Deal or No Deal Island Season 2 continued to throw twists at the contestants. There were six guests still competing and strategizing on the Banker’s private island. Host and Game Master Joe Manganiello prepped the competitors for a dirty challenge involving a balance beam, quicksand, and possible safety at The Temple.
Each contestant had to carry a heavy briefcase across the muddy pit and place it on the other side within two minutes. If a guest chose a red case and didn’t make it across in time, they would automatically be at the bottom. And that meant that they were eligible for a date with the Banker in The Temple.
Of course, David [Genat] had the highest value case, so he decided who would play the Banker. Dickson Wong, Alexis Lete, and Phillip Solomon were all at the bottom. However, David let Phillip off the hook. And after David referenced how Lete put him up to play the Banker, she was steaming.
Of course, Lete knew that David was going to make her play the Banker. So, she told him that if she played and made a good deal, she would take out Dickson. And that is exactly what Lete did.
Dickson joined Reality Tea writer Kim Stempel to reflect on his elimination episode and discuss the status of his relationship with his alliance, the Family.
Why did Dickson Wong become a target on Deal or No Deal Island Season 2?
Kim Stempel: Why do you think you became a target in the last episode?
Dickson Wong: I think I was collateral damage from the you know whole David and Lete thing. I do strongly believe that my friendship bracelet blindside – I think it was working. I do think Lete was buying it. Don’t get me wrong, you know that was actually 100% real, to the extent it gave me multiple options.
Kim Stempel: Yeah.
Dickson Wong: So, if I wanted to turn on the Family, I could turn on the Family. But at the same time, I did this very nice gesture, where if I was ready to turn on the Family, I’m sure Lete would have taken me in. And I still believe that, too. Where … let’s say David didn’t get to choose, and he didn’t do what he did with all that, I think Lete might have taken out Courtney Kim (CK).
Dickson Wong explains his relationship with the Family in Deal or No Deal Island

Kim Stempel: What was your relationship like with the Family during the most recent episode?
Dickson Wong: Oh, gosh, you know, I wanted to face the Banker. I was saying it on the island. I want to face the Banker. At first, I did think maybe Lete would take out CK, especially with the explosive Temple. And they’ve been going through it one on one.
But the one thing I will say about Lete is that she was a player that always played with as much integrity as she could. She did tell a couple of lies to me, I will admit that. La Shell [Wooten] was the most honest player. But Lete played an honest game.
You know, the one point to prove that is the captain’s case. She didn’t, you know, screw her team over by going for it. So, when Lete told me that she was thinking about taking me out, I kind of believed her and I was like, Okay. Well, you know, I’ll face the Banker here! I’ll face the Banker!
And the one thing I want to make clear is I’m never afraid to face the Banker when the odds are in my favor. The one thing, and this is how I think about it, too, is the likelihood of consistent good deals. And one thing that I was saying to Parvati [Shallow] was, I feel like a bad deal is coming. You know, on paper, yes, it’s 50% every time.
Kim Stempel: Right.
Dickson Wong: One thing I always like to include with the odds is the likelihood for it to happen multiple times. So, for it to happen two good deals in a row … and you know maybe it’s not necessarily 50%, because you know there are some scenarios where in the game a player can take a chance at a 66% chance, like Lete did.
But the overall game is a heads or tails thing. And the likelihood for two good deals in a row is 25%, then it breaks down to 12.5%. You know, so the likelihood of me making a good deal for the, I think, fourth time in a row was like 7%.
And that’s one example of me looking at the odds, and people saying, You want to face the Banker every time. But, you know, there are other factors, I think, to consider as well.
Why didn’t David Genat want to put Dickson Wong in to play the Banker on Deal or No Deal Island Season 2?

Dickson Wong: But since the bad juju was over, La Shell ended the bad deal streak, and it was back to 50/50 in my opinion. So, I was like, Oh, you know, I’ll play the Banker, David. The one thing it doesn’t show is that I asked David more than twice in The Temple. I asked him probably a 100 times.
I asked him on the island to play [the Banker]. But I do think David was trying to look out for my best interests. I will say that.
Kim Stempel: Yes! I was wondering why David wasn’t letting you play since Lete said that she would take you out?
Dickson Wong: I think he was trying to read Lete a little bit. The one thing David did tell me during one of the challenges was that he was great at reading body language. I think he was trying to read Lete’s body language and I do feel like David thought Lete was bluffing.
But again, I didn’t think so because as soon as I saw Lete say she was going to take me out … She’s done, I’d say probably 95% of what she’s …. [said]. And I was like, I will face the Banker this time. Not a problem.
Kim Stempel: So, did you have a little crush on Lete with the friendship bracelet? Or was that all to get a secondary alliance going?
Dickson Wong: Oh, it’s a little bit of both. You know, Lete was definitely very attractive. I mean, I didn’t think it was ever going to work out, so I will say that. I will say it was more of a move to build a relationship, but Lete was cool to hang out with on the show.
You know, the show doesn’t even do justice to how much I was hitting on Lete, like throwing lines at her. Left and right. You know, we both had a conversation before, like who our ideal dream partner would be. She definitely was not describing me because she said taller and I was like, Okay. Well, that kind of cuts it right there.
And I wasn’t really describing her. So, I knew that probably wasn’t going to be a real showmance, but I do feel like I could tug on the heartstrings a little bit, in the sense where I could get her to believe that I was on her side.
What would Dickson Wong change in that final challenge?

Kim Stempel: Have you kept in touch with anyone since leaving the show?
Dickson Wong: You know, I’ve been really busy lately. I have talked to David and Parvati. I am going out to L.A. to watch the finale with them, so I’m really excited about that. I’ve chatted with CK. That’s probably the person I’ve talked to every week … every other week.
Other than that, it’s just been really busy for me. I do work 45 hours per week, I help take care of my 94-year-old grandma, and on top of that I’m also getting my Master’s degree. You see on Instagram, and in our group chat, too, and stuff like that, that people are getting together.
Unfortunately, I just haven’t had the time. I’m probably one of the only people who have not seen anyone since the show. But once school gets over, I hope to open those relationships back up.
Kim Stempel: Yeah. That would be great! What did you think Lete’s chances would be playing the Banker since she hadn’t played before?
Dickson Wong: Oh, gosh, when I saw her freaking wear that amulet, that even made me want to play the Banker even more when I saw that. I’m like, She’s got a freaking amulet on! I’ve got to freaking play now!
Again, you know it goes back to resetting the whole juju there with La Shell. And ending the good deal streak getting a bad deal. I felt like Lete had a true 50/50 chance. I mean, I guess two bad deals in a row would be 25%, but on paper … that’s when something on paper made sense to me that there really was a 50% chance.
I’m very happy with my experience. And the only thing I would change is choosing CK next in the thing over David and Lete in that challenge. But other than that, you know I’m very happy with how I performed in the game, and I’m very, very happy for the person who wins.
This interview was edited for clarity.
Deal or No Deal Island is streaming on Peacock.