As the Frick to LeeAnne Locken’s Frack, Tiffany Hendra seems to be locked in the role of defending, pardoning, and egging on her totally unhinged best friend with each passing week. This behavior isn’t doing any favors for Tiffany’s rep though. But The Real Housewives of Dallas star says she doesn’t care. LeeAnne is her SOULMATE!
Speaking of soulmates, Tiffany throws some leftover love at hubby Aaron, whose concert she gushes was “so amazing. THANK YOU ALL! A few people speculated that I was behind the idea of Aaron dedicating ‘My Number One’ to Brandi [Redmond’s] brother Michael, but that was all Aaron’s idea and it’s been beautiful to see the conversation that’s started around our military and PTSD.” Tiffany claims the concert also “gave Aaron a boost toward calling Dallas ‘home.'”
Tiffany moves on to LeeAnne’s self-centered speechifying at the women’s HIV benefit. “Another heartfelt moment was experiencing the love in the room at The Grace Project during LeeAnne’s speech. I was so proud of her and the message she shared! I couldn’t help but break down in tears to see her stand up there and allow God to speak through her. She has a gift and to witness her using it to help others was so emotional.”
In an effort to explain their bond, and the reasons why she’s always defending LeeAnne, Tiffany submits the following in her blog: “LeeAnne and I bonded all those years ago over similar broken pasts of sexual abuse so the message of letting go of the shameful labels we collect along our journey really hit home to me. I say we can use our pain for a purpose and she is doing just that and I couldn’t be more proud! I get accused of defending to LeeAnne to my own detriment and turning a blind eye to her behavior, but I know all too well how that behavior is triggered. I have always taken the tough love route instead of trying to “fix” LeeAnne. She has done the same with me. It’s not our job to try to fix someone else. I was glad Stephanie got to experience that day and see that beautiful side of LeeAnne.”
RELATED: LeeAnne Locken Thinks Her RHOD Co-stars Hate Her Because of Their Marriage Problems!
The fewer people who rage-hate LeeAnne, the fewer who loathe Tiffany by proxy. Therefore, Tiffany was thrilled to see how easily Brandi patched things up with LeeAnne over lunch! “I love resolutions and was so happy to see Brandi and LeeAnne hug it out. They have SO much in common and sometimes the familiarity causes conflict. I’m hoping they can continue building trust and celebrating their commonalities. I enjoy hanging out with Brandi and with LeeAnne so I’m looking forward to the day we can all hang out and just be silly, keep it real and put all this BS behind us!”
But Cary Deuber is not about to buy what LeeAnne is selling, even though Stephanie Hollman and Brandi seem more than willing to (although my guess is they have ulterior motives – they may just be trying to keep the lid closed on a box of LeeAnne Crayzee so it doesn’t explode all over them again!). Tiffany reflects, “Cary was understandably cold since she got thrown to the goths- I mean wolves- at Heidi [F–king Dillon!’s] party. I’m sure she was apprehensive about seeing the whole gang again! She does have the best RBF ever and I would have felt the same way she did after I saw episode 7.” I assume she’s referencing the comment Heidi made about Cary being a homewrecker?
Tiffany defends, “To set the record straight, I’ve gotten lots of crap over that incident. I didn’t know ANYTHING about Heidi planning to put Cary on the spot at her party. Yes, I was taken aback when Heidi mentioned what gossip she knew about Cary when we had brunch. We didn’t discuss Cary and add to the convo. Heidi made that one remark and proceeded to tell the story about how she got her first husband and worked for him. I didn’t live here when Cary and Mark got married several years ago. When I moved to Dallas, yes- I heard the rumors, but it’s none of my business! Even if it was true- I wouldn’t judge Cary for her past because I don’t want people judging me for my past either… and we all know how messy my past was.”
Just in case we’re not convinced that LeeAnne is indeed a different person underneath it all, Tiffany argues one last time for resolution. (Does Tiffany NOT see that LeeAnne has needed to make up with virtually EVERY SINGLE cast member on this show since its inception a few short weeks ago!?!? I feel like girlfriend has Battered Friend Syndrome or something!)
Tiffany opines, “Now that LeeAnne has humbly apologized to Brandi and Stephanie, I would love to see LeeAnne and Cary put things behind them too. Cary commented that LeeAnne should apologize for throwing things- yes, even LeeAnne thinks that and that’s why she apologized to the other girls. LeeAnne knows I don’t condone that behavior. Hell, LeeAnne doesn’t even like her behavior and she’s working on it. I’m proud of her for it. We all have to do the work. We are all flawed.”
Photo Credit: Michael Larsen/Bravo