Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Season 14, Episode 9 Recap: Dorit Asks Kyle To Make a Choice

Photo Credit: Griffin Nagel/Bravo

Welcome to The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Season 14, Episode 9 recap. Last time, Kyle had a meltdown and stormed out of a spa day at Boz’s house. But first, Kyle read the text that she sent to PK Kemsley aloud in front of Dorit and the rest of the ladies. Here’s what happened in Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Season 14, Episode 9, “Beachy Keen.”

What happened in Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Season 14, Episode 9?

Kyle Facetimed Erika to discuss Boz’s spa day. In Erika’s opinion, there are too many people involved in Dorit and Kyle’s feud. Erika called them the “Board of Directors.”

“I can honestly say, in all these years in this group, this is the worst I have ever felt,” Kyle said in her confessional. “And I just don’t have the strength in me to keep doing this.” She likened the situation with the other ladies to being in “a cult.”

Of course, Kyle plans to talk with Dorit. If Dorit wants to continue to spar, Kyle is “disengaging.” Shout out to Meredith Marks! However, if Dorit wants to move forward, then Kyle is willing. Is she really, though? I’m still not sure.

Meanwhile, Dorit and Boz met up at a wine bar. This duo has bonded in a short amount of time, but Dorit is happy to have a caring friend in the RHOBH group. However, Boz is confused about something that Kyle said. The actress claimed that she wasn’t aware of all the marital problems between PK and Dorit. According to Dorit, she opened up to Kyle during Season 13 about her marital concerns.

In her confessional, Boz pulled no punches. “Kyle continues to lie. She’s lying about the depth of her relationship with PK, and what she’s saying about Dorit. She’s clearly lying about the depth of her knowledge about what’s going on in PK and Dorit’s marriage,” Boz said in her confessional.

Dorit reveals what happened the day that she and PK separated on Real Housewives of Beverly Hills

Dorit Kemsley RHOBH
Photo Credit: Phylicia J. L. Munn/Bravo

In her interview, Dorit broke down how she and PK separated. The day that Dorit and PK decided to separate, they were at their home with PK’s sponsor. In fact, PK’s sponsor suggested that they take some time apart. Dorit still doesn’t know if it was the sponsor’s idea or PK’s plan. She never asked. WOW. That blows my mind.

However, when their marriage had problems, Dorit covered for PK, so no one would think poorly of him. Both Boz and Dorit discussed how unfair PK was to Dorit. “Who the f*ck have I been married to?” Dorit asked. Excellent question.

Kyle’s dinner invitation confuses Garcelle and Sutton on Real Housewives of Beverly Hills

Photo Credit: Griffin Nagel/Bravo

Kyle invited Garcelle and Sutton to have dinner with her and Erika. What is setting off alarm bells is the group is going to Garcelle’s party the day after. So, what’s up? Sutton suspected that Kyle was trying to “rally her troops” so that they side with her, and not Dorit.

They met up, and Garcelle and Kyle arrived first. And Kyle had a bone to pick with Garcelle. She wanted to know why Garcelle would tell the newbie, Boz, about the text messages. However, Garcelle didn’t feel like she betrayed Kyle.

Then Garcelle brought up that part of the text message when Kyle said that she would never share anything. In Garcelle’s mind, that put Kyle’s relationship with PK in the more than memes category.

Then Kyle’s story changed. She told Garcelle that she has text messages because she has known them for over seven years, but nothing about Dorit. Garcelle was confused, but noted, “It doesn’t feel right.”

For Kyle, she prides herself on being truthful. Or, does she pride herself on holding others accountable? Anyway, the fact that her RHOBH co-stars have questioned her character is a trigger for her.

Kyle issues a blanket apology on Real Housewives of Beverly Hills

Dorit, Kyle, and Garcelle RHOBH
Photo Credit: Casey Durkin/Bravo

Erika was the next to arrive, followed by Sutton. Immediately, Sutton asked why they were there. Oh, Sutton! Erika replied, “This is a meeting of the Board of Directors.” We see you, Erika.

So, Kyle apologized for how she stormed off, but she is standing by her feelings. At first, Sutton was perplexed, as she wants Kyle to say that she is sorry “for holding herself to a different standard.” So, Sutton asked Kyle to list off what she said that she was apologizing for. Instead, Kyle gave a blanket apology, stating that she was sorry for everything that she said. Sutton, let the mouse go!

As for Erika, she would like Garcelle and Sutton to give Kyle a break, as they weren’t in the best spot when they were getting divorced from their husbands. Kyle also shared that she felt attacked and she had no ally in the group.

Finally, Sutton told Kyle that she wished that she had stayed, and Kyle countered that she needed to remove herself because of her mental health. They all agreed that in the future, this type of situation should be handled differently. And Sutton believes that Kyle wanted to make sure that she had supporters at Garcelle’s party the next day. “But I will tell you this. Erika might be a minion, but Garcelle and Sutton, we are not minions,” Sutton stated.

Garcelle throws a party to show off her beach house on Real Housewives of Beverly Hills

RHOBH cast
Photo Credit: Griffin Nagel/Bravo

Boz, Jennifer, and Sutton all met at Kyle’s house. Let’s just say that Boz was less than impressed when Kyle didn’t offer an apology for storming out. Finally, Erika and Dorit arrived, but Dorit was out of sorts.

She revealed that her son, Jagger asked, “Are you and Daddy divorced?” It turns out that Jagger found out about the Instagram post from Dorit and PK announcing their separation.

Then Jagger asked if Dorit and PK would always be “best friends.” At this point, Sutton interjected, telling everyone that Garcelle wanted the ladies to have a fun time and that they needed to leave. Oh, Sutton. Read the room!

They reached Garcelle’s beach house, and Jennifer gave Garcelle a Dolce & Gabbana Toaster. Swanky! Then they popped onto golf carts and headed to the beach.

The dinner was set up on the beach, along with a bar. Kyle pulled Dorit aside, and they sat on the beach to talk. Dorit asked if Kyle thought that they were “good friends,” and if she wanted to fix the friendship. Eventually, Dorit brought up the text messages. She knew Kyle was trying to reassure PK that she wouldn’t tell Dorit what they talked about. However, Kyle said it was just reiterating that she doesn’t repeat anything and is “trustworthy.”

For Dorit, the question is a simple one. Are you my friend and loyal to me, or to PK? Then Dorit dropped a bomb. If Kyle and PK did talk, she expected Kyle to share information that would benefit her. “Be a girlfriend. Show some loyalty. Be a girl’s girl. You know that girl’s girl that you always talk about being?” Dorit said in her confessional.

Kyle explained that she wasn’t picking sides, she would never speak poorly of Dorit, and PK never discussed Dorit. In response, Dorit wants there to be mutual respect and for them to reach a place where they can share their feelings. Kyle seemed uncomfortable during this conversation. “Start earning back trust,” Dorit stated. Kyle knows that she needs to end her friendship with PK. At least this talk ended with a hug.

Meanwhile, the ladies were eating, and it was chilly. Poor Erika was wrapped up in a blanket with just her face showing. After all of this chaos, she is done with Dorit and Kyle’s continuous feud.

Finally, Garcelle invited the ladies to write down something that they were grateful for or a wish and put it in a lantern. But, when Boz’s lantern flies onto the sand, the ladies can’t stop laughing. And just like during the golden age of housewives, Kyle is “peeing her pants.” Then more of the lanterns fly out of the ladies’ hands, while Kyle chases after hers. It was great to have an episode with some fun and laughter amongst the group. 

Real Housewives of Beverly Hills airs on Tuesdays at 8/7c on Bravo.