Survivor Season 48 Episode 5 Recap: Why Did Jeff Probst Cry?

Survivor Season 48 Episode 5
Photo Credit: Robert Voets/CBS

It’s time for the Survivor Season 48 Episode 5 recap! After another stunning blindside in last week’s episode, Survivor 48 is continuing to impress. And with this week’s episode comes another first – host Jeff Probst is crying in front of the cameras. As for why that is? You’ll have to read on to find out! Here’s everything that went down in Survivor 48 Episode 5: “Master Class in Deception.”

What happened in Survivor Season 48 Episode 5?

Survivor Season 48 Episode 5
Photo Credit: Robert Voets/CBS

Survivor 48 Episode 5 saw the fallout from Thomas’ elimination across all three tribes. There was a reward challenge, and an incredibly emotional immunity challenge. In the end, one of the three tribes was sent to tribal council, and another person was sent home. But whose shot at the $1 million came crashing down? And who managed to keep a hold of their position in the game by the skin of their teeth? Here’s all of the best bits from Survivor Season 48 Episode 5.

A reward challenge brings a little tension back between Mary and Sai

Survivor Season 48 Episode 5
Photo Credit: Robert Voets/CBS

It’s night nine, and the Vula tribe are returning to camp after a dramatic tribal council. Shauhin congratulates Kyle on a “good play,” and tries to explain away voting for him. “California Girls didn’t even last one tribal, it’s such a bummer,” Shauhin says in confessional. It’s a shame, but the trio allowed their egos to get ahead of them. Shauhin even rooted through Kyle’s bag! Somehow, he didn’t find the idol tucked away in there.

Joe takes Kyle aside and does a much better job at smoothing things over. He promises their chats were genuine, despite his vote. Kyle’s listening, because he’s doing “damage control.” Having used the idol, and burned Kamilla’s extra vote, they still need more allies than just each other. Especially if they go back to tribal after this episode’s immunity challenge.

As Day 10 dawns, the three tribes head to their next competition, which is for reward. First two tribes to finish will win, with the first heading to the sanctuary for a selection of snacks, and the second tribe receiving a smaller platter of snacks back at camp. Lagi take first place, with Vula in second. That means Civa go back to camp empty-handed, much to Sai’s disapproval. Mary bragging about still having food left over from the reward challenge before this one doesn’t help.

“When you win, you should win with a little more tactfulness,” Sai reminds Mary. “Being mindful is important, and key.” Mary seems to take it on board – but is their rivalry back on? In confessional, Mitch thinks Sai should’ve stayed quiet. I’m actually with Sai on this one. She has a right to speak.

Sai is getting on Chrissy and Mitch’s nerves

Survivor Season 48 Episode 5
Photo Credit: Robert Voets/CBS

Back at camp, Chrissy calls out Sai for sitting out of the challenge. Chrissy points out she has also taken part in every competition, and it feels intense. Mitch is ready to “pop off,” especially after Sai is the first to dig into the fruit when they do return. He and Chrissy sit together on the beach, and plot Sai’s demise.

“I genuinely enjoy Bianca as a person, she’s just good people,” he says, after they were considering cutting Bianca before Thomas’ exit. He then gets Bianca on board with voting Sai out when the opportunity comes around – but is she really into it, or just going to use the “friction” to keep out of the spotlight?

Back at the shelter, Sai brands Chrissy a “psychopath” for “momming her” in a chat with Cedrek. It’s at this moment I wonder if Cedrek regrets keeping Sai around. Though Sai doesn’t fully trust Cedrek after his vote for her, she needs him as a number to make merge. “I can do whatever the hell I wanna do,” Sai says, if her plan comes together. Little does she know, Bianca doesn’t have a vote.

David gets his milky treat as Vula think of a path forward

Survivor Season 48 Episode 5
Photo Credit: Robert Voets/CBS

At the sanctuary, David almost explodes with excitement at the sight of chocolate milk. Charity’s all over the croissants, and Star is trying every single drink on offer. This is exactly how a reward should be enjoyed. But, is there an advantage or clue available? If so, nobody grabs it. Instead, they talk about how upset Sai made them.

“There’s something called a sore loser,” Charity reminds her tribemates. “This is awesome. I love all of y’all for real.” While Charity’s crying tears of joy, Eva’s plotting against her. “She comes off so fake to me,” she says in confessional. “Going into the individual portion of the game, it’s going to be all about these social connections. I realty have to be careful and make sure the people I’m talking to, I can trust.” Eva better be careful – she’s already tried to put a target on Star’s back. Doing too much could see her sent out of the door.

Back at Vula, the tribemates bond over their struggles, heritage, and race. “I don’t wanna vote them out,” Kamilla says in an emotional confessional. If Vula can make it through to merge unscathed, this could be an incredible alliance born out of Thomas’ vote-off. “Us four, we have an easy path … we are now the block,” Shauhin explains. “We can just act as if we hate each other and play the middle,” Kamilla adds. “I think we can run this game.”

Why did Jeff Probst cry on Survivor?


A Survivor unlike any other… new tears jeffprobst emotional

♬ original sound – Survivor – Survivor

It’s time for the next immunity challenge – and for some Survivor history to be made. All three tribes make it to the final puzzle table, with each member of the tribe responsible for one of the four balls on their own puzzle. Vula come through and win immunity for the first time this season.

For Lagi, Eva is last up to land the final ball, while Civa still need two. The challenge proves to be a real trigger for Eva, who gets incredibly emotional. Joe’s sending her positive energy from Vula, and her tears are free-flowing at this point. In the end, she pulls it out, and Civa are being sent to tribal council. Joe’s applauding Eva, but he can see she’s in distress. Jeff signals him to comfort her, and it’s a beautiful moment. Eva’s breathing slows down as Joe gives her the comfort she so desperately needs.

“I would want someone to treat my daughter that way,” Joe says when questioned about their relationship being revealed. Then, Eva opens up about her autism to the entire remaining cast. Doctors told her parents that “at most,” Eva could hope to marry someone else with autism. She has beaten all of the odds and those predictions. “I have these things called episodes, where when I get extremely overstimulated I’ll get ungrounded and lose control of myself,” Eva explains. “When I did finish [the challenge], all of a sudden everything just came over me and I got extremely overwhelmed.”

Now, I’m crying – and so is Jeff, for the first time in 48 seasons. A stunning moment, showing just why Survivor is one of the greatest reality TV competition shows of all time.

Star comes clean about the Beware Advantage, but who gets the idol?

Survivor Season 48 Episode 5
Photo Credit: Robert Voets/CBS

Back at camp, Star gives Eva all the love. It makes me wonder if Eva regrets throwing Star not only under the bus, but driving over her in that very same bus, as soon as they arrived on the swap tribe. To show how much she wants to build trust, Star comes clean about her Beware Advantage. Then, they all go on a decoding journey, which results in Eva cracking the code. Star says she should take the idol, marking it her day. Now I also feel bad for underestimating Star; she might not be a great player, but she is a wonderful person.

At Civa, Bianca’s pitting the two sides against one another. She has no vote, and hopes there will be a 2-2 draw and a revote. Chrissy approaches Cedrek about voting off Sai, but she’s who he trusts the most right now. He tells Mitch and Chrissy he’s on board, but he’s probably one of the most unpredictable members of this cast. Chrissy relays that message to Bianca, who’s not entirely convinced.

Bianca approaches Cedrek, who tells her he’s actually voting for Chrissy. That would result in a 2-2 split, as she originally wanted. “I’m banking on the fact that Cedrek si going to flip and vote for Sai,” she says. “I’ll be really, really proud of myself if I make it through tonight. But it does worry me because I’m gonna have a lot of damage to do when I get home.”

So, before tribal, Bianca comes clean to Cedrek. “I don’t have a vote,” she tells him. He looks stunned. “I can go along with this plan and vote out Sai. Or, I could turn this all around back on Bianca.” But what will Cedrek do? It’s another tribal in his hands…

Who went home on Survivor 48 Episode 5?

Survivor Season 48 Episode 5
Photo Credit: Robert Voets/CBS

Bianca Roses went home on Survivor Season 48 Episode 5, by a vote of 2-1-1.

Chrissy pointed out how this could have been “an easy vote,” with Bianca being a lone member of a previous tribe. She could easily be the target, but as Cedrek says, “Survivor’s way more complex than that.”

As Jeff asks about bonds, Sai reminds everybody that they don’t have to be “forever.” What’s “really important” is a genuine connection. But does she have any of those left?

Before the vote, Chrissy says she thinks “we might have something,” but she’s nervous. And then, the axe fell.

Bianca’s honesty came back to bite her, and she couldn’t stop crying upon her exit. Sai voted for Chrissy, with Mitch on Sai, and both Cedrek and Chrissy on Bianca.

Next week – it’s the merge!

Survivor continues Wednesdays at 8/7c on CBS.