Below Deck Down Under Season 3, Episode 4 was one for the books. With sous-chef Anthony told to pack up his knives and leave, Tzarina was left as a party of one in the galley. Meanwhile, the rest of the crew had to continue to learn how to gel with each other if they were going to make the rest of this charter season a success. All of that and more in this week’s recap for BDDU Season 3, Episode 4: “Kiss and Don’t Tell.”
What happened in Below Deck Down Under Season 3, Episode 4?

In Below Deck Down Under Season 3, Episode 4, the crew were down a sous-chef, but Harry made his return to the job with semi-good news. Tzarina and Wihan share a kiss, but Marina also makes her move on the bosun. Harry and Bri go on their first official date, and we might actually have a boatmance worth rooting for this season.
Anthony’s fired before Harry makes his return

Thankfully, last week’s cliffhanger wasn’t a red herring. Arrogant Anthony really is being thrown off the yacht. Captain Jason’s had enough of the attitude. Now, Tzarina has to “kick into gear” and get everything done. It’s going to be a tricky task, but we’ve seen her rise to the occasion in the past. Hopefully, another sous-chef can be found to help her out; and fingers crossed they’ll be one willing to work with Tzarina, rather than against her.
Brianna visits Tzarina in the galley, and she’s worried about Harry. He’s been sent for some check ups on his thumb after it was crushed in bloody scenes last week. “I was really looking forward to getting to know him. I just don’t know if that’s even gonna be possible,” Bri says, before offering her help to Tzarina. I like Bri; she’s one of the nicest stews we’ve had on the Below Deck franchise. I really hope she doesn’t change my mind on that one!
Meanwhile, the primary charter guest is in a Zoom call with a bunch of clients. He’s preaching about how men should act, and our shady BDDU editors then cut to some of the female guests calling him “judgy,” but acknowledging that he’s the reason they’re enjoying this trip. Captain Jason then takes some of their guests for their diving excursion, with stewardess Marina.
Lara’s pissed at Wihan for giving Marina permission to go diving. That’s a decision she should be making as chief stew; he should stick to his role as bosun. Luckily, there’s a distraction – Harry’s returned with good news! His thumb isn’t fractured. Our favorite cheeky Aussie just needs to take it easy and not use his hand at all for a few days. It’s gonna be tough.
Brianna is “confused” about her kiss with Harry

Bri is second-guessing everything that happened with Harry. He hasn’t brought up the kiss in casual conversation, so now she’s wondering if he meant to do it at all. Speaking to Lara, she admits she doesn’t know what to think.
“He’s obsessed with you,” Lara assures Bri. She looks shocked; bless her heart! She still wants Harry to take the lead here. He went in for the kiss, so I understand why. But, if this is really something she wants to make happen, she can also throw out a line and see if he bites.
Over in the galley, Tzarina is prepping a menu for casino night. Captain Jason is eating with the guests, and Tzarina has a lot of “anxiety going on right now.” She’s starting to question if she “totally f*cked up” by losing Anthony mid-charter. Truthfully, that would have happened at one point or another. Better to cut the dead weight when the opportunity presented itself.
Harry checks in with Jason, who’s putting the feelers out for a new deckhand, just in case he has to make a replacement. He promises he’s going to do his best, injured hand be damned. I just hope he doesn’t push himself too far; that would be extremely detrimental.
As dinner starts, with Jason also at the table, the guests are already complaining about the heat. They’re decked to the nines in smart attire, but it’s causing them sweaty anguish. And the food? Well…
Tzarina’s food causes a little concern

Tzarina kicks things off with a French onion soup, with truffle and parmesan toastie included. “Pretty heavy,” one of the guests note. Not exactly what they want to be eating in such hot circumstances. I personally think it looks delicious.
As she preps the main, Wihan gets shirtless alongside the rest of the deck crew for a sexy service, and Tzarina’s all a fluster. “You’ve outdone yourself,” Wihan tells her. “I don’t think so honey, but that’s very sweet of you to say so we should probably just get married soon,” she replies. That’s the banter we love from Tzarina!
“We’re in an alpha-less, testosterone-less society of weak men,” one of the guests say as their main course arrives. If my eyes could roll any further into the back of my skull…
The filet mignon comes with dauphinoise potatoes, carrot puree and parmesan crisp. “I love that,” says one of the guests, and Jason is almost impressed. He thinks it’s a seven out of 10.
Finishing up, he visits Tzarina in the galley and gives some constructive feedback. “I hate that Jason’s right,” Tzarina admits in confessional. “It’s not my best meal. After having Anthony constantly question my food … this is not how I wanted tonight to go at all.” She’ll get there – it’s been a long day.
Harry though? He’s ready to talk. He asks Bri if she had a good night when they kissed, and then asks her out on a cute picnic date during turnover day. He seals the deal with ANOTHER kiss, and the pair can’t stop smiling. So here for it!
“I thought he was ghosting me!” Bri says in confessional. Never that, Bri. He’s just been working himself up to talk!
Wihan wants a double date

After thinking he had chemistry with Bri, but Harry beating him to the punch, Wihan is on the prowl. When Harry tells him about his planned date, Wihan wants to make it a double. The only problem? He’s not sure who he wants to invite…
“I’m still looking for love. Tzarina is an awesome girl … I do like that Marina is very forward … Adair strikes me to be a little bit spunky … Lara is a real-life Barbie, so – lots and lots of trouble!” Stop trying to force it, Wihan! This is only going to work if it’s a natural connection.
The next day of charter arrives, and Tzarina is already describing herself as a “grumpy c***.” Thankfully, breakfast service goes off without a hitch, including some great protein boards for the fitness-focused guests. The primary is preaching about how women should love men, and I’m joining Lara in celebrating it being drop-off day.
Captain Jason gives Tzarina some advice on building a brunch, but she doesn’t see what he’s saying as support. He then catches her bitching about him to Lara, which leads to a bit of a heated confrontation, and tears from our head chef. I want to leap through the screen and give her a big hug – this is all just crossed wires.
Jason should cut Tzarina a tiny bit of slack here; she’s putting a lot of pressure on herself now she’s alone again. All she wants is for everybody to be happy. And Jason’s delivery probably could have been a bit better. I’m sure Tzarina will be apologizing to the good captain before the day’s out. Here’s hoping they’re back on the same page ASAP.
Zero toxic traits

“There’s not one toxic trait on this crew. You guys are all incredible. You’re gonna inspire the world,” our primary says upon his departure. And as he gets to his taxi, he adds, “one of the best exit speeches on Earth just happened.” Hilariously, editors cut most of it out. Maybe next time, Matty boy.
In the tip meeting, Jason tells Tzarina she’ll likely be solo in the galley for at least the next charter. In front of the entire crew, she apologizes to her captain. It’s for reasons like this that she remains one of my favorite Below Deck cast members in the entire franchise. Accountability!
The guests left a tip of $22,000, which amounts to $1,830 per crew member, because Anthony’s not going to see a cent of it. He would also be wearing the helmet of shame, so Jason’s not handing it out this time around.
As the crew get ready for the night out, Wihan catches Tzarina in her bra. “That’s nice,” he tells her, pointing to her sparkles. She looks shy, and I’m willing her to STAY AWAY FROM THIS MAN. Not that I can blame her; he does seem incredibly charming. Marina’s also feeling him, and hoping to get to know the bosun a little better.
At dinner, the flirting continues. Tzarina reveals she’s “only ever been cheated on by South Africans,” so Wihan reminds her that he’s half-Dutch. Johnny shows some family photos to Marina and opens up about his relationship with his parents (loves his mum; seems to hold some bad feelings towards his dad, and for good reason), while Harry continues to bond with Bri.
Tzarina’s liquid courage sees her leap into Wihan’s arms

Back at the yacht, it’s time to hop into the hot tub. But Tzarina’s already hopped somewhere else; into a budgie smuggler-wearing Wihan’s arms! Up top, Tzarina introduces a game of Truth or Dare. Lara’s already feeling awkward, and it might be about to get even more intense as Wihan is dared to kiss Tzarina. They play a round of tonsil tennis, while Marina remains blissfully unaware in her cabin.
Johnny takes a dare, and is challenged to do a “sexy strip dance on Tzarina.” Cut to his crotch being rubbed in her face. Lara’s not impressed, but this is all on her. She’s the one who came up with the dare!
As Bri wishes Harry goodnight, the pair enjoy their third kiss, much to the joy of the rest of the crew. Now, it’s time for bed. A very “eye-opening” evening indeed.
“The lips are perfect. I want them all over my body right now,” Tzarina tells Lara and Bri. Wihan also enjoyed the pash. Let’s see how this goes…
The next morning, Harry asks Jason’s permission to go out on a date with Bri. “You’ve got my blessing. May the force be with you, my friend.” Jason even helps Harry out with his outfit later on. “Put some linen on him, nice shoes. That’s what dads are for, you know?”
In the galley, Tzarina immediately addresses her kiss with Wihan. “I have a little bit of a crush,” she admits. “I haven’t had a meaningful relationship in years.” This is definitely one to keep an eye on.
When Marina finds out the pair kissed, she calls them an “unexpected match.” Something tells me she’ll still pursue the man she wants.
Marina asks Wihan on a date

“How was it?” Marina asks Wihan. “She’s a good kisser,” he says. Meanwhile, Tzarina’s getting a massage from Johnny, who calls her a “sexy beast.” All of these relationships dynamics are throwing me for a loop! And now, Marina’s set a date out with Wihan! Is this still Below Deck Down Under, or have we moved onto Love Island?
Bri and Harry’s ice cream date is ADORABLE. Even when he tries to feed Bri from his spoon, before wiping the ice cream on her nose. Just perfect.
“Harry’s energy is just so nice and caring. I’ve never seen anything like it in my life. I really haven’t felt giddy since my ex. He just makes me feel so special,” Bri says in confessional. Back at the yacht, the pair tell their friends about how much they enjoyed their date. I’m SO into this working out!
Marina and Wihan get ready for their own date, and it seems Tzarina isn’t privy to what’s going on. It might be pouring down with rain, but the two seem to enjoy themselves. “I’m so glad you asked me to come,” Wihan tells Marina. Then, she opens up about how she liked him calling the shots in regards to her going out diving. Marina’s made Wihan a necklace, and the two then share a kiss.
Back in the crew mess, Harry breaks the news about Wihan and Marina’s date to Tzarina. The anxiety kicks in, and Tzarina admits, “My brain is cooked, I can’t do this tonight.”
“Backstabbing b*tch,” she comments, before going into her cabin. That went well…
Below Deck Down Under continues Mondays at 8/7c on Bravo.