Welcome to the recap for Summer House Season 9, Episode 1! Is everyone ready to send it once again? The cast has a lot to live up to after their epic last season. Carl and Lindsay’s breakup was so intense it almost rivaled Scandoval in terms of press. Newbie West won the hearts of viewers and Ciara, only for his reputation to go left because he couldn’t commit. How will everyone get along in the house this year? And how will Lindsay fare as a mom-to-be? Let’s crack open a Loverboy and find out! Here’s exactly what went down in Summer House Season 9, Episode 1: “Uncharted Territory.”
What happened in Summer House Season 9, Episode 1?

The gang was all there, plus a few new faces. And Jesse wasted no time getting close to newbie Lexi, much to West’s dismay. Their plans for a single summer together seemed to be on thin ice. West was also on thin ice with Ciara, who made it clear she thought he was a loser. Oh, how times have changed. Meanwhile, for the ninth summer in a row, Kyle promised to grow up. I’d wager against that bet. But Lindsay was the one who was actually growing up when she announced to the crew that she was preggers. We ended on a dramatic cliffhanger with Carl about to see Lindsay for the first time since the reunion. We’re going to need A LOT of popcorn for this season!
Ciara was so ready to banish West

We kicked off with a clip of last year’s reunion where Andy asked if the cast will be able to be light and fun next year. They looked doubtful at best. Fast forward to several months later, and it was time to leave the city for the Hamptons. Ciara picked up Paige, who threw her suitcase in the trunk like a boss. She proclaimed, “I’m an independent woman.” Foreshadowing, perhaps?
Ciara then gave some tea about her time on The Traitors, but it wasn’t enough. Still, the experience of the roundtable rubbed off on her when she claimed she was going out West for being a loser. Time to banish him from the castle!
West and Jesse were the first to arrive, and West wanted Jesse to share a room with him. Jesse wasn’t down at first but realized West was terrified of Ciara and needed a shield. Next to arrive were newbies, Lexi and Bailee. Jesse was immediately all over Lexi and she reciprocated the attention.
Things were fun until she revealed her last name was “Wood.” Jesse asked if her middle name was “gives me.” Ugh, cringe. But Lexi took it in stride; she liked a man with a giant set of chompers, and Jesse delivered.
Finally, Amanda and Kyle and Paige and Ciara arrived. It was hugs all around until West tried to get one from Ciara, who gave him a slap on the chest instead. Interestingly, Jesse flipped his attention to Ciara and noted how hot she was. Was a Ciara and Jesse situationship going to happen this summer?
Jesse had his eyes on both Lexi and Ciara

The girls caught up as Ciara filled the newbies in on her grievances with West. Paige had a simple solution: “So we might accidentally drown him.” Bailee was down. Ciara continued that she was upset at the New York Times article on West, where he talked about ending their relationship, but didn’t convey any of that info to her. Why did NYT even interview him in the first place? Bro has had one season so far.
Gabby and Lindsay showed up next, with Lindsay’s baby bump hidden under her best Ina Garten-style Hamptons shirt. In order to quell any stress, Carl was going to arrive the next day. It was the calm before the storm for Lindsay.
As everyone ran to pick rooms, Jesse carried Ciara’s luggage upstairs. Again, he was hardcore flirting with her. Was there a love triangle with Jesse, Lexi, and Ciara in the near future?
For now, Jesse jumped in the bed with Paige and Ciara as buddies. They asked how he felt about the new girls, and he immediately called out Lexi for being ditzy. Paige said, “I think she’s just Canadian.” Dead. But he changed his mind when they informed him Lexi said he was cute. Jesse then wondered if Ciara would be able to have a good summer with West. Her annoyance level meter was at a 10, but there was always hope.
Lexi is single and ready to mingle

After Jesse left, Paige and Ciara had a goss sesh about Lindsay and Carl. Paige made a bold prediction that the two would go back to being friends. However, Ciara thought she was nuts. Jesse then met West downstairs to unpack. But all he could think about was whether Lexi was single or not.
He didn’t have to wait long to find out. After Lexi and Bailee helped Amanda set up for dinner, Jesse pulled them aside and made them some drinks. He casually asked the question and, much to his delight, found out Lexi was indeed single. He confirmed he was single as well. All systems were go!
Gabby then gathered the troops in the living room. Everyone was confused as to why they had to meet there. According to Paige, that’s the room they only went to when they wanted to eat McDonald’s. But it was a new year, so it was time for something different.
Lindsay got up and faced the group. Ding, ding, ding! She had an announcement. Not known for her brevity, she started with “four score and eight years ago …” Kyle joked, “Eight years ago? Oh, we are going way back. Buckle up, people!” The minutes slowly ticked by as she recounted all her dating adventures. Finally, she revealed the universe had a plan for her. Lindsay was having a baby!
It was going to be a “hot pregnant summer” for Lindsay

Lindsay whipped out a giant presentation board of her ultrasound pic. It wasn’t a PowerPoint, but it would do. The group was ecstatic, and Amanda even got a little teary-eyed. But Jesse was the only one with a frown. He wondered how Carl was going to take the news.
Now her plans for a hot girl summer were shelved. Lindsay was ready for her “hot pregnant summer” instead. With the news out, it was time for her to post on social media, along with her brand deal, of course. She wasn’t a PR maven for nothing. Lindsay also relayed she shared the news with the group to her mysterious boyfriend, Turner. He was very private, and Lindsay was happy she bagged herself a “normie.”
To celebrate, the hibachi chefs lit up some onion volcanos for dinner. But soon everyone started to wonder about the timeline. Ciara asked how it happened so fast after being engaged to Carl. And the math wasn’t mathing for West and Kyle. Regardless of what people thought, baby Hubb cub would be arriving in just a few short months.
Lexi and Jesse seemed to be on their own private date at the table, which cracked up West and Kyle. Things got awkward, though, when Jesse flat out asked Lexi if she thought she was ditzy. What a gentleman. She was rightfully taken aback, and then it got worse. He asked her if she graduated high school or took the ACT. Was this a job interview? Lexi again laughed it off, ignoring the red flags right in front of her.
Kyle is ready to do some adulting

DJ Kyle got his equipment up and running. The crew had to pre-game before hitting up some dive bars. And Kyle had a different strategy on how to behave this time around. He said, “I wanna give my wife what she needs to be happy. I’m 41, soon to be 42; I need to stop using summer in the Hamptons as my big release.” Will Kyle actually live up to his promise this year? We shall see.
Lexi filled in Bailee on what Jesse had said at dinner. Bailee said about Lexi, “Just cause I’m sexy and I can ‘hee-hee’ doesn’t mean I’m stupid.” Amen! Meanwhile, Paige said she felt like it was the end of an era with Lindsay pregnant. It also reinforced she wasn’t ready yet. She said, “Craig is ready to get married and have a baby, and I’m still not.” Breakup mystery solved, folks.
The next morning everyone chilled by the pool. Kyle was proud he came in at two in the morning, and Jesse and West thought that was a good strategy to keep Amanda happy. Jesse couldn’t stop gushing about Lexi, which prompted Kyle to joke he was going to tell her he loved her. A lightbulb lit up over Jesse’s head, and West wanted to turn it right off.
Finally, the big moment arrived. Carl showed up to the house. However, he needed a quick pep talk from the producer before stepping inside. After taking a deep breath, he headed out towards the pool. How will it all go down? We’ll have to find out next week.
Summer House continues Wednesdays at 9/8c on Bravo.