Jennie Nguyen

Jennie Nguyen Says She “Had A Team Of People Helping” Her With Social Media In The Midst Of Her Racially Offensive Social Media Scandal

Jennie Nguyen is speaking out. The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City star has been under pressure for days now due to racially offensive social media posts that were found on her Facebook account. The posts, which were made in 2020, were anti-BLM and even suggested violence against protestors. Bravo made the right decision and fired her from the show, right in the middle of filming season 3.

After teasing on her social media that she would be going live on Instagram to discuss, Jennie made good on that promise. As reported by People, Jennie sat down with her friend, only identified as “Michael” to discuss her side of the matter. She started, “I just want you to understand my point of view and where I come from, and what’s going on during that time. I mean it’s an old post on my account, it’s in 2020.” Is two years considered old? Anyway.

She continued, “I just want you to understand, during that time I had a team of people that were helping me. Whether they post it, I post it, it doesn’t really matter at this point. For me, it’s on my account, and I take full responsibility and accountability for what was posted.” Ok, the giant question I know we are all asking is – why would you have a team of people helping you on your social media? Jennie wasn’t a Housewife or a celebrity. It’s unclear as to what she was even doing professionally at the time. Regardless, why would anyone on you team be posting such offensive personal beliefs?

Jennie added, “I know I hurt a lot of people. I know my viewpoint during that time in 2020 was emotional. And it brings back a lot of memories during that time when we went through such a tragic, terrible year. And I just want to let you know that I am taking full responsibility and accountability for the things that were posted on my account, whether it was me or somebody else. It’s on my account and I’m big enough to understand that those posts are very sensitive and inappropriate, to the point where it is disgusting.”

Jennie at times looked downright bored and spoke defensively. She went on about her beliefs, “But I want you to understand that my political stance, I still support that. I am very proud to be a Republican. I am proud to be able to say I have the freedom of speech to choose and to have an opinion. I respect your opinion, I respect your political stance. We are different. But we need to respect each other and we need to understand that we live in this country, where we have the freedom to speak our mind, as well as we have a freedom to choose.”


RELATED: Candiace Dillard Speaks Out Against Jennie Nguyen’s Racially Offensive Posts


That’s fine, it’s cool if she’s a Republican. But is it a political party belief to want to run people over with your car, like one of the memes suggested? Apparently that point is lost on her because she maintained, “I don’t tolerate violence. But I do support my law enforcement. I know with every profession, there’s good and there’s bad. I don’t support the bad, I don’t support the brutality of Black people or with any race.”

Jennie revealed, “But I do support my law enforcement. But that doesn’t make me racist. To support my political stance, that does not make me a racist. And I want you to understand that. And whether I remember the posts in 2020, I don’t remember whether it’s on my account or not. We don’t remember what we ate yesterday, let alone two years ago. But like, again, I take full responsibility.” Oh boy, what a defense. You might not remember what you ate yesterday (I don’t either ) but I certainly know where I stand on incredibly sensitive racial issues. And I think we would all know if we shared those sentiments publicly, even if it was 2 years ago.

She went on to state, “We’re all human, we make mistakes. If you did not make any mistake in your lifetime, then you’re not speaking the truth. I made a mistake. And to say, this is the only mistake I made, no I make tons of mistakes in my lifetime. Am I going to continue to make a mistake? Of course. Am I going to learn from it? Absolutely. Am I going to learn and adapt and teach? Of course I am, but I’m still human, we’re all human.” Jennie added, “We need to understand, to support each other. And at this moment I understand the pain that you’re going through, I understand the suffering, I understand that the organization of Black Lives [Matter] meant for something.”


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“I’m taking full responsibility for it. What matters is that I hurt people, I hurt my fans, I hurt the people that are out there supporting me, and I feel really, really, really awful for that. And I never want to put anyone. From, you know, I understand that Black people have suffered a lot and went through a lot and dealt with a lot, more than any race on this planet,” she said.

Jennie then discussed police brutality, which was a theme in many of the memes she shared. She asserted, “Police brutality is a very, very big topic. But again, you have policemen out there signing their life away every day, to make a commitment to protect the community. What about showing that appreciation. I did show that appreciation. I don’t support bad ones. I don’t support people that are out there burning buildings, because there are workers there. My friends gone through their business being destroyed, they didn’t do anything. We are getting abuse for things that we didn’t do and that’s not fair.”

“But what I’m trying to say is like, that doesn’t make me racist. That’s making me compassionate for the people that are suffering. And I know a lot of people are suffering without being involved in the movement,” she declared.


RELATED: Tiffany Moon Is “Appalled And Saddened” By Jennie Nguyen’s Racially Offensive Social Media Activity


Jennie concluded, “Mentally, physically, we all are dealing with it. And I hope you understand that I will continue to change and learn and improve myself. From your point of view, from my friend’s point of view, from my fans’ point of view, I will take that to heart and learn and adapt.”


[Photo Credit: Bravo]