Real Housewives of Salt Lake City Season 5, Episode 4 Recap: Laverne and Shirley Would Be Proud

Real Housewives of Salt Lake City Season 5, Episode 4 recap.
Photo Credit: Joshua Applegate/Bravo via Getty Images

Welcome to the Real Housewives of Salt Lake City Season 5, Episode 4 recap. In last week’s episode, the Housewives took a PJ to Milwaukee to attend a Trixie Mattel drag show. Things got heated between Lisa and Bronwyn at the Bucks game, while Angie revealed some information about Britani’s Osmond brother boyfriend that made her realize they weren’t so “official” after all. Will Heather be able to get over her “new person distrust issues” and make friends with Bronwyn? Keep reading to see exactly what went down in the RHOSLC Season 5, Episode 4: “The Epiphany.”

What happened in Real Housewives of Salt Lake City Season 5, Episode 4?

RHOSLC Season 5 cast in purple.
Photo Credit: Koury Angelo/Bravo

In this week’s episode, the ladies are still in Milwaukee. They’re on a tour of the Miller Brewing Company, where Heather spills the beans to Whitney that Meredith’s been talking about her business. At the Harley Davidson Museum, Whitney sets them all on the highway to Crazy Town. But the night ends happily at Trixie Mattel’s drag club, This is It. Here are some of the highlights from RHOSLC Season 5, Episode 4.

Bad Weather at the Milwaukee Brewery

Over at the brewery, Heather and Whitney are doing their best Laverne and Shirley impersonation: “Schlemiel, Schlimazel, Hasenpfeffer Incorporated!”

For their last day in Milwaukee, Whitney has planned a private tour of the Miller Beer factory, including a beer and cheese tasting.  My college boyfriend drank Miller. I’ve always associated it with him, so there’s that.

But before they leave, Heather has a surprise for her cousin. She bought them both sweaters with their initials on the shoulder — “W” for Whit and “H” for Heather — just like Laverne and Shirley. They’re going to wear them for their tour of the Miller factory.

But all is not hearts and flowers among the ladies. Meredith told Heather about the rumors concerning Whitney’s clothing line. Rumor has it that she’s stealing designs from other designers and selling them at inflated prices. Can’t we just all get along?

Apparently, Lisa is pissed off about Whitney’s talking behind her back, so she has her own plan for the day. Rather than following Whitney’s tour schedule, she’s opting out in favor of hanging with Britani and Meili. That’s not very nice since Whitney is hosting the trip.

Lisa takes Meili and Britani curling. “Anything’s better than hanging out with Whitney,” she snarks.

Mary loses her beer virginity on the Real Housewives of Salt Lake City

The RHOSLC cast filming Season 5 on a trip to Milwaukee.
Photo Credit: Joshua Applegate/Bravo

At the brewery, the rest of the women are enjoying a beer and cheese tasting. When the host asks who’s never tasted beer before, Mary raises her hand. Mary’s a beer virgin. Did she never go to college?!

“Are you familiar with champagne, though? Well, this is the champagne of beers,” he laughs, quoting Miller’s famous tagline.

Heather wonders if they can switch out Mary’s 2003 Dom Perignon for Miller. “Think of the money she could save!”

And surprise, surprise, Mary LIKES it! Shocking! In an interview, she says, “I had no clue there was an ‘upscale’ beer!” I don’t know if I’d go that far, Mary.

Heather and Whitney have a few minutes to themselves, so Heather brings up Meredith’s allegations of design stealing and price gouging. Heather adds that someone made accusations that Whitney buys jewelry from China and rebrands it as her own design. Needless to say, Whitney wasn’t happy.

“That’s really sh*tty,” Whitney responds. “That’s my business, and there’s nothing shady about it.”

Whitney actually admits that one of her business partners saw that accusation on social media and sent it to her. Her partner asked, “Do you think this is one of your friends?” Wow. So, someone in their group is trying to sabotage Whitney’s business? That’s rough. But Whitney insists she only buys from “curated vendors” and not from China.

Could this be the work of Meredith the Spy all over again? She’s been known to dig up dirt about her “friends” and then use the accusations against them (eg. Angie and the Greek mafia).

Whitney questions why Meredith didn’t just come to her with the rumors about her business

Heather Gay and Whitney Rose film RHOSLC Season 5.
Photo Credit: Joshua Applegate/Bravo

Even though Heather begged Whitney not to bring up Meredith’s rumors on the trip, Whitney just can’t help herself. On the way to dinner at the Harley Davidson Museum, Heather says, “It’s been such a fun trip!”

Whitney can’t resist responding, “It has been an amazing trip … until I found out that y’all are talking about my business.” Dun dun DUN! Here we go.

Meredith tries to deflect by saying she saw the rumors and told Heather about them. She wishes Whitney had come to her before starting her jewelry line, and she would have “helped” her. Would she, though? But Whit wants to know why Meredith didn’t just pick up the phone and call her rather than talk to Heather about the rumors.

As Whitney and Meredith are arguing, Mary’s performing a hand puppet show: “Blah blah blah … Blah blah blah.” Exactly. Rinse and repeat.

As they arrive at the museum, Whitney explains that the museum is not normally open to the public at night, but they’ve opened it especially for them. She’s a self-proclaimed Harley girl, so can they “just put a pin in it” for tonight? You were the one who brought it up, Whit.

Mary Cosby wants her five minutes back

Angie K making a point in RHOSLC Season 5.
Photo Credit: Joshua Applegate/Bravo

Inside the museum, Whitney says, “[It’s like we’re] eating dinner in the [Mormon] Temple.” Everyone is suddenly on their best behavior.

Bronwyn’s amazed at the change. “Like, it was a full-on assault on the sprinter van,” she says, “and now they’re on their best behavior … It took the Harley Davidson Museum to bring out the classy side of these ho’s. We are in the Upside Down right now.”

Unfortunately, it’s short-lived. Once everyone’s seated, Whitney distributes necklaces from her jewelry line as a memento of their trip, adding, “Meredith, I just think that if you truly cared, you’d pick up the phone and call me.”

And just like that, we’re back on the road to Crazy Town. Lisa tries to defend Meredith, while Angie does the same for Whitney. The fight escalates into Lisa feeling “isolated” and like she has no “loyal friends.”

Angie says that she’s been a loyal friend to Lisa “24/7,” but it’s just “never enough” for Lisa.

“I spend breakfast, lunch, and dinner on the phone with Lisa,” Angie adds. “I’ve taken away time with my daughter to … be on the phone with her. And that’s what I get in return?”

At just that moment, Britani taps her glass and says she has an announcement. Everyone rolls their eyes, thinking she’s going to say she’s back together with Jared.

“Jared and I,” Britani says, pausing for dramatic effect, “are officially … broken up! I had this epiphany.” And just like that, everyone’s back in a jovial mood. Good for her! Stay strong, Britani!

But Mary’s not buying the merchandise. “[In] the next five minutes,” she says, looking meaningfully at her watch, “they’re gonna be back together … And you know what? I want my five minutes back.”

It’s couture, bitches!

Before heading off to the drag show, some of the women decide to change. Bronwyn comes out dressed as a hot dog, complete with a mustard cap on her head. It’s couture, y’all. She looks ridiculous, but hey, wear it with confidence, girl!

“The heart coat, that was fashion,” Mary narrates. “The hot dog outfit, that’s a costume.” Mary doesn’t approve of Bronwyn’s sartorial choice, but I’m amused.

On arrival at This is It, Trixie waves them to the front of the line. Whitney claims to have been fascinated by drag queens since she was a little girl.

“Drag shows bring the community together,” she interviews. “It’s a safe place for people to express themselves, express love, and I just love supporting drag queens. Always have.”

As the ladies participate in an on-stage dance-off, Heather voiceovers, “We’ve definitely had our moments on this trip. But the truth is, we’ve had a great time. We’ve made all of our Milwaukee dreams come true, and we did it our way. Laverne and Shirley would be proud.”

Real Housewives of Salt Lake City airs Wednesdays at 9/8c on Bravo.