Survivor 47, Episode 6 Recap: Feel the FOMO

Survivor 47, Episode 6 recap.
Photo Credit: Robert Voets/CBS via Getty Images

The Merge has arrived! In last night’s action-packed episode of Survivor 47, the castaways dropped their buffs and left their tribes behind. In typical “Survivor 2.0” fashion, the players had to earn their way into the Merge. They competed in a grueling challenge for safety followed by a jaw-dropping Tribal Council. If you missed the chaos, don’t worry, we have you covered.

Here is everything you missed on Survivor 47, Episode 6: “Feel the FOMO.”

What happened in Survivor 47, Episode 6?

Last night was all about the Merge. The tribes dissolved and the individual portion of the game began. The castaways competed in a reward challenge that granted 7 players a Merge feast. The reward also allowed them to participate in a second challenge for immunity. Kyle won the Individual Immunity Challenge. Survivor 47’s favorite villain, Rome, continued to cause trouble. He spread rumors, lied, and tried to paint a target on Kyle and Sol. The group decided they were done with his antics and voted him out at Tribal Council.

Keep reading for a more detailed recap of the October 23 episode.

Survivor 47 enters the merge phase

The October 23 episode began with Sierra, Andy, and Sam doing damage control after last week’s blindside. The Gata tribe voted out Annika, blindsiding her number one ally, Rachel, who was sure Andy was being booted off the Island. In a confessional, Rachel said she is praying for the Merge since she is at the bottom of her tribe. Well, her prayers were answered. The Merge is here!

Gata and Lavo say goodbye to their camps and head to Tuku to meet as a group. Once they arrive, Jeff Probst greets them and explains that an advantage hidden in Tuku’s camp could help them in the challenge. The castaways barely look for this advantage. I understand they would rather spend the time socializing and forming new bonds but come on, someone needs to find the advantage. During their brief search, they stumble upon some red paint that confuses the players. Caroline and Tiyana have flashbacks of Sue with red paint on her face. They realize she must have an advantage. Most castaways give up their search but thankfully, Genevieve keeps looking. She finds the advantage hidden in a buoy. She’ll find out its power at the challenge.

Rome can’t stop gossiping on Survivor 47

Per usual, Rome uses the search time to gossip and paint a target on another player’s back. His target this week is Tuku’s Kyle. He uses the information Kyle shares to convince the group he is untrustworthy. He tells Sue that Kyle said she is weak. Then, he tells Tiyana (Kyle’s number one ally) that he said she is the biggest female threat. Tiyana is rattled by this information. She confides in Rome’s tribe member Sol, who reassures her that Rome is up to his old tricks.

Kyle finds out that Rome is badmouthing him. He wants him out of the game. The majority of the group seems to agree that Rome is a loose canon that can’t be trusted.

Who wins Immunity at the first Individual Immunity Challenge?

It’s time for the first Individual Immunity Challenge of the season. Woohoo! Jeff explains that the castaways will compete in two challenges. First, they will compete in a team competition. The winning group will win the food reward and advance to the Individual Immunity Challenge. The losers will not get food nor will they have a chance to compete in the second challenge.

Genevieve’s advantage allows her to skip the first competition and automatically advance to the second. Oh, and she gets the food. Lucky girl! The Yellow Team (Sierra, Sam, Teeny, Rachel, Sue, and Kyle) win the team challenge. Kyle wins immunity in the second comp, making him the first solo immunity winner of the season. Good for him. He needed it. Rome was throwing his name around and he lost his vote.

Who went home on Episode 6 of Survivor 47?

After Kyle secured his safety, he and his teammates headed to the Merge feast. They talked about Tribal Council while sipping on wine and filling up their stomachs. The group seems to be in agreement that Rome needs to go. They decide Andy will be the backup plan if Rome uses an Idol (they don’t know he doesn’t have one).

Back at camp, Rome is scrambling. His plan to target Kyle is a bust, so he returns to a familiar plan-targeting Sol. He makes up some BS story about feeling bullied by Sol and everyone is like, “Sure, ok. We can vote him out.” They are appeasing him, so he doesn’t catch on that he is the target. Once the Yellow Team returns, the plan kicks into high gear. Rome is out of lives in this game. His torch will be snuffed tonight.

At Tribal, Rome laments how the Amulet (shared by Andy, Caroline, and Teeny) is a disadvantage. He’s got a point. It’s a weak, complicated power that puts a huge target on the players that possess it. Jeff is intrigued by Rome’s theory, so he allows him to sit in his seat to explain further. Woah! I’ve never seen a castaway sit in Jeff’s seat at Tribal before. This is historic. Boston Rob is probably crying somewhere.

After Rome’s speech, Tribal continues. Teeny, Caroline, and Andy play their Amulet on Teeny. They are basically just flushing the power to get rid of it. Any votes cast against Teeny won’t count. Rome thinks Sol is the vote tonight. He boasts in confessionals about how he ruined Sol’s game and ponders whether he is a Survivor legend. Delusional!

The votes are read and Rome is left stunned. They finally got this troublemaker off the Island. I feel so conflicted. On the one hand, Rome annoyed me but he also made such great TV. I hope a new villain emerges and takes his spot.

Survivor 47 airs Wednesdays at 8 p.m. EST on CBS.