
Real Housewives Of Atlanta Recap: The Rise Of The Side-Chick

Let’s be honest – the only thing any of us remember from last night’s Real Housewives Of Atlanta is that Apollo Nida‘s prison fiancé Sherien Almufti appeared at the opening of the OLG Restaurant – and she’s everything a villainess side-chick should be. The worst (or maybe best) is that Phaedra Parks conveniently wasn’t even there to see her!

But first all the drama that came before. Kandi Burruss and Todd Tucker – two control-freaks don’t make a restaurant! The OLG Restaurant is weeks away from officially opening and $100,000 over-budget, but Todd will not accept any help. He is the little man that could … and with his big forehead he thinks he can sneak traffic cone orange chairs right under Kandi’s nose. She is not impressed by his Todd: Party Of One attitude.

Case in point, Todd refuses to allow Don Juan or Carmon to help make decisions, even though there are no uniforms and the logo hasn’t been finalized with less than 24 hours before their soft opening for friends, family and television cameras. And don’t even get Kandi started on how the floor is so dusty it looks like it belongs inside Chateau Sheree!


Kandi & Todd fight over OLG Opening

Speaking of which… it’s T -7 days before Sheree Whitfield FINALLY takes occupancy of her grand, lavish mansion on the highway… just over the bog from Kenya Moore. These two bonded in Maui, which may be even scarier than them screaming at each other. Kenya stops by Chateau Sheree to borrow a cup of tea on what’s going down between Sheree and Bob and secures herself an invite to the housewarming party instead.

RELATED – Sheree Parties Herself Into A Courtroom Over Chateau Sheree!

With Matt out of her Moore Manor, once again, the stars in the life of Krayonce are not aligned: Kenya has her house and her business, but she is, alas, still man-less. Why can’t all the men just be gone with the wind fabulous, instead of just gone… off their rocker, or out of hers? Sheree has no has no answers to this quandary, or how on earth the house is going to be ready in time for the party considering there is still a FULL construction crew working.

I too am wondering, again, how you can have a housewarming party with a home that’s still under construction, but that has not deterred the women of this show. Just as Matt’s 4,000 red flags have not deterred Kenya from allowing him back into her life to give her a storyline again and again…  It’s like Sisterhood Of The Traveling Hardhat. First Kenya, then Kandi, now Sheree! They can all take turns wearing it around Porsha Williams just in case!

Moving day for Sheree

Despite all evidence to the contrary, it’s moving day for Sheree. Four long years after Bob had her ejected from the mansion they once shared, Chateau Sheree has taught her to know her worth. Which is broke, being sued, and living a lie? Good luck out there with the wilds of Krayonce.

Cynthia Bailey announces to Noelle that it is officially her first day being divorced from Peter and she will claim her turning 50 as being fabulously alone! Naturally her divorce occurred on the very day Peter arrives back in Atlanta. To go on a remembrance tour that includes talking to Apollo from prison, visiting his old house, and making an appearance at the opening of the OLG Restaurant. I think he also signed some divorce papers.

Peter & Todd talk to Apollo

And now Peter is mad that Cynthia won’t let him love her anymore. Poor Cynthia – she can’t be besties with the man she dumped!

Cynthia is

Cynthia isn’t looking to date, but if she happens to fall in anyone’s lap during the OLG opening, oh well… She should be more concerned about falling into Mama Joyce‘s clutches!

Phaedra is celebrating her 40-something’d birthday as as single woman, and Apollo is bragging to Peter and Todd that Sherien is an “upgrade.” How is someone who’s willing to cheat with you as you’ve got one foot in the prison, then get engaged to you when you’re all the way inside, an “upgrade”?

Oh Apollo – that guy is so gross! Still – it may be that he and Phaedra are birds of a skeevy feather. Apollo is all about surprises this episode and reveals that actually he and Phaedra aren’t officially divorced because she tricked him. Now he is after what’s rightfully his and wants revenge for getting played. You can read about that here.

RELATED – What Does Apollo Think Is Rightfully His?

Phaedra is blissfully unaware all of this is happening as she takes her sons out for ice cream with her parents, then finally gets some ‘me time’ (the trip to Maui didn’t count?) by celebrating her birthday at Porsha’s. This birthday celebration, or “bomb-ass bitch party” is apparently the divorce party Kenya wished she could’ve thrown.

Porsha opens champagne

Instead of fake penises, the guests are imaginary wig friends, and the table was laid with enough food to feed all of them. Welcome to The Mad Wig Teaparty! No one could attend because they were at the OLG opening. Which Phaedra was invited to, but demurred since she and Kandi are no longer friends. Or someone gave her the heads up about what the cat was dragging in…

As a gift Porsha had Frick & Frack onesies made. Porsha explains that while the other girls are dry toast roughing up your tongue, Frick and Frack “keep it moist.” No pun intended right?

Frick & Frack

Seriously though – Porsha attempting to open that champagne with the cork flying. Phaedra did need that hardhat! Too bad it was Kandi’s turn… Miraculously Todd pulled an all-nighter and got the restaurant clean and presentable in time for the opening.

The OLG decor is filled with photos of Kandi’s own family. I don’t know who wants to eat with a photo of Mama Joyce scowling down at them – seems like that may be better suited for a Weight Watchers meeting. Kandi has big dreams of franchising this restaurant though.

The real importance of this opening is that Kandi’s aunts are thrilled. Even Mama Joyce. And right as the “Beyonce” herself walks through the door, everyone yells “Surprise!” and MJ is so startled, she almost trips. Who would’ve thunk that Todd, lil old Todd, would be able to accomplish anything other than being Kandi’s sugar baby?!

It’s all going like fried chicken with biscuits, until Sherien walks in – supposedly unexpectedly. Everyone is downstairs listening to Kandi sing about haters in the music venue except for Todd and Peter when Sherien shows up. Because Apollo so wanted to support his besties, who have supported him so much, so he sent her as his representation instead. From Philadelphia?!

Apollo's fiance Sherien appears

Todd brings Sherien downstairs to release her to the wolves meet the ladies, and Kandi’s mouth dropped but Kenya erupted into laughter. What she does reveal, though is that she and Apollo were very much together before he went to prison, and he was very much cheating on Phaedra. Despite what Kandi pretends, she knew that. After all both Apollo and Sherien thank her profusely for all the support she and Todd have given “them.”

And nobody felt like eating after that. Except for probably Mama Joyce who was likely licking her chops!

Naturally Sherien decides to call Apollo in prison, right here from the table, so he can also thank Kandi for all her support in welcoming his new love. Kandi decides to save face by being honest with him about his stunt –  like what if Phaedra had been there, instead of dressing up in wigs to practice catching other men in her net?!

Kandi reacts to Sherien

None of that matters once Apollo waves his magic wand of information to reveal that he and Phaedra are not legally divorced. At least not in his mind! Kenya freaks out about what a liar Phaedra is. I love this – here appears this woman, Sherien, – who lives in Philly – to reveal that Apollo, the man in prison for fraud, cheated on Phaedra before he went asunder, yet, instantly the women are up in arms that Phaedra lied about her divorce. Well, I suppose, two liars can’t make a truth which certainly seems to be the case with Phaedra and Apollo.

While the side-chick rises over at Kandi’s, back at Porsha’s,  Phaedra pretends that she wants to amicably co-parent with Apollo, and trusts him to only bring women with “a strong moral compass” around their sons. Phaedra…  I think Porsha’s wigs are squeezing your head too tight. That “Sarah” always causes problems.


[Photo Credits: Bravo]