I must admit that I questioned whether it would be possible for The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City to top Season 4. Heather Gay delivered that epic monologue and outed Monica Garcia as being involved in the social media site, Reality Von Tease. It was reality TV perfection.
However, Season 5 reached the same high standard. Somehow, all the housewives had a hand in stirring the pot. Every event was a spectacle, serving up drama, and arguments, along with a dash of humor.
The drama shifted into high gear from the jump at Lisa Barlow’s Besos Galentine’s party, which turned into a pile-on against Whitney Rose. Plus, we met a new housewife, Lisa’s fashion-focused friend Bronwyn Newport. Bronwyn fit in perfectly with the rest of the Salt Lake City cast.
Of course, the Reality Tea team embraces all of our heroes, villains, and all the flavors in between. So, let’s take a look at the Real Housewives of Salt Lake City Season 5 winners and losers.
Lisa Barlow – Winner

What can we say about Baby Gorgeous? At her Besos party, Lisa was offended that Whitney called Lisa “a villain” during a podcast interview. And all hell broke loose.
Unfortunately for Bronwyn, she butted heads repeatedly with Lisa. Bronwyn was offended when she was put in a separate villa from Lisa during the trip to Puerto Villarta. And Lisa was furious that Bronwyn purchased her a ticket in coach with the other couples after the Palm Springs trip. Lisa does not fly coach.
During the reunion, Lisa blindsided Bronwyn and shared that she had text messages from her friend who worked with Bronwyn’s jeweler. While Bronwyn originally claimed that her husband, Todd Bradley, bought her a diamond necklace worth $4 million, she stated at the reunion that she purchased hoop earrings and a smaller necklace instead. According to Lisa’s source, Bronwyn never bought anything.
During the Season 5 finale, Lisa had a blow-out fight with Angie Katsanevas. When Whitney shared a rumor that she heard about Lisa and her husband, John Barlow, having a threesome, Lisa was furious. When Angie didn’t defend her, Lisa mentioned that she heard that Angie’s husband, Shawn Trujillo, participated in “circle jerks.” While Lisa would never admit it, her friendship with Angie was already rocky because of Angie’s friendship with Whitney. I think that Lisa has entered her villain era, and I love it!
Whitney Rose – Loser

I love Whitney, but this season she seemed off her game. She mostly sparred with Lisa about rumors that Baby Gorgeous allegedly spread about PRISM, Whitney’s jewelry line. There were whispers that Whitney was obtaining her jewelry designs from Alibaba. According to Whitney, she had a source – a podcaster who allegedly confirmed that Lisa was leaking the details.
Of course, Whitney felt that Lisa did this to hurt her brand and reputation. So, when Whitney accused Lisa of giving the rumor to a gossip blogger, Lisa called Whitney “a liar.” This argument caused Lisa’s hubby John, and Whitney’s husband, Justin Rose, to become involved in the altercation. It was ugly.
Plus, Lisa left a necklace that Whitney gifted her in her hotel room in Milwaukee, further proving to Whitney what Lisa thought of her brand. However, when Whitney revealed that she asked Monica for information, the rest of the cast lost their minds. While Whitney admitted that she only turned to Monica because she was forced into a corner by Lisa and Meredith Marks, it was still a low point for Whitney.
Mary Cosby – Winner

Mary Cosby finally exited the Sprinter van and took part in the season! Mary zip-lined, ate at restaurants with the group, and even hosted a Breakfast at Tiffany’s party at her home. We may never forget Meredith’s Audrey Hepburn-esque bangs. During the reunion, Mary quipped that Meredith’s bangs were “a little bit of a type of suffering.”
However, what moved viewers was Mary’s honest on-camera conversation with her son, Robert Cosby, Jr. He admitted that he was using drugs and that he needed help. Mary was strong yet emotional as she spoke with him. She told him that she didn’t judge him and that he was the most important part of her life. It was such a raw, yet beautifully moving moment. Afterward, Mary brought Robert Jr. to rehab.
Finally, a vulnerable Mary confided in her friend, Angie, and explained how she felt that she failed her son. Their conversation, and how Angie supported Mary, also resonated with RHOSLC viewers.
Meredith Marks – Loser

Meredith had quite a season. She celebrated her bat mitzvah, which was beautiful. Unfortunately, Angie argued with friend of the cast Britani Bateman, and slammed her “high body count hair.” So, Meredith had security escort Angie out of the celebration.
During the season, Meredith had a meltdown when she realized that Britani was recording the ladies arguing in a Sprinter van in Mexico. Of course, Britani tried to deny that she was taping anyone. Instead, she claimed that she was trying to make a video. But that didn’t stop all the ladies from screaming.
However, after Britani claimed that she heard Meredith crying and vomiting during the night in Mexico, Meredith was suspicious. She asked Heather to help her check her room for bugs. I highly doubt that Britani would plant a bug in Meredith’s room. But here we are.
Meredith also had a falling out with Mary, who had been a dear friend. I’m not sure exactly where this friendship went left, but Meredith and her bangs were booted from Mary’s house.
I almost listed Meredith in the winning category until her behavior during the RHOSLC reunion. Meredith demanded that Andy Cohen have the control room playback tape from last season when Monica told Angie that Meredith started the rumor about Angie’s husband, Shawn, having sex with men. “Unless I hear that, and I’m being told it will play at the reunion, I am FINISHED,” Meredith told Andy. This tantrum was over the top and landed Meredith in the losing column.
Angie Katsanevas – Winner

Angie was activated this season. She stayed friendly with Whitney, which aggravated Lisa. In the end, Angie was tired of Lisa acting like the leader of the friend group, having to always be in control.
However, the tension between Angie and Lisa went into overdrive during the Season 5 finale. During the final night in Puerto Villarta, Whitney shared the rumor that she heard about Lisa and John having a threesome. An enraged Lisa denied it and went after Angie for not defending her.
So, Lisa brought back to life the rumor about Angie’s husband allegedly having male boyfriends, claiming that she heard that he participated in “circle jerks.” Angie jumped up and started throwing flowers at Lisa until security stopped her. It doesn’t seem likely that these former friends will rekindle their friendship.
Besides all the feuding, Angie also showed her moving and authentic friendship with Mary. They understand each other and connect in a refreshing and caring way. Season 5 was a winner for Angie, and she scored the seat next to Andy. What a step up from being a “bench-warming b*tch” last season.
Bronwyn Newport – Winner

Bronwyn was an exciting addition to the season. She shared her experience of becoming pregnant at 18 years old while a student at Brigham Young University. The baby’s father’s family reportedly wanted Bronwyn to give up her baby for adoption. She refused, and raised her daughter, Gwen, as a single mother. Sadly, Gwen’s birth father passed away. However, this tale has a bizarre connection to Lisa.
Apparently, Bronwyn showed Lisa a photo of Gwen’s father off-camera, and Lisa is friends with his parents. Bronwyn never revealed their names and was upset that Lisa gave out too many details about them on camera. Gwen has never met her grandparents, and they allegedly showed no interest in meeting her until Bronwyn and Lisa’s conversation.
Plus, Lisa and Bronwyn also sparred over Lisa Face-Timing with Heather during Bronwyn and Todd’s Palm Springs anniversary trip. After all, Bronwyn didn’t invite Heather and took it as an insult that Lisa reached out to her. The newbie also sparred with nearly every cast member. She has a blunt and brash style, which sometimes upset her husband, Todd.
Plus, Bronwyn’s passion for fashion gave Mary a run for her money. I also applaud Bronwyn’s habit of showing up at the airport to pick up Todd in costumes, like a hot dog, or a shark. Say what you will about Bronwyn, but this fan favorite deserves a second season as a snowflake-holder.
Heather Gay – Loser

Heather had a season-long feud with Bronwyn. Simply put, Heather didn’t trust her. Once she saw Bronwyn making fun of Whitney behind her back, but being nice to her face, Heather felt that Bronwyn was a hypocrite.
When it was time for Bronwyn and Todd’s couples’ trip, Bronwyn invited Heather over for a visit. As soon as Heather realized that she was there to grovel for a place on the trip, the visit went left. Heather refused to apologize and swiftly departed. Plus, Heather’s growing friendship with Lisa also caused her to question Bronwyn’s intentions.
During the final dinner in Puerto Vallarta, Heather suggested that each person find the worst text that they had written about someone at the table. Then they would have the person read it out loud, and “burn” it. While it seemed to work for some of the cast, Lisa and Meredith stormed out. Thanks for another fun game, Heather!
I feel like Heather wasn’t as present this season. During the Season 4 finale, she had that huge moment when she outed Monica. She seemed to hang back more this season and comment on the drama. I’m looking forward to Heather being more involved next season.
Real Housewives of Salt Lake City is available to stream on Peacock.