Britani Batemans’s RHOSLC Tape Gate Isn’t That Bad: Here’s Why

Angie K and Britani Bateman RHOSLC
Photo Credit: Fred Hayes/Bravo

Britani Bateman has become a polarizing character on the Real Housewives of Salt Lake City. Frankly, it is hard to tell if she is a really good actor or if she is a bit touched in the head. I’m going with a good actor personally. She hasn’t exactly made friends with the rest of the women due to her ill-timed announcements that no one cares about. But the rest of the snowflakes sure cared about her in the latest episode after she was caught secretly recording their argument. 

What did Britani Bateman record?

Everything always happens on the sprinter van, and this scene is no exception. The episode aptly titled, “Smile, You’re Being Recorded,” showed the ladies continuing their trip in Puerto Vallarta. But all hell broke loose after Britani was outed for attempting to record the ladies arguing. To make matters worse, the singer’s story kept changing. First, she said the video was for her daughter, Olivia, to congratulate her on her math test. Then she noted, “I was saving them for later.” As the call for her head soon began, Britani, who was panic-stricken, yelled, “I’m trying to delete it. Obviously, there’s a trigger here, so look back at all my photos.” 

As Meredith Marks yelled at the newbie, it dawned on her that Britani might have bugged her room. She noted, “If she could have heard my coughing, she would have heard my whole conversation with my husband. I’m feeling unsettled. I wouldn’t have thought of it other than today, she’s recording us on the bus. Did she leave something in my room?” Naturally, Britani denied the raid, stating, “That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard in my entire life. Absolutely no.” Even though the damage was done, I couldn’t help but feel like the women overreacted. 

Did the RHOSLC ladies overreact? 

If I had been in Britani’s shoes and verbally attacked, I might have clammed up, too. Yes, recording someone without their knowledge is wrong and illegal. But I don’t think Britani had the wherewithal to actively plan a takedown. If anything, it is Meredith I would worry about as she is probably in her DMs searching for info on B as I type this. As we’ve seen from earlier Real Housewives of Salt Lake City episodes, Britani isn’t particularly devious. There was no way she would have had a composed reaction to being ganged up on. She was flustered and happened to make matters worse with her four answers. 

I do, however, think Britani was trying to pull a quick one. She might have just been trying to find an angle to solidify her return for next season. But the way all of the women yelled and accused Britani, there was no way she was getting out of that sprinter van alive. Meredith, Heather Gay, and the others could have been a bit calmer. I wholeheartedly think that if they came at Britani, united, but in peace, there would have been a more reasonable answer. Britani was still wrong, but I don’t think she was malicious. 

Britani Bateman’s footage wasn’t the only footage

Like it or not, Britani and her Tape Gate made the episode. Even when producers tried to call out Britani by saying it was “very weird that you’re recording the back of the seat” she continued to play her part. Honestly, I don’t think the recording was that bad. First, the argument that was occurring was with Lisa Barlow and her issues with the B squad. There was nothing new there. No juicy tidbit fans didn’t already know. It wasn’t like Britani had some “hot of the press” information.  

Secondly, wasn’t the fight already being recorded? Bravo cameras and Go-Pros were everywhere in the Sprinter van. So Britani’s footage would have been obsolete anyway. The cast sign NDAs in order not to reveal information. Britani would have been outed immediately if she let the video slip from her phone to social media. It seems hypocritical for the ladies to be as mad as they were with B when cameras were right in their faces. 

The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City is available to stream on Peacock.