Ramona Singer Real Housewives Of New York

Ramona Singer Parties On A Yacht Maskless While Real Housewives Of New York Filming Is Paused Due To Covid Exposure

Real Housewives of New York will probably have somewhat of a choppy season. Thanks to Covid, normal filming has been interrupted twice because of the stupid, nasty pandemic. This virus simply refuses to go away no matter how many people ignore basic safety precautions. The nerve. It’s almost as if a disease that’s contagious keeps spreading to others on purpose or something.

Well some people absolutely refuse to have their lives dictated by an entity they cannot see. Former nurse Luann de Lesseps had no issue traveling to Florida while RHONY was taking a break. Though she was photographed without wearing PPE, it means absolutely nothing because according to Luann, “proper precautions” were taken. THANK GOODNESS. But Lu isn’t the only one not letting the germy infections get her down. Corona Singer, sorry, I mean Ramona Singer took a little jaunt as well.

I’m not entirely sure what’s going on in New York, but what isn’t going on is good behavior. While Bravo production has seemingly done the most to keep the franchises up and running during a health crisis, some of the ladies in front of the camera seem to give no fucks. A few of our Housewives have stayed the course and practiced behavior in accordance to guidelines, but it seems most of them put some clothes in a suitcase and decided to travel.

If you are concerned about yourself or your loved ones coming down with Covid, do not copy what you see anyone on Bravo doing, bless their hearts. Ramona is a strong, independent woman, much like Lu. And much like Lu, Ramona has been traveling. She’s been kicking it in St. Barts, Mar-a-Lago, and most recently she showed up on a yacht! Because saaailing takes her away to where she’s always heard it could be…


RELATED: Luann de Lesseps Parties Sans Mask In Florida; Carole Radziwill Slams Luann And Ramona Singer For Behavior During Coronavirus Pandemic


According to Page Six, Ramona blatantly ignored Bravo’s request to stay home while they wait out a production shutdown caused by a Rona case on set. Ramona has traveled and then some. She attended a maskless soiree over the weekend that was held in Palm Beach. Numerous insiders have repeatedly shared that cast members have traveled despite production basically begging them to stay close to home to avoid shutting down for a THIRD time.

But that Ramona is a cagey one, she has been posting photos on Insta that make it seem as if she’s stayed in Manhattan the entire time. Methinks Mona temporarily forgot that mobile phones have become a thing since the 80’s. And it’s damn easy to bust someone these days.


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So what do we think? Is Ramona leading a life of selfishness and zero compassion for others? Is she just a woman of a certain age who refuses to put her life on hold because of inconvenient restrictions due to a horrible contagion? Should Bravo financially penalize talent who are insubordinate and openly defy repeated appeals from their boss to stick around NY? Or do we all come to the conclusion that Ramona has never listened to anyone but the voices in her head to guide her actions? I guess we’ll find out if RHONY has to be shut down for break number three.


RELATED: Kristen Taekman Says Ramona Singer Was A “Nightmare” And Restaurants Didn’t Let Real Housewives Film Because Of Her Behavior


[Photo Credit: Bravo]