When you hire Real Housewives of Miami star Marysol Patton to promote your product, she goes the extra mile!
Marysol and a friend hit the beach this weekend to show off her bikini body and promote a little wine in a can (aka Friends Fun Wine – she's an ambassador for them). Marysol lounged in a tight white top – braless (and sans bikini top) – and then jumped in the ocean for a little impromptu wet t-shirt contest. She was the only entrant.
It wouldn't have been so obvious that Marysol was working the product placement if she hadn't jumped in the ocean with an expensive watch still on – and brought her can along to chug in the water. In any case, it worked because here we are posting about it!
If you're curious what Marysol's bearded friend's tattoo says, it read "the dashboard melted but we still have the radio."
Still no word on whether or not Bravo is going to renew Real Housewives of Miami for another season. Alexia Echevarria swears it's happening, but we'll have to wait and see.
I didn't want to blow our entire photo budget for the month on too many of them, so here are more if you're so inclined!
Photo Credit: Splash