Today Jeff is Team PK.
Features (Page 9)
This fight was earth shattering.
Two heavy hitters went head to head.
Rachel LaMont has a shot at the million!
Is Carrie Ann skimping on points for Joey?
Emma's out. May the energies shift.
It's all not happening for Scheana.
Season 6 had some amazing moments.
Season 7 has some chaotic couples.
Schwartz & Sandy's was tainted from the jump.
Joey broke The Bachelor curse on DWTS.
David gave fans the ick.
Kendall Jenner’s Christmas Eve dress was truly an iconic moment as she slipped into a slinky white dress. The 29-year-old model attended the annual…
Britani is rough to watch for some viewers.
The estranged couple looked happy to be together.
Paris Hilton transformed into a present herself as she wrapped herself up in nothing but a giant bow for Christmas this year. The…