Giuliana Rancic Says Cancer Ordeal Made Her More Religious & Changed Her Life For The Better

Some positive, non-violent reality news to report on today which is always nice! After undergoing a double mastectomy over three weeks ago, Giuliana Rancic is reporting that she’s “doing better than I anticipated in recovery.” In fact, the star of Giuliana and Bill is claiming that her battle with breast cancer has actually improved her quality of life. That’s some attitude — we should all take note!

Not surprisingly, she’s already back to work and back to her life… just a better life, she says. Speaking to while at a Television Critics Association press tour luncheon this past weekend, Giuilana revealed, “I never thought my marriage could be stronger, or I could be closer to [my husband Apprentice winner] Bill [Rancic].” The E! host reveals that the frightening ordeal has been a positive life changer “in so many ways.”

Discussing Bill and her religious views, Giuliana shares, “We go to church every Sunday. And we did before, but it never meant as much as it does now.” She continues, “We prayed on our own, but now we prayed together and you’ll never know how much that means until you do it. Bill and I have changed our lives in that one way.”

Giuliana reveals that she hasn’t had a moment’s pause about her recent surgery which removed both of her breasts — nor should she. It greatly improved her future health. She states, “The surgery brought my risks down 95 to 100 percent. If I had a lumpectomy, I would have early estrogen menopause for at least two years, and I want to have children.”

Using the humor she’s known for both on her show and on the red carpet, Giuliana dishes, “I didn’t give two sh––s about my breasts. I didn’t care that at the Golden Globes, I wouldn’t be able to show cleavage.” Her chest size doesn’t define her career.

She recalls, “A lot of people were shocked. They said, ‘Are you sure you want to do this? Think about the life you lead and the fabulous dresses and that’s part of your job. It could put your job in jeopardy.’ And I thought, if I ever have a job that is defined by my breasts and some gorgeous gown then I’m in the wrong business.”

And honestly, who needs cleavage when they have a loving, supportive husband by their side every step of the way through the good, the bad and the ugly. “It breaks my heart that a lot of women don’t have a supportive husband,” Giuliana tells the magazine. She gushes, “Bill’s a saint, and the hottest male nurse ever. He’s very protective and it’s almost as hard for him as it was for me.”

I am so happy to see that Giuliana made the health decision that she felt was best for her, regardless of stigmas, criticism or potential insecurities. I think Bill and her are a wonderful public example for the millions of women and men who face the devastation of breast cancer on a daily basis. Do I think she’s a hero? Yes. But I also think all the other women who have been in her shoes without the recognition are as well. I applaud her for using the platform she’s been blessed with to spread awareness about an all too common epidemic.

[Photo Credit: WENN]