Someone’s gotten a bit of a haircut! Sister Wives returned last night with a vengeance. Kody Brown excites with his fresh trim–it’s so subtle that only one as obsessed with his mane as I am might notice the glorious new style, but it’s fresh.
Leading up to the new season, the participation of Meri has been questioned, but I think last night’s premiere solidifies that she’s pretty much here to stay…although we didn’t see much of Christine. Janelle looks amazing, but I am waiting for her exodus. Go girl. As for Robyn? She’s already relishing her role as Kody’s real wife, although it’s purely on paper. That said, I made my friend Trey watch with me, and asked his thoughts after the episode ended. “Girl, if we had to take a shot every time that guy with bad hair and the denim suit said ‘paperwork,’ we’d both be dead.” And he’d be right.
The show begins as last season ended…Robyn is smiling from ear to ear as a tearful Meri prepares to sign the divorce papers. As soon as Robyn realizes that the cameras are focused on her, she turns on the waterworks while gushing about her gratitude to the family law attorney. As Kody and Meri leave the office, he reminds her that this changes nothing about their covenant or relationship. It’s just a family restructuring. Are they drinking wine? Whoa. This is big! The three reconvene, and Robyn shares that she’s been working with her attorney in Utah who created the initial parenting plan for her kids and their father. Kody inquires as to whether Meri has heard anything from the divorce lawyer.
It’s been two weeks, but still nothing. Kody is excited for them to move towards getting the marriage license with Robyn, and Meri admits she’d rather not know when that takes place. But we’re a team, Robyn whines. She is hellbent on making Meri participate in her legal union to Kody’s locks. It’s not a separation, it’s about unity. It’s about the children. Geez. Meri said she doesn’t want to know when they legally wed, why can’t the chin twins respect her wishes? Of course, because this family loves a party for no reason, Meri suggests having a little person dressed as Elvis come perform the ceremony. Kody, whose follicles shake with annoyance, doesn’t want a celebration, but he does feel like the three of them need to be present at the civil ceremony. He and Robyn had their big day. This is nothing more than a paper work shuffle with the end goal of him adopting Robyn’s children.
Janelle is looking good this season, but not only is she working on her outside, she wants to better her all aspects of her life. One of the major issues she’s facing is her fractured relationship with Meri. A nervous Janelle approaches Meri about how they can improve their situation, and she asks if they can go to their family therapist together. Both women giggle insecurely as Meri invites Janelle to speak further. Meri reveals that a good part of their past isn’t pleasant, but they have both managed to co-exist and not overstep boundaries. Janelle recalls the ugliness of their early years when they were too young and immature in the joining of their families. Meri counters that she has been trying to forge a relationship for several years, and she’s pretty much given up at this point. She can only commit now if Janelle can promise to be open and not passive aggressive. Of course, the entire time Meri is scolding Janelle for her distance in the past, she sounds pretty passive aggressive herself. Janelle understands Meri’s hesitation, and she is willing to wait while Meri decides if she wants to move forward.
The following day, Meri gets an e-mail dissolving her marriage to Kody. As she reads through the divorce decree, she chuckles at the idea that she and Kody are no longer bonded in holy matrimony. According to their faith, their marriage vows are for eternity, and this documents means nothing in the grand scheme of her relationship with Kody. Meri invites Robyn over to share the news, and Robyn is shocked to learn that Meri hasn’t yet told Kody. It’s improper. Meri explains she wants to further their conversation regarding her being included when Kody and Robyn procure their marriage license. She likes the teamwork aspect of what they are trying to accomplish.
Meri calls Kody to let him in on the news and shares that she’s willing to be a part of the legal union. Unfortunately, Kody has changed his tune completely. He doesn’t want to include the children, he doesn’t want Meri to be there, he doesn’t want want to remember the date, nor does anyone need to know the date. Meri, who didn’t want any part of it yesterday, feels hurt that she’s no longer invited. I have to hand it to Kody, he is making the right decision. His rationale is that he and Robyn don’t need another marriage. At what point does it stop being about the paperwork necessary for the adoption and start becoming more like a party? How can they make it a to-do while not including Christine, Janelle, and the remainder of their children? Robyn and Meri are confused. But they’re a team!
Because Kody always gets his way, he and Robyn are having a private civil ceremony. No one will know when it is, and it will not disrespect the wedding ceremonies he’s had with the other wives. Still, he’s dudded himself up with a blazer and teen jeans, and his luscious locks are slicked back in a smooth ponytail. While we aren’t able to witness the actual ceremony because cameras aren’t allowed in the building, Kody and Robyn rehash how uninspired it was…and Kody is just fine with that. Again, he’s like to reiterate for the eightieth time, that this is only about the paperwork. Kody and Robyn were married four years ago, and that’s the anniversary they continue to celebrate. You can tell that a sullen Robyn was totally hoping for two anniversaries. Am I right?
[Photo Credit: TLC]