detectors inside the house went off and transmitted to their phones and compared this massive loss to that of a loved one. Variety reported that Woods also spoke to CNN and broke down during the emotional interview, “I thought I would be stronger than this.” In addition, he counted the evacuation process describing the Palisades fire as “an inferno” with “every house was on fire.”
Originally reported by Nikita Mahato on Mandatory.