Luann de Lesseps

Luann de Lesseps Will Not Serve Jail Time For Drunken Arrest!

It was a close one for the former Countess! After she was arrested in Palm Beach over Christmas and charged with drunkenly assaulting an officer, Luann de Lesseps was on the hook for FOUR felonies (and one totally embarrassing arrest video), but upon accepting a guilty plea her charges will convert to misdemeanors.

Initially, the Real Housewives Of New York star was charged with violently resisting arrest, disorderly intoxication, and battery on a law enforcement officer – all felonies which would carry mandatory jail time, however after pleading down Luann will likely get off with probation and a fine. How do you say “Whew!” ala Francaise? 

The Daily Mail says Luann is due back in court in July, and if no additional incidents occur, her violations will be reduced to misdemeanor counts of disorderly intoxication and trespassing with additional felony counts being dropped.

Luann’s scrape with the law came after her ever-so-brief marriage to Tom D’Agostino abruptly ended in divorce following allegations that he cheated (again). The Countess has admitted their relationship was bad for her and also suggested that her irascible behavior the night of the arrest was because of tequila someone slipped something into her rose. Luann has been known to fall on her own bushes, though, so…

After her arraignment, the Countess went to rehab and claims she’s no longer drinking in order to focus on her sold-out cabaret review, Countess & Friends. Luann’s assault on an officer that drunken night happened when she resisted arrest by turning into Kim Richards locking herself in a hotel bathroom. When the officer opened the door Luann pushed him backwards and slammed the door in his face, where the door hit him in the face. Luann later threatened to kill him while she was being cuffed. I’m not sure what chapter of Class With The Countess covers the etiquette of being arrested, but perhaps a revised edition is due?

As much as I would’ve loved to see Real Housewives Of The Prison State find another castmate, and I was eager to see how Luann would style her prison garb into evening wear, it looks like we’ll have to settle for prison-inspired fashions for The Countess Collection and beautiful pewter mugshot frames! C’est la vie.

Is Luann Owning Up To Her Mistakes And Taking Accountability?


[Photo Credit: Bravo]