RHONJ’s Caroline Manzo: ‘Teresa Wanted To Destroy My Family’ Plus Teresa Giudice Talks Costars

As long as there has been reality television, there have been reality television feuds. And of course, as long as there have been Real Housewives, there have been Real Housewives feuds. Case in point, the current feud involving Teresa and the Real Housewives of New Jersey cast!

If you watched the first half of the New Jersey reunion last week, you saw, as did the rest of the world, what would appear to be a very unlikely housewives’ feud between former friends and now enemies Teresa Guidice and Caroline Manzo. And as we learn on tonight’s reunion conclusion, the Guidice/Manzo blow-up seems to have undertones of Manzo versus Manzo as Teresa makes sure to bring up the discord between Caroline and her sister Dina Manzo.

But first in an interview with People right after the reunion, Teresa claims to love her sister-in-law Melissa Gorga despite just telling In Touch Weekly that Melissa married her brother Joe Gorga for his money. “I love my family,” states Teresa. “I love Melissa. My brother is married to her for seven years… I’m trying to make things better.” Teresa adds: “They are trying to make it look like I’m hurting Melissa. But, if anything, I always stuck by her.” Always stuck by her???

When it comes to Caroline, Teresa plays the victim changes her tune, saying, “I don’t get Caroline’s problem with me. I never did anything to intentionally hurt people.” Maybe, maybe not, but I certainly never heard her apologize for unintentionally hurting people. Claiming she was “set up” by her cast mates on the reunion, Tre continues, “I never, ever got in between Dina and Caroline. It’s none of my business.” That may very well be the case, but one has to wonder, why does she even bring it up tonight then?

Maybe her reason is spite. Caroline did reveal on national television that Teresa recently called brother Joe an a$$hole. Family tit-for-tat, perhaps? You air my dirty laundry, I’ll air yours! Thankfully, Caroline has taken to her Bravo blog to clear up any confusion on her part.

She writes, “I don’t regret anything I said at the reunion to Teresa, because I was telling the truth. All of our emotions were on overdrive from the night before and I couldn’t hide my feelings. I didn’t see why I should at this point. Wait a minute, correction, I do regret one thing; I will never forget the look on Joe Gorga’s face when he saw the clip of me outing Teresa’s true feelings about reconciling with him. Many of you think Teresa said this to me in confidence, not true, it was widely known and said to others beside myself. Joe didn’t deserve to hear that, and I wish I never said it.”

Caroline also touched on the comments Teresa made about her in her cookbook which included calling her 1/16th Italian. “It was never about the Italian remark, it was about the underhanded sneaky insults towards the rest of us followed by an insincere apology. I referred to her once as a modern day Lucille Ball because of her flighty “innocence” and goofy personality back in the day. To use my words as a defense against your insulting remarks towards my son is unbelievable. Apology not accepted.”

Discussing her issues with Dina, Caroline states that her reasoning for wanting to keep it quiet on the reunion had less to do with her pride and more to do with her parents. She says, “My fear in having this issue exposed had nothing to do with me at all. It was all about my parents.” She continues, “Teresa knew how important it was to me to keep the Dina issue hidden, but tried numerous times throughout the season and through her blogs and interviews to reveal it. She finally had her moment at the reunion. Did she think I would deny it? Congratulations, Teresa, the only thing you succeeded in doing was hurting my parents. What a fool I’ve been in my efforts to bring your family together when it was your intent to destroy mine from the start.” Ouch!

Caroline continues to discuss the feud with her sister, admitting, “Despite all the rumors circulated about Dina and me, I remained completely silent, making not one single remark. Many of you confuse my silence on Twitter, Facebook, and in the media as guilt. Quite the opposite, it’s a matter of self-respect. Why sensationalize the situation? I’m only writing this now, because I believe as viewers you deserve some answers, I will never speak of this again, as it is a private matter that will take time and love to heal, but mark my words, this too shall pass.”

Dina echoes her sister’s sentiments, stating, “Teresa has nothing to do with my relationship with my sister. I wish all of the girls peace and happiness in their lives. As far as my relationship with my sister is concerned I’m sure in time things will mend itself.”

Caroline finishes up her blog by stating: “Teresa may think she hurt me, but what she doesn’t understand is that she can never hurt me, because I take into account where it’s coming from. Unlike you, Teresa, I can look in the mirror and hold my head high knowing that I have always given the best of myself to my family and friends. I live my life with integrity and self-respect.”

So Teresa didn’t cause the feud, she just brings it up tonight on the second half the reunion? I, for one, can’t wait to see the drama unfold. Watch a sneak peek of tonight’s madness below. The conclusion of the reunion airs tonight on Bravo at 10PM ET.

Photos credit: PR Photos