Kathryn Dennis And Thomas Ravenel Expecting Baby No 2; Plus, Thomas Attacked In Downtown Charleston!

Kathryn Dennis & Thomas Ravenel

Despite their volatile on-again-off-again relationship Thomas Ravenel and Kathryn Dennis are expecting baby no 2! The Southern Charm stars will be welcoming a son very soon, but that doesn’t mean they’re back together. Rumors have been swirling all summer that Kathryn was secretly knocked up but she hasn’t confirmed it until now. 

The former Senatorial candidate and his sometimes girlfriend shared the news that one-year-old daughter Kensington will be a big sister. Admitting she was “surprised” to find herself pregnant again, Kathryn is accepting this latest twist of fate as just so Thomas and Kathryn! “Thomas and I are always on and off, but we had a whirlwind romance that weekend. That’s kind of how we were with the first pregnancy, too. Things were wishy-washy, but we embraced it.” 


I really hope Reality Tea writer Lauren can be scouting out Bump Watch for Kathryn and Thomas‘ latest little nugget – and procure all the drama over whether or not this will be featured prominently as a storyline on the upcoming season! Isn’t it filming now?

As for Thomas‘ reaction to becoming a father again, well, he’s been very busy focusing on polo. “Thomas is still soaking in the news and trying to make his changes,” explains Kathryn to The Daily Dish, but she knows he’ll come around. “He’s just kind of adjusting right now, I think. But, you know, he is excited.”

Despite welcoming a second child Kathryn, 24, and Thomas are NOT currently in a relationship. “We are friends,” she confirms to People. “We communicate and things are pleasant. That’s all I can really hope for.” 

Kathryn reports that her second pregnancy is “more mellow and a little more peaceful” because Thomas is not in the equation and she has not been sick. As for Thomas, the 53-year-old gushes that being a father to Kensie has been “the greatest gift in my life thus far” and he feels “doubly blessed” to be welcoming a son. “My cup runneth over.” 

What exactly Thomas‘s cup is runneth over with he doesn’t say, but I’m going to guess it’s found in many a local bar! Last week the expectant father was attacked at Downtown Charleston’s Republic Garden and Lounge around midnight. 

In an incident report Thomas filed with the police department he complains of a man “making derogatory statements” about him and alerted security. As the man was being escorted out, he escaped security’s grasp and “head-butted” Thomas in the face!

Police were called and tracked the suspect down. When the suspect was returned to the bar he was identified as Thomas‘s attacker by witnesses and Thomas himself who confirmed to police, “That’s the guy who hit me.”  The suspect also admitted to the assault, explaining, “He deserved it.” Well, it is Thomas! 

As a result of the head-butt Thomas sustained a swollen eye, which is causing him vision difficulties but doctors say there will be no permanent damage. 

Thomas initially declined to press charges, but later called the police back to ask that the suspect go to jail, but the police said it was too late. Thomas told the Charleston City Paper his intention was to provide his attacker time to ruminate on his actions with a night in jail. 

Thomas also insisted that as a former wrestler at The Citadel, he was more than capable of defending himself but his reality TV fame prevented him from doing so because of the bad publicity he would secure as a result of retaliating. 

“I can’t press charges. I can’t do anything. I just have to get my face disfigured,” Thomas declared. “I can’t defend myself because of the show and who I am. I can’t defend myself or they would put me under the prison.” Thomas believes if he fought back it would be another instance of him being misrepresented in the public eye and his reputation would be at risk. HA! Last year Thomas also blamed Bravo and Andy Cohen for destroying his political aspirations

Thomas is also pondering what to do in case of future attacks… Mmmm, perhaps stay home and be a father? 


[Photo Credit: Bravo]