Southern Hospitality Season 3, Episode 10 Recap: The Finale Prom Goes Wrong

Southern Hospitality Season 3
Photo Credit: Paul Cheney/Bravo via Getty Images

Welcome to Southern Hospitality Season 3 Episode 10, “Guilty Until Proven Innocent,” the Season 3 finale! Last week, Emmy invited the cast to a law school prom for Will. Joe realized he needed to give Maddi space and focus on his own career. Grace took accountability and she and Maddi made up. Michols had a great conversation with his stepdad, who accepted him and his sexuality. When Austin revealed he didn’t hear about the cheating rumors from his girlfriend’s brother, it busted Will’s story wide open. Brad and TJ decided to find out the truth.

What happened on Southern Hospitality Season 3 Episode 10?

Southern Hospitality title card
Photo Credit: Bravo Media

This week, the Southern Hospitality cast attends the prom. Brad and TJ start to pierce together the cheating rumors details and timeline. Grace causes a scene when she brings Oisin to prom. When the group tries to confront Will and Emmy about the rumors, their response convinces the others of Will’s guilt. Meanwhile, Will throws in a shocking twist at the end that sets up the Southern Hospitality Season 3 reunion.

The Southern Hospitality prom-com

Southern Hospitality Season 3
Photo Credit: Paul Cheney/Bravo

The finale is edited like a horror movie, complete with the countdown to prom night. But the cast has another genre on their mind – rom-coms. Or, as Joe says, prom-com. He combines Say Anything … and Love, Actually in his prom proposal to Maddi. After a talk with his mom, he’s backing off the pressure to move in together. Maddi accepts and says she feels like Peyton from One Tree Hill as she climbs into his rented car.

Meanwhile, Michols prom proposes to Preston with cakes. As Preston chooses the one that says “yes,” Michols smashes it in his face like they’re at a wedding. Later, Preston tells Michols he deleted his apps and wants to be exclusive. He doesn’t want to put pressure on Michols since he hasn’t had a relationship yet. But Michols wants to experience those firsts with Preston.

Brad and TJ start to piece out the Will cheating rumors

Brad and TJ Southern Hospitality
Photo Credit: Paul Cheney/Bravo

Just before prom, Brad and TJ decide they want to uncover the truth behind the cheating rumors. Brad sees Emmy as a little sister and worries she’s lost her identity in this relationship. He finds out that another Republic employee knows one of Will’s law school friends. From there, they learn that Will is seen with another girl so much on campus, people think she’s his girlfriend.

Turns out, it’s a girl they’ve heard of before. Will said she was a study partner who had a crush. But Brad got texts claiming she and Will even lived together briefly. TJ later tells Maddi that Will took this girl to his law school prom, which is the party where they allegedly slept together. Going by the timeline, this was just before Will started going to Republic to talk badly about Emmy. Brad and TJ both think Will felt guilty and did that to get out of his relationship.

TJ firmly believes Will cheated. When a producer asks why he gets involved despite Emmy wanting people to stay out, he can’t give a direct answer. But he essentially says he’d hope someone would do the same for him.

It’s the Southern Hospitality prom!

Southern Hospitality Season 3
Photo Credit: Paul Cheney/Bravo

Emmy went all out for the prom, including a photo set, some lavish hors d’oeuvres, and the most popular feature, a full bar. As the party gets underway, Austin shows up solo. He claims that Will called Allie’s brother that day to rant about him allegedly making up the cheating rumors. Which made Allie feel uncomfortable and not want to go. Michols finds it odd that Will would wait until just before the event to do this.

Grace causes a stir

Grace Lilly and Maddi Reese
Photo Credit: Bryan Steffy/Bravo

After last week, Maddi defends Grace and insists she has accountability. That blows up in her face when Grace shows up with a group of friends including Oisin. Maddi’s housemate Eva, who had a thing with him, is also at prom.

This doesn’t sit well with Molly. When Grace says she looks great, Molly gives a Han Solo “I know.” When they sit down to talk, Grace says Molly needs to work on her character while Molly calls her a psychopath. Molly is friends with Eva and doesn’t want to talk to Grace because of this. But Grace claims Eva gave her the ok to hook up with him. They pull Maddi over, and Eva joins too. Maddi is horrified that Grace is doing this after expressing that she wanted to make it right with Eva just last week.

Grace yells at Eva that Oisin doesn’t even like her. Maddi tells Grace that Oisin doesn’t like any of them. Grace says she knows this and just used Oisin for sex. She also accuses Maddi of “sucking his d*ck.” Maddi denies this, while Joe pretends not to hear. When Grace says they’re not friends, Maddi initially fights back but eventually agrees. She realizes she can’t defend Grace anymore. Grace is hurt herself, saying she was there for Maddi last year more than Maddi’s been there for her.

Meanwhile, as she talks to him on the couch, Lake gets why the girls like Oisin so much. It’s the accent. She says Austin’s looks, Oisin’s accent, and Joe’s hair would make the perfect man.

It’s time to discuss the cheating allegations

Bravo's Southern Hospitality
Photo Credit: Bravo Media

Will admits to texting Allie’s brother. The brother denied starting the rumor. As we know from last week, he wasn’t Austin’s source. Mia suggests Austin and Will talk one-on-one, although with Emmy there too since it does involve her. This is a good idea, but it doesn’t pan out. Instead, the others follow them. This makes Will and Emmy storm off, which they see as a sign of guilt.

Emmy and Will realize which girl they’re talking about, and both brush it off. He claims he let her stay in his place when they were in New York to appear on Watch What Happens Live. Mia doubts this because he’s not the friendly type. But Emmy says she’s not intimidated by this girl at all.

TJ accuses Will of acting like he’s better than everyone. Will theorizes that TJ just needs someone to be mad at, and chose him, and that’s what this is actually about. When TJ gets upset about having Will’s back last year, Will mocks him for crying. TJ says he bets Will did sleep with that girl last year. He tells Emmy that one day Will will f*ck her over. TJ insists he’s not mad at Emmy, he feels bad for her. Brad is more sure than ever that Will cheated. He predicts that Will is never going to marry Emmy.

Emmy is sick of people confronting her at parties “with everyone watching.” Mia says it’s because Emmy refuses to hear anyone out when they try to talk one-on-one. Emmy and Will leave their own prom. As they head out, Emmy claims she knows secrets about the others that could destroy all of them.

Joe and Maddi are Prom King and Queen … but there’s a last-minute twist

Southern Hospitality
Photo Credit: Paul Cheney/Bravo

Brad announces the King and Queen. When he’s about to announce Queen, Grace shouts out her own name. She’s great TV! But Maddi and Joe win and share a dance. However, things may not be as prom-com as they seem. We cut to footage of Will on a hot mic. He says Emmy has screenshots of something that wasn’t supposed to leave the group. He calls it an atom bomb that will activate Maddi and redeem himself and Emmy. He also says it’ll be perfect for the reunion. Looks like Will’s about to cause some serious drama despite not showing up.

Southern Hospitality is available to stream on Peacock.