Heather Dubrow in Ireland

Heather Dubrow Shades Vicki Gunvalson For Not Defending Her ‘Good Friend’ Kelly Dodd

Heather Dubrow shades Vicki Gunvalson

Poor Heather Dubrow is distressed that her reputation in Ireland has been ruined by association with Kelly Dodd. While Heather is “over” Kelly and steering clear, she wonders where Kelly’s ‘good friend’ Vicki Gunvalson was to defend in her friend’s moments of peril?! (A: Whooping Me Up!).

Heather is full of shade for Vicki after the Real Housewives Of Orange County Irish saga. Someone is still feeling crotchety over getting ejected from a fancy-pants department store! That someone is Heather… who puts all the onus on Kelly for the Issues O’ The Ireland!


“How embarrassing,” Heather laments of Kelly’s “absolutely cringe worthy” behavior from the moment they arrived until she ruined the pub crawl.

Before describing all the ways Kelly sucks, Heather questions Vicki’s suspicious flower delivery. “How many people thought Vicki sent the flowers to herself?” she asks. “Seemed a little convenient upon check in. Any time Terry has sent me flowers when I’m traveling they put them in my room. Hmm.”

After all, one must only do things the way Heather and Terry do! (Also, I’m sure the producers had something to do with the convenient timing!).

But back to Kelly ‘The Dudd’ Dodd! The ladies were having “so much fun for a few hours” until the pub crawl came to an abrupt and disastrous end. “Here we go again with Kelly,” Heather sighs. “I was absolutely over it.”

RELATED – Kelly Dodd Goes To Rehab?!

In case you’ve forgotten, Heather provides a recap of Kelly’s Irish shenanigans: “The dumb jokes, the judgmental comments, and now we are attacking the Jewish people and repeating financial (and incorrect) information about me?”

In times of strife, what’s a girl to do but shop? Heather erroneously believed shopping would create a ceasefire. Of course, when it comes to Kelly or Tamra Judge, bad behavior knows no bounds – be it in front of Balenciaga or Beer steins.

“I was enjoying a little retail therapy when the fight broke out,” complains Heather. “I don’t blame Tamra for her reaction, the catalyst was Kelly and this was what, the FOURTH time I’ve been around her in public and witnessed some kind of outrageous behavior.”

After getting called out by Vicki for being more upset she got kicked out of the store than for Tamra’s ordeal, Heather turns things around to wonder why Vicki wasn’t sticking up for Kelly during her time of need.

“Of course I was upset for Tamra, and if I was making it about myself so be it – I was pissed. Also, Vicki can judge me all she wants – she walked away and ‘didn’t get involved’. Please. So she did not stick up for her new bestie Kelly or her old bestie Tamra,” snaps Heather. “Great friend.”

I did see Vicki consoling Tamra on the bus and shushing Kelly, so I mean, maybe even Vicki had the prescience to realize Kelly is indefensible! (Not that Tamra is… what a toss-up!).

RELATED – Jeff Lewis Calls Heather “Fake & Pretentious” 

Heather admits everyone was relieved Kelly skipped dinner. Because that meant no one got called the C-word over appetizers. “It was SOOOOOO fun and we had a completely drama free evening! We laughed a LOT and learned a few fun Irish words…yes, we were OSSIFIED!”

While the rest of the ladies were getting ‘ossified,’ Kelly was getting pacified. “Watching Kelly relay the events of the day to Michael is indicative of her problem – revisionist history,” declares Heather. “Nobody ganged up on her – she attacks people and then cries. Over it.”

Heather warns, “Spoiler alert – it gets uglier.” Blimey.


[Photo Credit: Bravo]