Deal or No Deal Island Season 2, Episode 5 Recap: Another Blindside Stuns the Contestants

Deal or No Deal Island Season 2
Photo Credit: Monty Brinton/NBC via Getty Images

Season 3 of Deal or No Deal Island has kept fans guessing. There are 10 players left on the Banker’s private island. What will she put the contestants through next? After all, every contestant wants to be the last player standing and compete against the Banker in a showdown for that final case.  

Last time, Dickson took on the Banker and added $5 million to the final case. However, he had promised Dr. Will that he would send home CK if he won. Instead, he went rogue and sent home his friend, Storm Wilson. So, let’s dive into the Season 2, Episode 5 recap of Deal or No Deal Island, “Trust Fall.”

The Family alliance is a big target on Deal or No Deal Island Season 2

Back at camp, Dickson felt pretty good about himself and wasn’t worried about double-crossing Dr. Will. Meanwhile, Maria-Grace (M.G.) was furious because Dickson sent home her romantic interest, Storm. So, while M.G. likes working with her island mom, Parvati, and her island dad, David, she isn’t happy with her island brother.

As for how Dr. Will feels? “Dickson is a weasel. He’s going to go home and be embarrassed,” Dr. Will said in his confessional.

I found it very moving when Phillip confided in Parvati and David that he was bullied as a kid because he had a speech impediment and was overweight. His goal for being on the show was to inspire kids who don’t fit in. He wanted to let them know that they could have a great future. While Phillip isn’t part of the Family alliance, he is important to Parvati.

Meanwhile, Lete and Seychelle were also angry at Dickson for eliminating Storm. Their goal is to take out someone from the Family.

Free falling

Deal or No Deal Island Season 2
Photo Credit: Monty Brinton/NBC

The group met host and Game Master Joe Manganiello, and his signature animal print shirt, in the jungle. For this excursion, each player has to select a partner. And no one wanted to partner with Dr. Will. Shocker! So, Dickson stepped up. Already, Will is planning to throw this challenge.

So, each pair was brought into the jungle separately to get their cases. Lete and La Shell were first. The Banker has a tower of cases that goes up 80 feet high into the jungle canopy. Yikes!

In this excursion, they are competing against each other. “Oh, you did us dirty!” Lete exclaimed as Joe chuckled. This challenge will test their alliances and their honesty.

Each side of the tower has eight cases. In this duel, each player will ride up into the trees while seated on a hammock, facing their fellow player. The case values for their side only will be visible. When the hammocks stop at a case that a guest wants, they will pull their cord to lock in the case. However, while it locks in the cases for both sides, it sends their opponent hurtling to the ground.

The player with the highest case value of the two is safe at The Temple. Of course, the guest will the highest case value in the group will decide who faces the Banker.

Well, Lete tearfully pulled her rope, and La Shell went down. Lete secured $3 million, and La Shell had $1,700,00.

CK and Seychelle were next. Seychelle explained that she is targeting the Family. So, CK agreed to let Seychelle have the highest case if Seychelle promised to keep her safe. Ultimately, Seychelle had $2.5 million, while CK had $2,250,00.

Next was M.G. and David. She decided to let David have immunity because everyone was after the Family. David ended up with $2 million, and M.G. had $1.9 million.

Who had a tantrum on Deal or No Deal Island?

Deal or No Deal Island Season 2
Photo Credit: Monty Brinton/NBC

Then it was Parvati and Phillip’s turn. They both bluffed the amounts of their cases. In the end, Parvati had $1.8 million, and Phillip secured $1.6 million. While they both lied to each other, Phillip doesn’t trust Parvati anymore. Duh!

Finally, Dr. Will and Dickson went up. Dr. Will wants to play the Banker and punish Dickson. So, Dr. Will was waiting for Dickson to reach for the rope, because he wanted to pull it first. Unfortunately, they both pulled it at the same time. A salty Dr. Will walked off. Meanwhile, Dickson opened his case, and it was $825,000, while Joe opened Dr. Will’s case. Its value was $775,000.

There is great news for Lete. She has the $3 million case, so she will decide who plays the Banker.

Can Dr. Will be trusted?

Deal or No Deal Island Season 2
Photo Credit: Monty Brinton/NBC

The group headed back to camp in a rainstorm. While Dr. Will was peeved about the excursion, he was trying to create a diversion because he wanted to play the Banker.

At dinner, the group asked to hear why Dr. Will was upset at the challenge. He said that he wanted the lowest case so he could play the Banker, but he wanted Dickson to fall. He then called Dickson “a weasel.”

When Will talked to Lete about playing the Banker, he said that he wanted to take out CK. So, Seychelle asked if he would target M.G. instead, to strike a blow against the Family. Then Seychelle brought CK into the discussion. Of course, CK is concerned that Dr. Will is lying, and she hopes that he loses at The Temple.

However, Seychelle is hoping for something different. She wants Dr. Will to send M.G. home. “And I want to see the look on David, Parvati, and Dickson’s face. That is like watching Sex and the City for the first time for me,” Seychelle explained.

As for Dr. Will? He hasn’t made up his mind about who he would send home. When Dickson came to see him about being called a weasel, Dr. Will told Dickson, “You’re wildly untrustworthy.” Pot, meet kettle.

Who will face the Banker in The Temple?

Dr. Will Kirby Deal or No Deal Island Season 2
Photo Credit: Monty Brinton/NBC

Dr. Will Kirby faces off against the Banker in Deal or No Deal Island Season 2, Episode 5.

“Tonight, the Banker is going to play the baddest motherf*cker on this island. Me!” Dr. Will said in his confessional. Sigh.

For his case, Dr. Will chose number 12. Then he picked the numbers in sequence, starting with number one. He knocked three high-value cases off the board during the first round. The Banker’s first offer was $72,000, and Dr. Will slammed down the buzzer while Joe was still talking. Everyone was furious, and both Parvati and David called him out.

Then Dr. Will said he wasn’t taking the deal. WHAT?! It seems Dr. Will studied the rules, and until Joe asked if a deal was accepted, it didn’t count. And he is correct! Apparently, Will did this to test the players’ reactions.

In the second round, he knocked the highest case off the board. When the Banker offered $168,000, Dr. Will took the deal. If Dr. Will’s case is lower than the $168,000 offer, then he made a good deal. If not, then he will be going home. Dr. Will’s case contained $1,000, so he made a good deal. What, no applause for the good doctor?

Who was eliminated in Deal or No Deal Island, Season 2, Episode 5?

Maria-Grace Deal or No Deal Island Season 2
Photo Credit: Monty Brinton/NBC

Maria-Grace (M.G.) Cook was the fifth player eliminated in Deal or No Deal Island Season 2.

Dr. Will stated, “CK, you in particular have not been kind to me at all. You were meaner to me than you had to be, and as a result, the person going home tonight is M.G.” Then Will walked off, leaving almost everyone stunned. Then he returned, explaining that he made a deal behind the scenes and needed to fulfill that obligation. Finally, he apologized to M.G.

In her final confessional, M.G. said, “Will is just garbage as a person. Like, it is not just a character or an act. He truly is not a good person. There’s still nine other contestants in the game, and I think all of them deserve it, except Will,” she added. “Whoever does take the money home, I hope it transforms their life like I wanted to do with mine.”

Now the final case stands at $5,699,001. While Dr. Will wants to break up the Family, David is coming for Will.

Deal or No Deal Island continues on Tuesdays at 9/8c on NBC and streams the next day on Peacock.