Preview Big Brother: Who Is Leaving? Plus Saboteur Reveal Tonight!

Annie Whittington of Big BrotherRachel Reilly of Big Brother

Tonight’s episode of Big Brother will bring the first elimination of the new season.

On the block are Annie Whittington, a 27-year-old bartender from Tampa, Fl and Rachel Reilly, a 26-year-old chemist/cocktail waitress from Las Vegas.

Judging from last night’s episode, it seems Annie will be the first house guest to leave. The other HGs have revealed they simply deem her a bigger threat than Rachel. Also not shown on TV, Annie has been wrecking major havoc in the house since being on the block, and it seems the other HGs are simply tired of her.

Also tonight, the ‘Saboteur‘ will finally be unveiled! It’s anyone’s guess who it is. The HGs seem to suspect Andrew.

Another twist revealed this week was that two of the HGs are lifelong friends. Britney suspected Brendon and Kristen because she didn’t buy their reactions, while Kristen suspected Matt and Annie because they hadn’t interacted but had more in common than any of the other house guests.

The only thing that’s clear is that this season of Big Brother is one to watch! The new episode airs tonight at 8:00 pm Eastern on CBS.

My Thoughts So Far: Big Brother is indeed my favorite reality show and I must say this season has been great thus far. I wasn’t that impressed with the Saboteur twist, but this lifelong friends twist however has me very intrigued. Now that’s the kinda twist I like!

Saboteur – I really have no clue on who the Saboteur is though I highly doubt it’s Andrew, that would simply be too obvious right? He is too reminiscent of former America’s player Eric. I truly believe (and hope) it is a woman this time around. I suspect Kathy, Annie or Monet. Plus if you notice, the physical stature of the Saboteur seems to be of a smaller stature, similar to that of a woman. But then again, perhaps Big Brother is just screwing with us and has altered the size of the Saboteur. Must say I can’t wait to find out who it actually is tonight.

Lifelong Friends – This is such a great twist, similar to the Twins twist they had in the past. There are a lot of theories as to who these could be. The biggest one is that it is Kathy and Britney, and that they are mother and daughter. Remember during the message to the HGs, the Saboteur said: “And if you think about it, it’s actually quite easy to figure out.” Well Kathy and Britney are both from Arkansas, plus the Saboteur did put Xs on both of their names earlier on, perhaps as a clue to the HGs. Another theory is that if they are not mother and daughter, they are at least related.  Another theory is that Matt & Ragan might be brothers.

Brigade Alliance – The Brigade, yikes! This could possibly be the dumbest alliance in BB history. Enzo nicknaming himself Meow Meow? Priceless. There are so many flaws with this alliance. For starters, they will be discovered by the other HGs any minute now. Two, one thing I’ve learned from watching BB is that joining an alliance too quickly is always a bad idea, plus the number of people in the alliance, four, is one too many for the time being. And finally, there are simply one too many idiots in the alliance aka Enzo, Hayden. I am really hoping someone not it the alliance wins HOH tonight and hopefully puts up two people from the alliance.

Showmance – How hot is Brendon by the way? But in all seriousness, it seems Brendon and Rachel are getting way too caught up in their showmance and it is without a doubt affecting their game play. Rachel saying she would have saved Brendon had she won POV was very adorable, but really, has she forgotten her reason for moving into the BB house? These two being so open with their showmance, so soon, is also a bad idea. People are not going to want to go into an alliance with them because they know Brendon and Rachel will always be loyal to each other and put the other first. With that said, I really do like Brendon and am rooting for him.