Flipping Out Recap: How Does Jeff Lewis Keep Employees? Tonight He Says Goodbye to Megan

First, before we get to tonight’s Flipping Out recap, a question: Do you have a client, friend or family member who gives you so much anxiety and a high-stress level just at the thought that you have to spend time with them? That’s me and Flipping Out. Maybe I need a glass of wine, a box of chocolate, a comfy blanket and an anxiety pill all before I start recapping this show. Or maybe all of the above. I seriously don’t know how anybody works with this man.

On to the show: Jeff Lewis and his crew are traveling to High Point, North Carolina to set up a showroom at a home goods show. Jeff is stressed because they are already late to the airport and Jenni Pulos can’t find her phone. Jeff is pissed and says that she does this all the time. 

Flipping Out Recap: How Does Jeff Lewis Keep Employees? Tonight He Says Goodbye to Megan

One week later at Jeff’s house, he’s going over a new rule with the staff — what fun! The rule started when the new project manager, Anthony, didn’t have a phone on him for a few days. Jeff states if you don’t have a phone on you, you’re not ready for work and only come to work if you have a phone. Anthony tried to explain that the company didn’t have insurance on the phone so it took longer to get it. Jeff didn’t care — of course not! Jeff then says that Gage was pissed at Anthony so Jeff is bringing it up to air it.  

Flipping Out Recap: How Does Jeff Lewis Keep Employees? Tonight He Says Goodbye to Megan

At the Mulholland project, the client, Randall Emmett (aka Vanderpump Rules star Lala Kent‘s fiance), is going over everything with Jeff, but Jeff talks to Lala. Jeff and Lala love the same tile selections, but when Jeff keeps wanting to make changes including adding marble tiling for more money, Randall isn’t happy. However, Jeff is pushing Randall to spend more on the finishes. Randall finally comes around, of course. Then again, Jeff pulls Lala aside to talk to Randall about changing the roof — Randall says no but again, comes around.

Related: Details on Lala Kent’s giant engagement ring

At Chaz Dean Studio, Megan runs in late because she’s having a problem with her daughter. Jeff’s reaction: “Not my problem.” He claims he’s more sympathetic now that he has a child, but…nah, I won’t touch that one. He tells Megan to leave the meeting and not come back until she has herself together and can pay attention. I get that Megan’s personal life should be left out of the meeting and she’s distracted, but wouldn’t it be more professional to pull her aside and talk to her than to talk to her like that in front of everyone? Wait, it’s Jeff Lewis. I forgot. I won’t touch that one either.

Flipping Out Recap: How Does Jeff Lewis Keep Employees? Tonight He Says Goodbye to Megan

Megan comes back and says she has solved the problem. She explains to the camera that it’s going to happen to Jeff that his kid will ultimately call during a meeting with an emergency. They quiz Megan to see if she’s paying attention. She knows most, but not all.

Flipping Out Recap: How Does Jeff Lewis Keep Employees? Tonight He Says Goodbye to Megan

Back at Mulholland, Randall, Lala, and Jeff look the floors that came out well. Randall is happy that Jeff has saved him a good chunk of money on the project so far, but when Jeff suggests that Russell makes more changes on the cupboards in the kitchen, Randall gets pissed and tells Jeff it’s not happening.

Jeff starts venting that he shouldn’t have to be a daddy to the employees about their phones and in their files, etc. Jenni says that sometimes she wants to stop in and help but doesn’t want to be overbearing.

Related: Lea Black talks about her friendship with Flipping Out’s Jeff Lewis

At dinner, Jeff asks Lea Black how he can motivate his employees. He’s impressed by what Lea has done. Jeff and Jenni bicker — Jenni says she’s worked hours for him and he says all Jenni has done since is complain. Lea tells Jeff that he can be an international brand and needs to let go of things that are holding him back no matter how much he loves them. Maybe he also needs a personality makeover, some lessons on respecting others and how to handle personal business discussions and more before he becomes a brand?

Jeff and Gage Edward talk about their two disgruntled employees — neither of the women wants to do the High Point, North Carolina trip and Jeff asks Gage for his thoughts. Gage says that he’s pissed that Megan is complaining because he’s paying her first class to go look at industry stuff. Jeff says Megan can make more money with him than on her own and with less stress. Jeff says he’s going to talk to Megan in front of the entire office about things. Business 101 — talk in private!

Jeff asks Megan what she can realistically do on the job. Gage says he wants 3 to 4 days a week from her. Megan tells Jeff she has more clients now and is getting busier. Before you know it, Jeff ends the professional relationship with Megan because Megan doesn’t seem to have any time for him. 

Another one bites the dust.


Photo Credit: Bravo TV