Who Is Wihan Du Toit, the New Below Deck Down Under Season 3 Bosun?

Wihan Du Toi - BDDU Season 3
Photo Credit: Fred Jagueneau/Bravo

In Seasons 1-2 of Below Deck Down Under, the Bosuns within had tough showings. Season 3 is now quickly heading our way on Bravo, bringing along a third Bosun to try and fill this slot. But who is Wihan Du Toit? And will his hiring create a third-times-the-charm narrative for this series?

During Season 1, Bosun Jamie Sayed clashed with Captain Jason Chambers. He also sparred with many of his fellow crew members. Nevertheless, Jamie made it through the entire season, but it is unlikely that he will ever return to this series.

Season 2, however, introduced us to a new Bosun, Luke Jones, who made Jamie look like a saint. Following a thwarted-by-production sexual assault attempt in a stews cabin, Luke got removed from the yacht. He returned to the vessel the following day, where Captain Jason sent him packing for good.

João Franco returned to this franchise to fill in as the new Bosun. João had many highs and lows in Season 2 of BDDU. Even still, João is not returning for Season 3.

Can Wihan break this curse? Let us investigate everything we can about Wihan to help predict how this Bosun might fare on the high seas of Bravo.

Wihan Du Toit carries a strong resume

Wihan Du Toit - BDDU Season 3
Photo Credit: Bravo via YouTube

A Bosun must answer for all troubles on deck, even if they were asleep when these issues transpired. Therefore, this chosen leader must ensure their team is knowledgeable about every deck-related scenario that might arise. One wrong move can send a yachtie or their guests to the ER or even wreck their yacht, so this gig is serious. Is Wihan up to this task?

According to his Bravo bio, he is. Wihan has nine years of experience in this industry. But so does Johnny Arvanitis, one of his deckhands. What could go wrong?

In contrast, his other two deckhands have far fewer years listed on their resumes, so hopefully, Wihan knows how to rise above all daggers and dramatics to lead his lesser-experienced subordinates. Or not. Drama sells.

For his time spent swabbing decks over international waters, Wihan has established his favorite locale, the Bahamas. On Instagram, Wihan shares many yachting updates onboard exquisite-looking yachts. His work and life travels have led this South African to the Caribbean, Greece, the States, New Zealand, and many other exotic ports of call that I cannot list, as Wihan failed to tag every location, and I am not a well-traveled lady, sadly.

Here are some fun facts about Wihan Du Toit

Wihan Du Toit - BDDU Season 3
Photo Credit: Bravo via YouTube

When he is not working on a yacht, Wihan enjoys watching Summer House on Bravo. Bosuns. They are just like us.

When Wihan is working, he misses certain aspects of his land-based life. In his bio, Wihan lists his “family, friends, morning coffee[s] at [his] favorite cafes, and running in the mountains” as his top-missed activities.

Even though Wihan failed to mention the Below Deck series in his list of preferred shows, he did note that he knows two crew members from this franchise. Yet, his known mates had wildly different experiences in this franchise, to say the very least.

Lara Du Preez starred in Below Deck Mediterranean Season 8. She got promoted to the Lead Deckhand role, which she slayed. If anyone needs to walk the plank before the end of BDDU Season 3, Lara might get asked to join this series.

Wihan also noted that he knows Kyle Viljoen, who starred in BDM Seasons 7 and 8. Kyle, however, received a villain edit. In turn, his mental health took a hit, so Kyle is unlikely to return to filming.

Oh, this Scorpio also listed a special skill in his bio. Being himself is his talent. Only time will tell what this means on BDDU. 

What the sneak peek for BDDU Season 3 teases about Wihan Du Toit

The sneak peek for BDDU Season 3 looks promising. Yet, it also teases problems for Wihan. And by problems, we mean his potential firing.

This deck team consists of himself, Jonny, Harry Van Vliet, and Adair Werley. Everyone has experience in this industry, so Wihan is already starting this season of BDDU at a great place. However, no one can control the weather, which shows up at least once in full force during Season 3.

When the charter guests are far away, Wihan clashes with Harry. In the trailer, Wihan forcefully tells this returning deckhand to stop what he is doing. Wihan later asks a stressed-out Johnny to talk to him, but Johnny explodes, screaming, “DON’T F*CKING TALK TO ME!” before lashing out at the yacht like a toddler, throwing something harshly against the walls of their cabin.

In another scene, Wihan tells Lara Rigby, the newest Chief Stew, to “shut up a little bit then” in the galley. Lara is not pleased.

Finally, at the end of the trailer, Captain Jason swiftly calls Wihan, Lara, and Tzarina Mace-Ralph to his wheelhouse, revealing that he has to let one of them go. These three personalities are all department heads this season, and all three will clash on varying levels. With watery eyes, Wihan nods that he understands.

At this, the trailer for BDDU Season 3 ends. The fate of Wihan remains known. Bring it on or bust, Wihan. Either way, we will be watching.

Below Deck Down Under is streaming on Peacock.