The day of reckoning has come for Kingsley’s first (reported) bite victim, 80-year old former family friend of Kim Richards, Kay…
All of the Real Housewives of New York ladies are weighing in on the highlights – or the lowlights?- of…
Absolutely nothing the public says can get Bethenny Frankel rattled these days, she says. A hot-and-cold figure as a returning cast…
After Bethenny Frankel’s valiant attempt at a Sonja-vention on this week’s Real Housewives of New York, she at least deserves…
It’s almost been a whole entire year that Kim Kardashian stayed married to a man, ya’ll! And that man, Kanye…
On last night’s Little Women: NY, we pick up smack in the middle of the fight between Misty Irwin and Jordanna James,…
After this week’s exhausting installment of Real Housewives of New York, there may be nary a NY housewife left who…
Last night’s Blood, Sweat, and Heels gave us some rebooted drama from last season, except it wasn’t Mica’s intoxicated butt getting kicked out…
”Guess what?” Bethenny Frankel announced on Twitter yesterday, “#iSuckAtRelationships is officially a @nytimes best seller all thanks to YOU! xo.” Joining…
Holly Robinson Peete, of old school 21 Jump Street fame (yeah!) and husband & former quarterback Rodney Peete are getting…
Toaster Ovens and Yummie Tummies and Nigerian Football Teams – Oh My! Heather Thomson touches on them all in her…
Although inherently likable in a crazy semi-drunken auntie kind of way, Sonja Morgan is quickly heading into Kim Richards territory…