Married At First Sight Recap: – Bliss, Brunches and Brawls…Oh My!

The five newly Married At First Sight couples spend their first night together. Then each spouse meets with their new friends and in-laws to get more insight on their new spouse. Things definitely get a little more interesting. I knew things start to heat up on the honeymoon, but I just didn’t expect it to happen as soon as the group lands. People are starting to let their true personalities show and it’s not always well received. One thing that is apparent, the experts haven’t stopped including a toxic person every season. I will let you guess who that person is in this cast.

One bride refuses to interact with her husband. A groom is left sad and confused when his realizes his marriage may have ended before it even starts.  A couple is excluded from the group, when there is an argument with another couple.  Let’s get straight into the recap!

Noi and Steve

Noi gets emotional while speaking with Steve’s parents. She was impressed with her husband’s openness to wearing her traditional garb at their wedding. His father pulls no punches when he asks her thoughts about his son being unemployed. Noi takes it in stride and responds that she is sure they will get on the same page. Steve is grilled by Noi’s brother about everything from career, finances and children.  Right now, these two are definitely in the exciting phase of a new relationship. I know Noi values stability while Steve is a bit more adventurous. He seems confident he will start working, at least in a freelance capacity. But for someone who values travel and experiences, I don’t see him sitting a desk for too long. But who knows, maybe they will find a way to both compromise.

Alyssa and Chris

Chris is still confused as to what he could have done to cause his wife to be so uncomfortable with him. When they arrive to their hotel room, he tries to speak more about the situation, but Alyssa declines. Talk about awkward! Wow, this is so unfair to keep this guy in the dark. Nothing was said at the wedding that should have upset her so much to treat him this way. Honestly, I think she is just doing this because she isn’t comfortable staying the night with the stranger. Why not tell him this, rather than have him wonder what he did wrong the entire night.

In a post interview, Chris shares that he and Alyssa spoke off camera, the night before. When he questioned her further, she admits they just don’t “vibe.” The next day, they speak again on camera and he accuses her of checking out. Duh! I don’t know any other way to describe it. Things get messy when clips are shown of her talking about her expectations. In one clip she talks about liking nice teeth and then they show Chris’. The shade, Lifetime! I think it’s pretty apparent that she isn’t attracted to him.  Alyssa is looking for any reason to take a step back. But she claims she is willing to see how things go, no matter the outcome. I call bs! If you aren’t open to truly getting to know someone despite their looks, why audition for this show?

I feel so bad for Chris. He had to go meet with Alyssa’s family and tell them that he was just told by his wife she only wanted to be friends. Her mom seems saddened by the news and encourages him to remain hopeful.  Meanwhile, Alyssa meets with his mom and friends and acts as if everything is okay. Sigh! I really don’t like this woman, at this point. She isn’t taking this process seriously, at all. Everything about him seems to annoy her, despite him trying so hard to make her comfortable.

After being ignored since the wedding, Chris tries once again to see if his “wife” is willing to act like she is married to him. He is beyond frustrated that they have only spent a total of forty minutes together. She isn’t even willing to share a room for the honeymoon. He confronts her on her unwillingness to give him a chance. He knows she is disappointed by the match and just has given up. She denies everything and storms off, when he says that she isn’t telling the truth.  She is even mad that he didn’t lie to her mother about the state of their relationship. SMH… Why the hell did the experts pick this woman?  Why do these abusive people keep being allowed on this show? It seems like every season there is a person like this who gets off on humiliating their spouse.

Katina and Olajuwon

Olajuwon meets with Katina’s family and starts off the conversation with telling them he needs to work on cuddling. Sigh1 One of her male friends gets right down to business and wants to understand his intentions. This friend definitely has Katina’s back because he isn’t letting Olajuwon bs his way through the conversation. Meanwhile, she meets with her husband’s biggest cheerleader who passes on the title to her.

As soon as the couples land in Puerto Rico there is an incident with Lindsey. According to Olajuwon he was approached by her on whether he knew Spanish. He tells her he doesn’t speak Spanish fluently, so he is just going to speak English. Lindsey proceeds to tell him he should speak Spanish since it’s the native language to which he responds “worry about your husband.” Due to the spat, Lindsey and Chris take a bus alone rather than ride with the other couples. Honestly, that is such a stupid thing to fight about. I’m not sure how the conversation escalated, but it seems like it could have been easily avoided.

Lindsey and Mark

On their first night together, Mark opens up to Lindsey about his mother’s depression. She listens and appreciates his that he was comfortable to be so vulnerable with her. The next morning, they continue getting to know each other. Later, she meets with her hubby’s family to gain more insight about him.  Chris’ family gives her some tips, but ultimately they love that her personality will help to open him up.

Mark receives a Lindsey survival kit from her friends and family. Lmao! Although they love her, they are very candid with him about needing to reel her in at times. I can definitely see how her in your face personality could be a lot at times. But, I really like that she is unapologetically herself. I don’t know how that will affect their marriage, but right now Chris seems up for the challenge.

Once they arrive at the hotel, Lindsey is still very upset about her interaction with Olajuwon. She feels like they were joking and things went too far.  Mark decides to try to de-escalate the situation and goes to meet the other couples. Olajuwon immediately apologizes to him and agrees to move on. Katina isn’t as forgiving. She will continue to be cordial, but doesn’t want to interact with Lindsey for too long. Geesh! Did something else happen beyond what was said? I would think this could be easily resolved.

Mark returns to the room and gives Lindsey a version of events from the peace meeting that may not exactly be accurate. In other words, he came back with a much nicer version. But I appreciate he wanted to make sure his wife feels comfortable and understands how her actions led to the events that took place. I have a feeling that he may have a lot more of these types of conversations in store for him during this marriage.


Jasmina and Michael

Jasmina sits down with Michael’s family and she seems to fit right in. If I wasn’t paying attention, I would think she was with her own family. But within the conversation, a few red flags come up. Michael sometimes can think the worst and Jasmina has only been in long distance relationships. Both can be a recipe for disaster down the road, if they don’t learn to compromise and communicate. Meanwhile, Michael speaks with his wife’s family. He admits that he hasn’t ever seen an example of a good marriage and tries to reassure his mother-in-law of his intentions.

There must be something in the water in Puerto Rico.  Michael and Jasmina discuss the confrontation between Lindsey and Olajuwon and have their first disagreement. Michael’s perspective is that when you don’t know people, there is always a possibility of conflict until you know a person’s boundaries. Okay, makes sense so far. Jasmina emphatically disagrees and says she doesn’t go into situations expecting conflict. Huh? In a post interview, she references his sister’s comment about him being negative at times as the reason the conversation bothered her. Sigh! Does everyone need a nap after the flight? This is such a non-issue. I don’t think Michael’s comments were coming from a negative place, just a realistic one. He also was giving everyone in the situation some grace, which could be seen as optimistic. When you take strangers and put them together in close quarters of course there will be issues as you get to know each other. To his point, I don’t think Lindsey set out to make anyone angry, she just may not have realized how her comments would affect them. Either way, it’s a little too early to be declaring war because you have a different way of thinking.



[Photo Credit: Lifetime]