The recurring theme with Bravo’s Real Housewives seems to be one of short sales, evictions, and foreclosures. The OC Register is reporting that Tamra Barney of The Real Housewives of Orange County listed her home for a short-sale back in July.
Tamra claims that this was a “business decision” after she and her husband lost $600,000 on the house.
However a reader the Register’s comments section had a different view on the issue, posting the following –
When a home goes to a short sale their credit is SHOT, the Barney’s will be lucky if anyone will even RENT to them! They’re deadbeats who obviously don’t pay their bills. A short sale is a last attempt before FORECLOSURE. I don’t know who they’re trying to fool with the custom home.
Banks don’t loan money on a new home if they haven’t paid for their old mortgage. The Barney’s are HIGH RISK and lenders are very careful now, this is BS. Three lates on a mortgage and banks won’t look at you for at least 2 years after the last late payment.
All very interesting. The show mentioned last season that Tamra’s husband, Simon Barney, lost quit his job with a Mercedes car dealership.