Last night on Ladies of London the women got a lesson in etiquette and then promptly forgot everything they…
On last night’s episode of Keeping up with the Kardashians we saw an emotional Khloe Kardashian reach her breaking…
They’re called Mrs. Pageants. And they look like they’re going to be the perfect combo of women-of-a-certain-age shellacking themselves…
Catfish Season 3 finale Episode 10- Bianca and Brogan I can’t believe that it’s already the season finale of Catfish!…
My wish from last week’s episode of Little Women LA came true and we were given a whole lot of…
Last night on Ladies of London new allegiances were formed while old ones frayed. Showergate continued. And Noelle Reno was…
On last night's episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians things begin at Kris Jenner's house with the ever adorable…
“Can you do the booty dance?” I know Terra Jole, Tonya Banks, Briana Mason, Traci Harrison and Elena Gant can. …
Last night on Ladies of London the women took a trip to Mapperton. We had shooting, Sandwiches, questionable table manners,…