Welcome to the recap for Below Deck Down Under Season 3, Episode 2. It’s already clear after last week’s episode that this charter season is going to be just as challenging as those that came before it, no matter how handsome Captain Jason might look in his uniform. So, let’s delve in shall we? Here’s everything that went down in BDDU Season 3, Episode 2: “Too Many Cooks.”
What happened in Below Deck Down Under Season 3, Episode 2?

The feuding between Tzarina and Anthony looked to reach a boiling point in Below Deck Down Under Season 3, Episode 2. Meanwhile, the deck crew struggled to find their groove during their first docking, while the stew team almost butted heads, but avoided any major complications. As the first charter came to an end, the crew got together for their first night out, but with that comes the usual drama…
Will an “extremely overwhelmed” chef Tzarina “utilize” sous-chef Anthony?

We start where we finished with the BDDU Season 3 premiere. Chef Tzarina is “extremely overwhelmed” after a messy breakfast, and her sous-chef Anthony wants to be “utilized” properly. So, Tzarina’s going to let him tackle the food on the guest’s beach day. Meanwhile, chief stew Lara is crying in her cabin, after a messy start to the charter season.
Frustratingly, there’s more tension with Tzarina and Anthony. He wants to make some sandwiches for crew food, but Tzarina says Captain Jason has requested something else entirely. He says that’s fine, but then makes a barbed comment about the beach BBQ. “You’re not gonna prep up at all for the barbecue? Because that is your position, innit,” he says to his superior. Tzarina tells him that she is indeed going to be doing “everything,” she just won’t be going to the beach with the guests.
“I asked if you would like to go to the beach. I’m not gonna not cook. I was gonna completely prepare you, send you on your way. I wanted you to have some fun on the beach as well. I’m not making you do my job, don’t worry,” she assures him. Meanwhile, Anthony continues to throw shade in his confessional. Tzarina is right when she refers to him stropping like “a three-year-old boy.”
Tzarina comforts an emotional Lara, who reflects on her childhood

Over in crew cabins, Lara’s a mess. Tzarina finds her in tears, so does her best to comfort her. And in confessional, Lara confesses she’s always hard on herself, which she thinks comes from her father.
“My parents divorced when I was three. My dad remarried and she already had three children. There was a family there for him to take care of. It became that they were his kids, and we were kind of his kids. Being his actual daughter and not having that special kind of treatment? It’s hard, because you don’t think that you deserve that time, and someone else is more deserving of it. So yeah, I think I just push myself to the limit to be the best and get that approval from him.”
“My personal standards are dropping,” Lara tells Tzarina, “and that’s what’s killing me. I’ve worked so hard to get to where I am.” I’m glad that despite their work tensions at time, these ladies have one another’s backs on a personal level. Long may it continue.
Up on deck, the deckhands are preparing for the beach day. Wihan is impressed with Harry “taking initiative,” and I think I can smell a lead deckhand promotion for our cheeky Aussie chap before the season’s over. That will really send Johnny overboard, who’s determined to prove himself. Perhaps that could be the reason for his violent outburst during the trailer for the season…
Tzarina raises her concerns about Anthony with Captain Jason

While the guests enjoy their beach barbecue, Tzarina speaks to Captain Jason. “I’m seeing this as our trial period, and it’s just trying to find my rhythm around the galley. He’s great, he’s fantastic. The only thing – I’m obviously so blunt that sometimes when I say things, I think he thinks it’s confrontation.”
Speaking in confessional, Jason admits he thinks Tzarina “builds her own hurdles.” He knows that “she can manage [her department] the way she wants, but I want our service to not have one hitch. I want it to be absolutely five-star; I want no excuses.”
The guests return to the yacht, as their submarine pulls up alongside. They’re going to get a view of the local marine life, and Marina is going to accompany them. “I want to be Lara’s right hand,” she says in confessional. She’s ready to put in the hard work in her journey to eventually becoming a chief stew. Sadly, cameras catch her snoozing on the submarine, and so when a guest asks her a question and she responds with, “Huh?” it’s very awkward. Still, she accepts the guests’ request that dinner be served at 8, no matter what. Gulp.
Over in the bridge, Wihan gives Jason a positive update on his team. They’re doing a great job. The only thing that needs some change is their roster, which means one member of the deck team getting up an hour or two earlier than they currently are. Just a small change.
Back in the galley, Tzarina’s running down the surf and turf menu for the evening with Anthony. He questions the choice of lobster, but the pair keep their conversation light. A little bit of banter, but nothing team-destroying just yet.
Brianna and Harry could be “best friends”

“I like Harry. He’s a positive energy, I think he’s so sweet,” Brianna says in confessional. “I look at girls like that and think, ‘Not even worth trying,’” Harry says in his own. This is undoubtedly a foreshadowing of things to come, as Brianna adds they will be “best friends.”
In the galley, Marina passes on the message from the guests to Tzarina. “Fair enough,” she says. That went over better than I expected!
With a cowboys and cowgirls theme, the yacht is being decorated. “It’s gonna be a bit more casual and much easier than 12 flights of stairs,” Lara says. Hopefully this all goes well, because the crew could do with a successful night. I feel like they’ve been working for weeks already; it’s easy to forget we’re still on charter one.
Anthony is bitching again in confessional. “I don’t want them to think I’ve cooked [the food]. Just because the theme’s basic doesn’t mean the food has to be basic.” He then goes into how differently he would’ve done the night. “The possibilities are endless.” When you’re hired as a head chef, Anthony, you can put all of that into practice.
Lara thinks service should wait regardless of what one of the guests asked for. “Sorry, but I know better than the guests,” the chief stew claims.
With the guests late to arrive, Marina admits that Lara was right. “I can do better,” she says. This isn’t something she should beat herself up too much about. She was just doing what the customers were asking.
Thankfully, the food is a success, and the crew entertainment goes down a storm.
Anthony tells Harry about “dirty” Tzarina before the final day of charter

As the crew get into bed, Harry asks Anthony about how he’s getting on. “If she worked a bit cleaner it would be nice … it’s just like a mess everything … dirty. Just not how I work,” he tells Harry.
“I’m sure if you say [something] she’ll say, ‘Yeah I’ll try,’” Harry suggests. “It’s all about how you word it.” It’s sound advice, but will Anthony take it? He seems too much of a hot head to approach this one calmly.
It’s the final day of the charter, and the deck crew are preparing to dock, as the stews work on cabins. Lara asks for Adair’s help on final turn ups, but Adair is confused. “They’re leaving in two hours,” she reveals in confessional. So why not just wait to strip it down completely?
“It’s not how it works in yachting darling,” Lara tells her. “They have to be made perfect this morning.” That was … condescending.
“Adair isn’t used to working on a superyacht at all, so I give her a bit of leeway. This isn’t the Motel Six.” Welp.
With Captain Jason preparing for the docking, he’s gonna need “good communication,” as the wind is proving to be a problem. The inflatable fenders are out, and Wihan is working out the best angle. He’s doing a good job with providing feedback, but Jason thinks it’s “too much talk on that radio.”
“Stop talking over each other,” Jason warns them. The yacht is perilously close to the dock. So much so, a fender is ripped off entirely. “Chill out,” Captain says. Finally, the yacht makes it. “This is not how I wanted the first docking to go,” Jason says in confessional. He’s “embarrassed by that.”
Time to say goodbye

The guests leave as the Heavens open. It’s pouring down! Mark, the primary, leaves some incredible feedback, which actually annoys Anthony. This kid…
After a cleanup, Captain Jason calls the deck crew to the bridge. “We have to find our feet … I will say the communication on the radio was intense to listen to. It was a lot.” Wihan agrees and takes the feedback on board. “I’ll stop talking so much.” He’s now got the nickname “Audiobooks.” And Johnny’s got a man crush on Jason. “I think he’s an expert … so big respect, top G. Nice.”
Later in the corridor, Brianna jumps into Wihan’s arms to celebrate the charter’s success. While she wants to be “best friends” with Harry, does she want something more with the bosun? And how will Marina feel about that after confessing her attraction last episode?
As the tip meeting comes around, Jason congratulates the crew. $20,000 USD was left, leading to a $1,540 tip for each team member. And then, the “encouragement award” comes out, otherwise known as the disco helmet. It looks as though Johnny’s taking it for almost being lost on the jet ski, which means he has to wear it on the night out. But Jason swerves, and gives it to Wihan who is responsible as leader.
The crew get ready for their first night out, and both Harry and Wihan are enjoying the view Brianna’s providing. And so, the season’s first messy love triangle begins, as Tzarina and Anthony’s feuding boils over into the crew’s first meal together…
Below Deck Down Under continues Mondays at 8/7c on Bravo.