Married to Medicine Season 10, Episode 12 Recap: Hilton Head Here We Come

Married to Medicine Season 10, Episode 12 recap
Photo by Nicole Weingart/Bravo via Getty Images

Sweet Tea and Dr. Jackie went head to head in Married to Medicine Season 10, Episode 12! Last week, Dr. Heavenly recruited dates for Phaedra, and Dr. Simone apologized to Jackie for picking Hilton head as their vacation destination. She didn’t remember that was where Curtis cheated on Jackie before. Oop! This week, the group went on vacation and were left wondering if Jackie and Curtis would arrive. Here’s everything you need to know about Married to Medicine Season 10, Episode 12: “Hilton Head Here We Come.” 

Half the crew was MIA

Married to Medicine Season 10, Episode 12
Photo by: Phylicia J. L. Munn/Bravo

The day of the couples trip arrived! Everyone met at Simone’s house to take off to Hilton Head. Simone teased Dr. Kema by asking if she could get him something, and Sweet Tea wondered if Dr. Alicia could learn from Simone’s hostess skills. Kema thought they were being nice and didn’t realize it was a trap. Which of course he fell right into when he responded Alicia was already trained right. Oop! This was going to be a long trip for Alicia and Kema.

The bus was ready and waiting but Heavenly, Jackie, and Phaedra weren’t there yet. Toya got in a dig that they needed the most make up. Never rush the glam! Simone then called up Heavenly, who said if Jackie and Curtis weren’t going she wasn’t either. She then called up a tearful Jackie who said Curtis didn’t want to revisit the scene of the crime. Cecil was optimistic they would change their minds. Phaedra arrived just in time and the group was off!

Alicia runs the show

Married to Medicine Season 10, Episode 12 recap
Photo by: Derek White/Bravo

It was a long drive to their destination so the group kicked it off with some shots. Simone announced to the group that Heavenly and Jackie wouldn’t be there. No one understood the reasoning that they didn’t want to come because Curtis’ infidelity would become the topic of conversation. Toya noted that no one would bring it up, and ironically the only person who ever brought it up was Heavenly. 

A private chef greeted the group upon arrival with cocktail that had sweet tea in it, which pleased Dr. G. But the cocktail was also called “Swamp Water,” which probably didn’t please Sweet Tea. Phaedra fanned herself and wondered where all the big strong men were to carry up her luggage. Kema loved to hear it and told Alicia to be more like Phaedra. Alicia said that Kema like to walk the walk, but she was leading the pack. You couldn’t turn the head without the neck, and she was the neck in the relationship. 

Eugene was in his happy place alongside the chef as he cooked their crab boil. The rest of the group was gathering outside to check out the pool. Then surprise! Jackie and Curtis arrived with Heavenly and Dr. Damon. Curtis changed his mind with a quickness!

Jackie’s turn in the hot seat

Married to Medicine Season 10, Episode 12
Photo by: Phylicia J. L. Munn/Bravo

An awkward silence enveloped the group as Jackie, Curtis, Heavenly, and Damon arrived. It was short-lived however, and they were greeted with big hugs. Cecil was suspicious their quick arrival was due to Curtis’ private plane, which he would have rather been on than the bus. Toya said they arrived just in time as Phaedra was teaching them how to get the men to do what they wanted. Sweet Tea then tried to demonstrate when she asked Dr. G to get her a drink, to which he immediately said no. Better keep practicing! 

Toya told the group she was happy everyone was here and said no one was going to bring up Jackie and Curtis’ relationship. But what the group didn’t account for was Sweet Tea. She thought it was hypocritical they would bring up Dr. G and Quad’s issues in front of her, but nothing could be brought up about Jackie. Sweet Tea said it was Jackie’s turn to be in the hot seat. Well, Jackie wasn’t having that. She immediately read Sweet Tea for filth. The group basically applauded Jackie, and Sweet Tea begrudgingly drank down her swamp water.

Curtis then chimed in that if they were to be the topic of conversation they were out. Simone assured Jackie this trip was not a dig on her relationship. If it weren’t for Jackie, she and her husband Cecil wouldn’t have stayed together for the past 26 years. Cecil did a quick, ahem, and corrected her it was 27. That comment lifted the mood to laughter but only for a brief moment. Heavenly still had a bone to pick with Simone.

Sweet Tea was tired of the boomers

Married to Medicine Season 10, Episode 12 recap
Photo by: Derek White/Bravo

Heavenly was not a fan that Simone didn’t choose a different location after she was told Hilton Head made Jackie uncomfortable. This got them into a screaming match until the neighbors started to snoop around. It was time to call it a draw and head inside. Jackie called on Phaedra to bring her Reiki healing to the group. Phaedra had her gong and her flute at the ready, but mused Jackie was getting exactly what she wanted … Heavenly to do her dirty work.

Eugene wondered why they didn’t trust them as a group. Jackie pulled the “It’s not you, it’s me,” card. Just talking about this trip brought up issues between her and Curtis. Jackie told the group not to be selfish. Sweet Tea let out a big yawn, she was ready for round two. Sweet Tea yelled she didn’t like how Jackie made fun of her situation Dr. G. Jackie quipped for her to let it all out if it made her feel better. Sweet Tea responded with an eloquent “F*ck you b*tch.” Phaedra gasped, you don’t talk to your elders like that!

Jackie wasn’t shook and said she’d deal with baby girl later. Dr. G pulled Sweet Tea aside to make sure she was okay. She said she had a hard time getting along with the group because of the age difference, and they said things to bother her on purpose. Dr. G didn’t have much advice other than that’s standard behavior. Sweet Tea wasn’t sure how to handle her feelings moving forward, but knew shouting “F*ck you” probably wasn’t the best strategy.

Heavenly was in her feelings

Married to Medicine Season 10, Episode 12
Photo by: Derek White/Bravo

The next day Eugene happily made eggs for Toya, Alicia, and Kema. He really missed his calling as a chef. The group could tell Dr. G wasn’t happy with Sweet Tea’s behavior and hoped things would be resolved today. Meanwhile, Heavenly apologized to Simone for yelling at her. She admitted she was caught up in her feelings. In her confessional she knew she overstepped, but wanted Jackie to speak up for herself. Simone accepted the apology, but shut down the hug. Harsh!

Later that morning the ladies headed off to play golf while the men went to a cooking class. Kema of course didn’t plan cook. And Curtis only knew how to find the utensils in the kitchen to eat his Uber Eats. Damon joked that he made decent pancakes and eggs but no one else in his family would eat them. Eugene noted the kitchen was for everyone, not just the women, but the group didn’t agree on his assessment. They are missing out, who doesn’t love a man who can cook?

Everyone was marveling at Phaedra’s 80’s movie villain golf outfit in the sprinter van. She always had the right fit for any occasion! Then Sweet tea took her shot and apologized to Jackie for her behavior last night. Jackie was cold! She said apologies were for yourself and it was hard to hear someone tell her to F off. Sweet Tea whispered to Heavenly if she thought Jackie received her apology and Heavenly gave a flat no ma’am. Toya advised that Sweet Tea pray. Looks like the conflict will continue onto next week!

Married to Medicine continues Sundays at 9/8c on Bravo.