Stephanie Hollman Glad She Made Up With Brandi Redmond; Not Surprised At LeeAnne Locken's Shady Costume
THE REAL HOUSEWIVES OF DALLAS -- Season:2 -- Pictured: Stephanie Hollman -- (Photo by: Michael Larsen/Bravo)

Stephanie Hollman Glad She Made Up With Brandi Redmond; Not Surprised At LeeAnne Locken’s Shady Costume


Last year’s Real Housewives Of Dallas was all about the true-blue friendship between Stephanie Hollman and Brandi Redmond. So when season two began with a pretty serious rift between the ladies, it seemed like a glitch in the Matrix. Thankfully, not too many weeks had to roll by before Stephanie and Brandi talked through their issues, and now all is right in the world again!

Stephanie describes her relief at starting anew with Brandi and her total lack of surprise that LeeAnne Locken is up to her old tricks. But first, she expresses gratitude to the viewers for their virtual love. “Thank you all again for another week of kindness and support! Your out pour of support and encouraging messages truly do make a huge difference while going through this experience! If I could reach through the computer screen and give you all a big hug, believe me, I would!”

Some wondered why Stephanie would even invite LeeAnne to her Halloween party, but she had her reasons. She explains in her blog, “She is a friend of Brandi Redmond’sCary Deuber is trying to turn over a new leaf with her, so I thought this would be my way of giving her a chance. Isn’t that what she wants?”

Before the party, Stephanie had some fences to mend. She describes the anxiety – and relief – of facing Brandi alone for the first time in months. “Driving to Brandi’s house to talk with her for the first time in four months was probably the most nerve wracking thing I have ever done. I felt like I was driving to a divorce hearing, trying to give my plea to save the marriage.  I went into this conversation expecting the worst but hoping for the best. I didn’t know where our friendship stood, where to go next, or how we could ever move on.”

Eager to hear Brandi’s side of the story, Stephanie describes her remorse in hurting Brandi, whose friendship she values. “I do cherish her thoughts and feelings, and if I ever hurt someone or made them feel less than the incredibly special person they are then I have an apology to give. I never felt embarrassed to call Brandi my friend, nor was I ever looking to trade her in. Hearing her say that now, and in the moment, hurt my heart deeply because I am so proud to call that girl my friend! She is an incredible mother, friend, wife, and sister. She brings out a fun side in me that no one else can tap and that is just one of the many reasons why I love her.”

RELATED: Cary Deuber Thinks Brandi Redmond Put Her In The Middle Of The Feud With Stephanie Hollman

After the ladies shared tears and hugs, Stephanie vowed this would be their last “big” fight – ever. (Here’s hoping! But they are on a Real Housewives franchise together, so…) Stephanie gushes, “I don’t ever want to lose my best friend again, which is why I am sticking to my promise to show up at your doorstep with a bottle of wine next time you don’t answer my phone call! I love you, Brandi!”

As for LeeAnne? Well, Stephanie plans to have plenty more fights with her! When LeeAnne showed up at her Halloween party dressed as “Two-Face” in honor of Stephanie, no one was shocked. Least of all the hostess.

Stephanie admits, “I wish I could say I was surprised, but as you could see from my reaction, I wasn’t. What did surprise me was that instead of staying home for the night, she chose to go out of her way and make a costume to try and completely humiliate me in front of my friends and family in my home. Talk about trying to poke the bear! Is anyone starting to see what I meant in that text now when I said, ‘LeeAnne Locken is up to her old tricks again’?”

When Steph’s hubby Travis suggested throwing LeeAnne out of their home, Stephanie realized this might have been just what LeeAnne wanted. So she allowed her to stay.

Stephanie posits, “I knew what her purpose was in coming to my party, she wanted to be kicked out and cause a huge scene, but if that was her plan then clearly she does not know who her opponent is – that is not who I am. I believe at the end of the day, you’re responsible for your own words and actions. I stand by what I did at the party because her costume said a lot more about her character than it did mine. Is being kind and trying to make her feel welcome in my home two-faced, or me trying to give her a chance?”

Well, Stephanie did win points for not playing into LeeAnne’s hands at the party. But we’ll see if she can avoid drama in the coming weeks. And if previews are to be believed, it looks like RHOD is serving up plenty!


Photo Credit: Michael Larsen/Bravo