Real Housewives of Salt Lake City Season 5 Reunion, Part 2 Recap: Friendship, Gratitude, Tears and Love

Photo Credit: Jocelyn Prescod/Bravo

Welcome to the Real Housewives of Salt Lake City Season 5 Reunion, Part 2 recap. Last week, a fan accused Heather of prioritizing her friendship with Lisa over her friendship with Angie. Bronwyn realized Lisa was not the friend she thought she was before coming on the show. It’s like pulling teeth, but she finally got an apology out of Lisa for talking about Gwen on the RHOSLC After Show. Finally, when the ladies were joined by the “huuuzbands,” John told Todd to “watch your tone.” Keep reading to see exactly what happened on the Real Housewives of Salt Lake City Season 5 Reunion, Part 2.

What happened on Real Housewives of Salt Lake City Season 5 Reunion, Part 2?

Real Housewives of Salt Lake City  title card

In this week’s episode, Todd sheds light on the “emotional affair” Bronwyn shared with the other women in Puerto Vallarta. Andy asks Meredith about the state of her and Seth’s marriage since he works in Ohio now. Mary updates us on how Robert Jr. is doing after rehab and how Angie’s friendship and support helped her. Here are some highlights from the RHOSLC Season 5 Reunion, Part 2.

Todd addresses the “emotional affair” with another woman

RHOSLC Season 5 reunion
Photo Credit: Jocelyn Prescod/Bravo

Andy asks Todd how he felt when he saw Bronwyn share with the other women the story of his “emotional affair.”

“Well, I have to apologize, cause I haven’t seen it,” he says. Wait, what? Aren’t you contracted to watch the show so you can fight over everything everybody says?

“We talked about it,” Bronwyn explains. “It’s just hard to watch.”

“Anything that Bronwyn shared,” Todd adds, “would be more than I’d want her to share.”

“I wouldn’t even say it was an emotional affair,” Bronwyn says. “I felt there [were] conversations that went further than I would have had with someone.”

Heather calls her out that she was upset and wiping away tears on the boat, to the point where Heather defended her. “I rallied hard for you,” she says. “So he didn’t do it? Or he did do it?”

Todd looks uncomfortable as they go into commercial.

“I think the conversation with this woman went too far,” Bronwyn says. “I do. But I want to be very clear about this. When I said this on the boat, it was not happening in real time.”

Bronwyn explains, “I have an issue where I [sometimes] don’t feel ‘good enough’… When I felt that everything I said in this group was being misconstrued or misunderstood … it does trigger this narrative that I’m not good enough.”

Following the incident with the other woman, Todd gave Bronwyn a fifth-anniversary gift of a ring with five diamonds. There were five promises that went along with the five diamonds. Todd says they were “support, love, fidelity, take care of Gwen … and transparency.”

Meredith says her marriage is “beautiful” after some “bumps in the road” on the Real Housewives of Salt Lake City reunion

Meredith and Seth Marks RHOSLC
Photo Credit: Fred Hayes/Bravo

Andy asked Meredith about the state of her marriage since Seth spends so much time working away from home in Ohio.

“Contrary to what Angie and Whitney and Heather … said, Seth and I are monogamous,” Meredith says. “We do not cheat on each other. We have a beautiful marriage that sometimes has bumps in the road, just like any marriage … Anyone who’s been married for decades and says it’s always a ‘walk in the park and perfect’ is a liar.”

For his part, Seth says, “It helps that we’re not together physically that often, Andy. I highly recommend commuting, so it feels like a first date on the weekends. I see her every weekend, sometimes more than that.”

“People online,” Todd interjects, “accuse Bronwyn and I of the same thing. Some idiot from some ‘gossipy rag’ wrote the other day that I live in another state. Like Seth and Meredith, we do the same thing. I work here in New York quite a bit. We’ve had multiple homes. Bronwyn used to work in San Francisco. I agree with what Seth said. I totally understand that situation.”

“[We got] a lot of questions on Twitter wondering if you have a side chick in Ohio,” Andy adds. Ouch. Lisa actually gasps.

“No,” Seth flatly responds. “This is my side chick, Andy,” pointing to his hand. One of my long-ago exes used to call that his “other girlfriend, Rosy Palm.”

Mary shares why she and Robert decided to film the confession about his addiction struggle

After the “huuzzbands” are excused, Andy jumps right back in. “Last year you could barely pry Mary Cosby out of the sprinter van,” he says. “This season she ziplined out of her comfort zone and into a deep friendship with Angie, a surprising love of beer, and a mind-bending connection to Jeffrey Dahmer.”

“But it was Mary’s openness about her struggles with her son, Robert Jr., that kept us all in tears,” Andy concludes. The clip replaying Robert’s addiction struggles was heartbreaking, but the thing that brings tears to my eyes is seeing Angie holding Mary’s hand when we come back.

Mary admits that she and Robert talked about telling his story on-camera. “We didn’t plan what we were going to say,” she says, “but … we said, ‘If we can just help one person, then we’ll just tell our truth.’”

The love she received from viewers tells her that Robert’s story resonated with many people.

“What part of that conversation surprised you the most?” Andy asks. “He had ideations of suicide, you talked about very serious opiates and drugs that he was taking.”

“I didn’t expect him to say all of that,” Mary confesses. “I didn’t know that he was doing all that. The fact that I was unaware scared me … He lives in my house, [and] we’re so close. [I was] shocked.”

“We last saw you taking him to rehab,” Andy says. “Did he actively want to go to rehab, because they say it doesn’t really work unless you’re a participant?”

“He wanted to go,” Mary replies. “The way he opened up … that was a cry for help … He wanted to change.”

Mary gives an update on Robert Jr.’s progress and how Real Housewives of Salt Lake City co-star helped her get through it

Mary Cosby and Angie K RHOSLC reunion
Photo Credit: Clifton Prescod/Bravo

Mary shared that he was in rehab for 30 days, and he’s different now that he’s home. “Once you go to rehab, you need to change your friends,” she adds. “He’s [more of a] homebody now … He goes to those AA [meetings], and he has friends he’s met from there.”

Andy says he was most affected by hearing Robert say he felt like “a stain.” Andy’s a dad now, so you can hear the emotion in his voice as he’s probably thinking of his own kids.

“You don’t want to hear your child say that,” Mary sobs, as Andy wipes away a tear. “He’s not. He’s everything.”

Looking at Mary’s situation differently, Andy asks, “Angie, what did it mean to you that Mary opened up to you during this whole process?”

“I felt honored that she shared this with me,” Angie responds. “What the world saw that day … is the Mary that guided me and talked to me about my mom and motherhood .”

“Was there anything that you went through with your mom’s addiction that made you able to connect with her in a different way?” Andy follows up.

“In my situation, I was too little,” Angie says. She was only eight when her mom died. “I used to think if I was old enough, I could have been part of helping my mom.”

Mary told Angie something she’d been waiting 43 years to hear. “I know if your mom could do it all over again,” Mary told her, “she would [go to rehab], too.” No one had ever said that to Angie before.

Where was former BFF Meredith while Mary was going through all of this?

RHOSLC Season 5 reunion
Photo Credit: Jocelyn Prescod/Bravo

Turning to Whitney, Andy says, “You’ve known Mary a long time, and you’ve had a rocky relationship.” In my mind, I can hear Mary chastising Whitney: “Little Girl.”

When Andy notices that Whitney’s very emotional, she explains that she’s been “trying not to make eye contact with anyone” because she would start crying.

“I watched [Mary’s conversation with her son] with my kids,” Whitney says. “I haven’t talked to my dad since Season 1 [because of his addictions]. It’s hard to explain to my kids, and for them to listen to Robert, they now understand why they don’t have a grandpa.”

Andy comments that despite her personal life, Mary seems “lighter” and just more willing to show up this season. “Why is that?”

Mary credited Angie’s friendship. “I found a friend that really wanted to be my friend,” she says. “Having that support, made me clock in.”

When a shocked Meredith gives Mary the evil eye, Andy asks, “You and Meredith had a nice friendship. Did you not feel that from her?”

“Meredith and my friendship is very different,” Mary answers carefully. “Meredith is a beautiful person and a beautiful friend. I love Meredith. [But she’s] a busy woman … Meredith always called in and checked on me. She was a very good friend to me. It was just different.”

“I wish I’d been able to be there for you,” Meredith says. “It made me really sad that I wasn’t.”

But in the end, Meredith and Mary hug it out and say they love each other.

The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City airs Wednesdays at 8/7c on Bravo.