Is Kyle Richards Milking Her Split With Mauricio for a Storyline?

Kyle Richards in tears at BravoCon

Kyle Richards and Mauricio Umansky‘s marriage is on life support. I hate this turn of events. You see, this household has starred on Real Housewives of Beverly Hills since 2010. Therefore, I borderline feel like they are my very rich, very removed family members, and so I just need my aunt and uncle to figure their shiz out already.

That said, I can’t say that I’m all that surprised. If you think about it, the red flags in this marriage have often been waving. Between Mauricio’s many cheating accusations, paired with the divide seen as their children have aged out of their home, this feels about right. Mostly.

Overall, I believe that this separation is real. I don’t think that they would ever put their children through this pain just for a storyline. Also, they’re already rich af, so they don’t need Bravo‘s paychecks to survive. We also know that Kyle will likely never be fired from the Real Housewives, so she doesn’t need to lie about something this major.

However, nothing is making sense. One day, they’re working on their marriage. The next, they’re free to date other people. They’re also still living in the same household to remain in-tact as a family, yet, their communication seems to be at an all-time low.

While most people would be moving forward with a divorce at this point, these two are off living their lives, which kinda feels like a big PR move. If so, it’s paying off, as they’ve been heavily featured in the gossip rags as of late. So, is Kyle just stretching their separation out to boost her popularity? Let’s dive in.

As Far As Storylines Go, Kyle’s Are Typically Meh

Boujee Bravo Bitches/Instagram

I don’t dislike Kyle. However, I also don’t think that she has brought enough genuine storylines to RHOBH. For a long time, she refused to share anything personal about her life. Instead, she’d poke at her costars life issues, and then she’d sit back, watching the chips fall.

Her storylines involving Lisa Vanderpump were my least favorite. These two ladies appeared close in Season 1, but within just a handful of episodes, Kyle started gossiping about Lisa. Naturally, Lisa pulled away from Kyle, and then a weird take-down was seen. Eventually, Kyle’s poor friendship skills caused Lisa to walk away from this series, and I can still hear Ken Todd‘s now iconic “Goodbye Kyle” line in my head.

Likewise, Kyle’s other friendships have often felt rocky on this cast. Overall, apart from her splits, ponytail swirls, and her instigative behaviors, she’s just not given us much. Kyle likely knows that the viewers are growing weary, so, if she’s going to get a divorce, she might as well ride it all the way to the bank. I get it though, because now, Kyle has an actual main storyline, so she is finally relevant on RHOBH.

Although, if I have to watch multiple seasons of this “are-they or aren’t-they” divorcing narrative, I might just scream.

Kyle’s Sisters Both Caused the Ratings To Soar
All About TRH/Instagram

Every Real Housewives star wants to be liked, because if they’re not, they’re ousted by the network. On this, Kyle’s likely safe, because she’s got Andy Cohen in her corner. Yet, she’s still never really been labeled as a fan favorite. She’s just not given this series anything iconic or real, but her sisters have, and their instant popularity has gotta sting.

Kim Richards and Kathy Hilton both spent time on RHOBH with their sister Kyle. As for Kim, she gave us very real conversations on addiction and recovery. She was also incredibly witty and funny, and she went toe to toe with Lisa Rinna, which was chefs kiss. Kathy is a Hilton, so that alone made her famous, but then her quirky behaviors, such as her caviar potatoes and her unintentionally funny statements, saw her popularity soaring, for a bit.

Kyle’s moment to equally shine is now or never, and I think that she is very well aware of this fact. I think that Mauricio is as well, as he has his own reality television series over on Netflix to promote. Currently, their separation is causing both of their names to be searched and written about Ad nauseam. So, if she and Mauricio have teamed up to stretch out their eventual divorce for the sake of their own personal reality television gains, we can’t hate their game, but we do hope that at some point very soon, they either sh*t or get off the pot.

Kyle’s Likely Just Turing Her Lemons Into Lemincello

Kyle Richards Umansky/Instagram

If you cannot beat your life’s problems, then you might as well roll with them. I think that this is exactly what Kyle is doing. Mauricio as well. Their names are on everyone’s radar at this point, and they are milking this narrative for all that it’s worth, which from a PR standpoint is genius.

Since both are now weirdly open to dating other people, while still living underneath the same roof, it’s likely only a matter of time before this grows old, and their divorce is seen. Or, their reconciliation, which would cause us all to tune in to both of their given series in record numbers, just to see how they are each handling their newly-repaired relationship. But again, Kyle, please do not milk this storyline for too long, because viewers can grow weary rather fast.