In her latest blog, Sonja Morgan writes a dissertation-length complaint against LuAnn de Lesepps and Ramona Singer for going against her at the start of this season’s Real Housewives of New York.
Sonja begins her blog expressing surprise at LuAnn’s feelings about their friendship this season: “I was shocked when Luann said our relationship has been deteriorating for two years. This comes as a big surprise to me, since everything was cool with her and I until I saw her at the reunion for Season 6.” Sonja coyly adds, “I know who put what in her head.”
Sonja goes on to list all of the fun times she & LuAnn had last year before addressing the issue that caused a fissure in their relationship: the comment Sonja’s facialist made about LuAnn’s sex life (more specifically, that LuAnn only likes to date little tiny French men she can dominate!). Sonja says,”In hindsight, I see why she was very worried about what the facialist Satoko had to say, even though she really had nothing to worry about. It was all just silly as Kristen pointed out that we were joking and taking a lot of self-deprecating hits ourselves from Satoko’s joshing.” Sonja also acknowledges that LuAnn was hurt by Sonja’s accusations of “moving in on” Harry when he & LuAnn left a party together last season. She chalks LuAnn’s bristly reaction to her failing relationship with Jaques: “she was obviously in a tenuous situation with Jaques and more then she let on.”
Moving on to her issues with Ramona, Sonja professes shock & hurt at Ramona’s assessment of their lunch together on episode 1 of RHONY – in which Ramona opened up about her divorce with Mario Singer and Sonja made the entire conversation about HER! “I felt bad the way it looked when I had lunch at Nello’s with Ramona, but I had a thorn in my side about how critical Ramona was not only to Luann but also to my ensuing divorce.” She claims LuAnn was the only friend who listened to her constant whining pain during the most tumultuous times of her divorce while Ramona just preached about how she & Mario had the “perfect” marriage. Sonja says, “I never felt that Ramona understood how painful it was to go through divorce, and she was very quick to judge and to say if Luann and I had done things properly (and anyone, in fact, that listens to marriage advice when she was bragging about her perfect marriage and life) we would still have a husband, and it just doesn’t work that way unfortunately. Men will be men no matter how great a wife or mother you are, as she’s finding out now.”
While Sonja had high hopes of bonding with Ramona over their now-shared divorce experience, she says she still felt raw about the fact that Ramona hadn’t been there for her in the past. “When I met with Ramona for lunch, I couldn’t help bring up my side. I thought we could bond again over that, especially since she wasn’t sharing her story with me. I think she was embarrassed and needed her space to try to make it work. Her isolating herself over the summer hurt my feelings even more since we shared everything.” Sonja adds,”But I was wrong thinking this would bond us back together by sharing my similar pain. She quickly changed the subject.” Perhaps the subject was changed because Sonja wouldn’t stop blathering on about herself long enough to listen to a full sentence coming out of Ramona’s mouth? Just a thought! Sonja does admit, “I was definitely licking my own wounds. Maybe that’s why Ramona didn’t want to share with me. Because she knew she had admonished me in the past and now she was walking in my same shoes.”
Adding outrage at Ramona’s confession to new housewife Dorinda Medley about Sonja’s insensitivity, Sonja says she “was hurt that she [Ramona] could share everything in private with Dorinda instead of meeting HER at a restaurant as if she was her best friend when she never even had seen HER apartment before.” She adds, “I don’t appreciate her telling Dorinda, who was just getting to know me better, that I’m not a good friend, because that’s simply not true. That hurt.” Sonja’s also hurt that her sidekick won’t be so, er, side-kicky this season when it comes to defending Sonja against all of the other ladies’ accusations (that Sonja is deLUSIONAL!): “Ramona straight up tells me that she won’t have my back when girls go on attack about my businesses and legal case.” Sonja then goes on to list all of the totally-above-board (cough, cough…) business ventures she and her 1.2 million interns are undertaking this season. According to Sonja, the lucky viewers will get to see “more of me designing and meeting in my showroom. Or me doing my podcasts, some of my appearances, and definitely see some more Sonja In the City events.” What about P Diddy on Sonja’s yacht? What about her weird T-shirt line? (Wasn’t that a thing?) After some closing statements rambling on about gossip and how she should be immune from it, Sonja asks readers to follow her on every social media outlet known to man and to sign up for her newsletter!
Ramona’s blog wasn’t nearly as verbose, but she does briefly address her feelings about lunch with Sonja: “Sonja and I have always been close. It was very painful for me when I was trying to bare my soul with what was going on in my life, and she kept making it all about her. When I had a heart-to-heart with Dorinda, it was such a contrast to my conversation with Sonja.” Speaking on behalf of her own divorce, Ramona admits that “half of marriages fail, and I never took my marriage for granted. I was so fortunate that for 22 years Mario was a great husband and partner, however things did change during the last two years. He went outside of the marriage, instead of communicating to me what the problems he felt were.”
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