Real Housewives Of Orange County RHOC Vicki Gunvalson Shannon Beador

Vicki Gunvalson Says Shannon Beador “Is A Selfish, Narcissistic, Ego-Driven Person Who Only Cares About Herself”

Dealing with Vicki Gunvalson is an exercise in futility. Vicki also has issues with jealousy. Thankfully viewers will be free from Vicki’s relentless woo-hoo screaming and desperate attempts to make Steve Lodge appear interested in their relationship. Bravo gave us the gift that will keep on giving, no more Vicki or Tamra Judge on Real Housewives of Orange County.

Accepting her fate with a positive attitude isn’t Vicki’s thing. Thankfully, her partner in crime, Tamra, was shown the door as well. But one piece of the puzzle was missing. Shannon Beador, third member of the OCs answer to Hells Angels, Tres Amigas, kept her orange. While doing press for the show, Shannon was asked about her former friend. Vicki’s Google Alerts must be on because now she responds to Shannon’s comments, and seemingly punishes her for not being unemployed.

If bullshit could fly, Vicki’s life would be a runway and she would be soaring through the friendly skies nonstop. Vicki was on RHOC since the inception, and she won’t let you forget it. While discussing the upcoming season, naturally Shannon was asked about Vicki’s firing departure. Though no one is asking Vicki much of anything these days, she decided to respond.

In an interview with CelebMagazine, Vicki has harsh words for her former amiga. “I find it very interesting that Shannon is doing press about the upcoming season- which neither Tamra or I are in- and deciding that we are necessary topics of conversation. I suppose it shows how relevant we still are to the show- and how front and center we are in Shannon’s frantic mind- for her to need to continue to bring us up. While I could simply suggest she call Dr. Moon to calm her down or take another colonic, I’m going to address this since she decided to mention my name.” I’ll bet a WHOLE ORANGE that Shannon was asked about Vicki and didn’t choose to bring her up. Nice of Vick to mock Shannon’s naturopathic doctor, though. She was writing that from her permanent parking spot at her plastic surgeon’s office.


RELATED: Shannon Beador Says Tamra Judge And Vicki Gunvalson’s Absence Allowed Her To Become Closer To Other Real Housewives Of Orange County Cast Members; Tamra Says Shannon “Lies Lies Lies”


Vicki added, “I was always there for Shannon and let’s not forget how even when she turned on me and was so blatantly nasty to me, I still was there for her and was willing to let the past go when she finally got over being mad at me (which again was for something I had no involvement in but she decided to blame me for).” All those people actually suffering from cancer are still trying to “let the past go” too.

If you fail to recall that Vicki is the OG of the OC, please don’t. Or she will remind you. A lot. “She should be thanking me for even bringing this franchise about or she wouldn’t have a platform to be on but instead she decides to do interviews where she denigrates and insults me still.”


RELATED: Vicki Gunvalson Slams Shannon Beador After She Unfollowed Shannon On Instagram


Vicki is not done yet, folks. “If Shannon really considered me a ‘close friend’ as she claims in this interview she did today, where have the calls been since I announced I was no longer going to be on RHOC? Shannon is a selfish, narcissistic, ego-driven person who only cares about herself.” I only have two words for this statement. Brooks. Ayers. Try again, Vicki.

Then Vicki slams Shannon’s lifestyle. “I am an independent, self-made woman who is able to afford to live a certain lifestyle and I love living in the country.” Translation: I have never been with a wealthy man. Vicki continued. “Others, like Shannon, want to ‘keep up’ but then had to downgrade their lifestyle once their husband stopped paying all the bills. It’s downright pathetic and sets a horrid example for her daughters- though I guess when your ex-husband forbids you from drinking around your daughters this can’t be the first bad example you’ve set for them.” Take it, Briana Culberson! Vicki’s daughter had to deal with Brooks making inappropriate comments to her whilst pregnant. Unfortunately Vicki was too wacked out on Xanax during a reunion to even address it. Vicki should not be commenting on other people’s children. But Vicki is gonna Vicki.


RELATED: Vicki Gunvalson & Tamra Judge Admit They’re Bothered By Shannon Beador Making Up With Kelly Dodd


Vicki shared, “I have no intention of returning to the show but rest assured that if I ever did- Shannon and I will have words.” Oh don’t worry, she won’t be returning. “And that is not a threat, it’s a promise. I highly suggest you shut your mouth and keep our names out of it. Love, your former Tres Amiga.” Is this tough Vicki? This is parched Vicki. This is Vicki who has been in the hot sun of the Sahara Desert for the past six months with nothing to drink.

Vicki wants attention. Vicki needs attention. And just because she’s not around doesn’t mean she isn’t going to get attention. Vicki can comment until the cows come home. Vicki can take off to her crib in Mexico. What Vicki can’t do is hold an orange, and she won’t let you forget that either.


RELATED: Shannon Beador & Kelly Dodd Make Up; Tamra Judge & Vicki Gunvalson Unfollow Shannon On Instagram


[Photo Credit: Bravo]