Teen Mom 2 Couple Chelsea Houska And Cole DeBoer Engaged!

Teen Mom 2 stars Chelsea Houska and Cole DeBoer

Chelsea Houska has found her happily ever after. Just a few days after urging her followers to “fight for the fairy tale” because “it does exist,” the Teen Mom 2 star announced that she’s engaged to her Prince Charming, Cole DeBoer.

“I am unbelievably excited, and it feels good to finally have my family that I have always wanted,” Chelsea told MTV. “Cole brought me to a personal spot in the woods where he had photos lining the tree,” she said about the proposal. “The pictures hanging were of him and I and the three of us as a family. Cole asked Aubree if it was okay if he married her Mommy. She immediately said yes, was extremely excited, and gave him a big hug.” Love it! Let’s hope MTV filmed it!


While a wedding date hasn’t been set yet, Chelsea shared, “Cole and I really like fall, so sometime around then. The ceremony will be small and intimate with our close family and friends.” #priorities #smartgirl

Check out the announcement and ring below.


Chelsea announced, “He’s stuck now!”


“I honestly cannot believe how lucky I am,” shared Chelsea. “I finally found my Prince Charming and I get to be with him for the rest of my life!”

Cole DeBoer proposed Chelsea Houska

Cole made it be known, “Glad to be stuck with this fine piece of acccce!!”

Chelsea‘s dad, Randy Houska, welcomed Cole to the “crazy Houska train” on Facebook, adding, “Rita and I couldn’t be happier.” Randy tweeted:

Randy Houska Twitter

Congratulations to Chelsea and Cole on their engagement! 

Photo Credit: Chelsea and Cole’s Instagram