Video: Bethenny Frankel Admits She “Settled” With Jason Hoppy; Argues With Patti Stanger About Divorce Etiquette!


Bethenny Frankel is never one to hold back – but in the case of her ex-husband you'd think she would watch her tongue for her daughter's sake. Oh what am I saying – of course not!

With a disastrous talk show attempt tanking her career and nasty divorce behavior tanking her fanbase, Bethenny is making zero effort to tone things down! The latest Bravolebrity to appear on her show was Millionaire Matchmaker star Patti Stanger

Bethenny, who is reportedly pr-stunting dating a new man, claims she is not looking for love "but I would never ever settle again." When Patti asked her if she settled with Jason Hoppy, Bethenny didn't bother to answer tactfully or delicately. "Yes, I do," she replied frankly. "I didn't marry the love of my life." 


Aaaahhh… Bethenny – here is the thing. You didn't settle for Jason you USED him to get your own show and gain leverage. Then when Jason refused to bowdown to your insanity you DUMPED him and now you're blaming him for things YOU did wrong. Furthermore, your daughter is going to hear you saying these vicious things about her father, but I guess you don't care. Which isn't selfish of you at all. 

Moving on, Bethenny then got into it with Patti about appropriate post-breakup behavior. These two professing to know anything about relationships is downright laughable, but Patti actually gave Bethenny good advice when she suggested Bethenny STOP talking about Jason and her divorce. She also suggested she take a page from Kris Jenner's playbook and be amicable in the press about exes. Errrr… OK. 

"I think when you keep it quiet and stay still, its gonna work itself out; you're gonna come out unscathed," Patti counseled. "I do believe you don't throw your exes under the bus." Of course, Bethenny was not amenable to hearing anything negative about herself and immediatley got defensive. 

"I know you're a person that likes to tell everything," Patti consented. Bethenny shot back with, "It's not that – I've made a commitment to do a talk show and I can't come here and expect everyone to be open about their lives and not talk about my truth. I have a show because I have a point of view, so that's what I have to share." 

"I'm definitely going to be taking a lot of advice from Kris Jenner… no, just kidding," Bethenny snarked in conclusion. That's the blind leading the blind, but I'd pay to see it! 

You can check out a video of Bethenny arguing with Patti and slamming Jason below! 


[Photo Credit: bethennyTV]