Teen Mom 2 Recap: Showered With Drama


Tonight’s episode of Teen Mom 2 left me with more questions than answers when it comes to the state of affairs for Kailyn Lowry, Briana DeJesus and Jenelle Evans. It seems like everything is always up in the air and nothing is ever resolved in their lives.

Starting with Kail, the ups and downs with ex-husband Javi Marroquin continue and ever since he filed for child support, they have been down. Despite the tension, Kail claims she is doing her best to make sure he sees the boys but when he can’t pick them up at the spot she designated, that quickly goes out the window. She decides to meet him in a parking lot that’s convenient for her but after a few texts from him, pulls off angrily and explains in detail to the boys that “Javi” (not Dad) doesn’t have the right car with car seats to pick them up so they have to come to school with her.


Once they arrive to class, it takes two minutes for the boys to act up and Kail has to corral them into a sound proof studio in the back so they don’t disturb everyone. That doesn’t really work and we can see them rough housing through the floor to ceiling windows, continuing to distract Kail. No big deal but they get louder and everyone can hear them, even through the sound proof room.

The next day, Kail’s friend Rachel is over and she tells her how stressful it’s been juggling the boys and school. She’s ready to be done with it so she can just focus on the kids and the new baby. She also wasn’t anticipating her problems with Javi to continue now that they aren’t married anymore but it seems that nothing has changed. Kail thinks Javi is playing mind games and naively says that she won’t ever have to worry about these issues with her new baby daddy. You would think Kail has learned by now that those kind of statements are easy to say before the baby is here and nothing is complicated yet.


Speaking of complications, Jo is feeling the strain of Isaac being bounced around from house to house and he’s concerned that such an erratic schedule is starting to catch up with Isaac. All he wants is what’s best for him and is going to consult a lawyer to see if they can figure out a better long term solution that has Isaac’s best interest in mind.


In a much less complicated story line, Chelsea DeBoer tells husband Cole that she is wants to have a girls day out with Aubree since Aubree has been so wonderful adjusting to baby Watson. Cole agrees it’s a great idea and Chelsea decides to take her to the Butterfly Garden and Aquarium to make her feel special.

They enjoy their time there and as they chat about various topics on the way home, Aubree’s time with Grandma Donna and her Dad comes up. Aubree says that Stasia plays with her and she doesn’t understand why she can’t just play with Stasia without Grandma Donna being there. Chelsea tells her that’s how the rules are now but maybe one day it will change and you can tell how hard it is on Chelsea to have to explain these innocent questions.


Leah Messer is relieved that Ali’s breathing issues are due to allergies and nothing more serious but now she has to handle getting Ali a full time aide at school. She knows that she has to do her best to advocate for her and is nervous about her upcoming meeting with the school to decide.

Luckily, she was worried for nothing and the school approves Ali to have an aide with her at all times, indefinitely. Leah calls Corey Simms to give him the good news and he is relieved Ali will get the help she needs.


It’s finally time for Briana’s baby shower and it wasn’t exactly worth the wait. Not only was there a ton of stress leading up to it, but now that the day is here, Briana can’t even bring herself to pretend she’s with Luis since he showed up with a whole entourage of friends, one of them holding a camera similar to the ones the MTV crew is using. Briana is annoyed but doesn’t say anything. Roxanne immediately picks up the slack and asks why there is a camera there and lays into Luis and his friends for not getting Briana’s permission ahead of time. Luis and his friend shrug their shoulders and act like it’s no big deal, but Roxanne is pissed and unwilling to let them off the hook easily.


To make matters worse, Briana’s ex shows up as a guest and Luis suddenly has a problem with it. He requests to speak with her and tell her that she should have told him. Given that it’s not his shower, they aren’t together and he didn’t contribute anything to it, Briana tells him it’s not his place to say anything and storms off, slamming the door.

After that, Briana doesn’t even care to keep up the façade that they are together but she doesn’t want to let it completely ruin her day so she changes into a nice dress and tries to put on a smile to open gifts.

The next day, she goes out to lunch with her whole family and sure enough, they caught on to the tension between her and Luis. Briana comes clean, telling them that they are broken up due to his cheating. She also admits that she wanted to put the baby up for adoption but since he was against it, she didn’t pursue the matter. Her family is sad to hear this, but promises to be there for her and the baby. Briana cries, knowing that despite their help, all the responsibility will fall on her in the end.


Jenelle is busy preparing for her upcoming court case to get custody of Jace back from her mom, Barbara Evans. After not being able to see Jace on Mother’s Day, she is ready to get it over with and hopefully move on with full custody of Jace. She meets with her lawyer to go over the final details and her lawyer explains to her some of the possible outcomes. She thinks that Jenelle has a strong case, but so does Barb and it all boils down to the Judge deciding if it’s worth uprooting Jace from a home that he is doing really well in.


Barb is preparing as well and she tells the Producer about how she’s feeling. She’s not so much nervous about losing Jace, but rather putting Jenelle through all of this. She knows that either way, her relationship with her daughter doesn’t really exist anymore, thanks to fiancé David Eason and his controlling ways. Barb know there is nothing she can do if she loses custody of Jace, but is sick to her stomach thinking about the possibility because thinks it will ruin Jace’s life to have to go and live with Jenelle and David.

Once the big day has arrived, both Jenelle and Barb are on pins and needles. While Jenelle shakily meets her team in the parking lot, Barb won’t even stop to talk about how she’s feeling and rushes in to see her lawyer.

Now we are all left waiting to see what the outcome is but based on the preview for next week’s episode, Jenelle does not look happy. See you next week!


Photo Credit: MTV