Exclusive: Sold on SLC’s Malaysia Fua Says Only the Dramatic ‘Tip of the Iceberg’ Has Aired So Far

Sold on SLC's Malaysia Fua
Photo Credit: Natalie Cass/Bravo via Getty Images

Malaysia Fua is navigating an individualized path on Sold on SLC, the newest hit real estate-based series on Bravo. She is unafraid about voicing her opposition(s) to inter-office conflicts. Likewise, when the Mormon church started making her raise one of her perfectly crafted eyebrows, she labeled herself as a Mormon 2.0, choosing to toss out the aspects of her faith that no longer aligned with her current viewpoints. Overall, Malaysia is THAT girl, and I cannot get enough of her and her fellow agents via Sold on SLC.

We are only six episodes into this new series. Yet the drama is already through the roof. Bringing us the LOLs, however, is Malaysia, who continues to keep her arched foot on the neck of Matt Jones. Matt is the source of most of the drama in this series, so if you ask us, her efforts are warranted.

We got Malaysia on the line for an exclusive chat with Reality Tea. We wanted to applaud her efforts while learning about where this chaotic cast now stands post-filming. But as Malaysia revealed, further drama lies ahead, which, YIKES.

Malaysia Fua breaks down her faith and the role that it plays in her real estate career

Sold on SLC
Photo Credit: Bronson Farr/Bravo

In Episode 1, Malaysia described herself as a Mormon 2.0. This Reality Tea writer understands her stance. I was born and raised in the Southern Baptist church, but when life knocked my family for a loop, we all began to question where we stood within this denomination. Understanding that faiths can evolve, we asked Malaysia to describe her journey, which she answered is a continuous work in progress.

“My husband is a big part of why I consider myself a Mormon 2.0,” Malaysia explains, noting that they were strong in the LDS church for a long time. “We got married in the temple. We were trying to check off these boxes and do everything expected of us, but it got to a point where one of us started leaning towards the other way, and then it was like, ‘Hey, this is okay,” she added.

Now, Malaysia and her husband, Alani Fua, are raising their children to have the best of both worlds via faith and freedom, and they can later decide what works best for their lives, just as their parents did.

But Malaysia works in a very conservative area. So I had to know, are her relaxed religious views affecting her bottom line?  

“There are concerns, you know, business is business, and doing business in a predominantly Mormon state is tricky,” Malaysia explains, adding, “I have gotten to a point where I want to work with those who understand me and know me, and know that I mean well. I am honest in my dealings, and just because I am not the picture-perfect LDS member, I am still a good human. [Future clients] who understand this will gravitate towards me,” Malaysia stressed.

Malaysia Fua explains her emotional journey with Jennifer Yeo

Sold on SLC
Photo Credit: Fred Hayes/Bravo

Malaysia and Jennifer Yeo have an interesting backstory. When Malaysia jumped ship to work at another brokerage, things felt off. But now, Malaysia is back at Presidio, so we had to ask, what happened?

“Before Presidio, I was with one other brokerage. I worked with Paige. She was my team lead. I learned tremendously from her [and] I love her,” Malaysia began.

But things “got to a point where I felt like she’s taught me so much. It was time to spread my wings and start my own business. And there was only one other brokerage that I would have gone to. I liked the agents at Presidio, so I was like, you know what? It just felt right to go back,” she stressed.

Yet, when Malaysia returned, her interactions with Jennifer were strained. Following the Matt drama, things have only grown more tense. So, where does Malaysia currently stand with her boss?

“In this season, we were trying to work on our relationship. [The drama that has aired so far] is the tip of the iceberg,” Malaysia reveals.  She did not know how strongly Jennifer felt about her former team until she watched the first few episodes of Sold on SLC and glimpsed the other side of the coin. But when the Matt scandal transpired, everything went to hell (basically).

At her party, Malaysia pulled Jennifer aside, but “I remember  she looked at me and said, ‘Malaysia, This isn’t you,’ so in my mind, I was like, wait, wait, what? I was so confused, a little tipsy, and emotional, and it was a hard moment for me when Jennifer doubled down on my feelings.”

I wish for healing over this duo.

Matt Jones and Kenny Sperry keep trying Malaysia Fua, but her attitude remains as optimistic as ever

Matt recently stumbled into a strip club scandal that has since taken over this series. When Malaysia heard about these allegations, she was sad for his family. But by Episode 6, her gloves were off. Unfortunately, as the sneak peek for Episode 7 showed, Kenny Sperry will soon clock in with a strange assist, claiming that Malaysia purposely set Matt up at her party.

When asked how this plot twist made her feel during filming, Malaysia kept things professional, stressing that Kenny “ has a good heart.” However, “I wish I had known how much he was going in on me because what he says to my face is not as gnarly as what’s getting said behind my back.” The way Kenny is “trying to spin the narrative” hurts her heart, Malaysia noted.

Malaysia still feels a “roller coaster” of emotions. On Matt, she “wish[es] his family well. But overall, Malaysia wanted to be there for his wife Nicole, in case she needed someone to “sympathize with.” Sadly, Nicole “did not feel the same way,” causing Malaysia to ask, “why am I putting so much energy into this for her?”

Still,  ”navigating these waters has been tricky because of the impact of what’s at stake here, his family,” she ended. Way to keep things kind, Malaysia.

Malaysia Fua touches on her future at Presidio and on Bravo

Sold on SLC title card
Photo Credit: Bravo Media

Since the drama at Presidio is high, we asked Malaysia about her future with this brokerage. Luckily for Jennifer, Malaysia is staying put. Sorry, Matt.

“Presidio is always raising the bar,” Malaysia stressed as we both gave into our waves of laughter. Bars and poles are the new inside buzzwords in this series. IYKYK. But in all seriousness, Malaysia believes that “Jennifer means well,” so she will “continue to tread these waters and see where it goes.”

As for her future on Bravo, Malaysia is hopeful for a Season 2 of Sold on SLC. But as she hints, the drama is far from over in Season 1.

 ”Nicole and I have another conversation down the line. And it gets to a point where I say, ‘Hey, bring Matt over here for a conversation.'” But then, “Nicole starts speaking for Matt, and it gets a little tricky. It will be interesting for the viewers to see how these dynamics change and where Jen [and I] leave off,” Malaysia teases, making us eager for the rest of this season to drop on Bravo.

Sold on SLC is streaming on Peacock.