Caroline Byl

Also Known As: Caroline Byl • Born: N/A

Caroline Byl, a culinary artisan and entrepreneur, brings her expertise to the forefront as the sous chef of Vanderpump Villa. Hailing from Miami, Florida, Caroline’s culinary journey is a fusion of flavors worldwide. Caroline, with a deep-rooted passion for the culinary arts, assists head chef Anthony in leading the kitchen, ensuring guests indulge in delectable dining experiences. Beyond her role as a sous chef, Caroline founded Bayler Paris, a beauty, cosmetic, and personal care brand that reflects her commitment to blending culinary, fashion, and design. Caroline Byl’s journey on Vanderpump Villa promises to be a tantalizing blend of culinary excellence, entrepreneurial innovation, and heartfelt connections.

Photo credit Gavin Bond/Hulu

Parisian Roots

Despite her Miami upbringing, Caroline spent her formative years in the enchanting city of Paris, where she cultivated a deep appreciation for culinary excellence and refined aesthetics.

Global Influence

Caroline traveled from Paris to NYC, refining her skills and embracing various culinary traditions. Her global experiences infuse her creations with unique flavors and influences.

Beauty Entrepreneur

In 2019, Caroline launched Bayler Paris, a unique skincare brand that blends beauty and culinary artistry. Through Bayler Paris, Caroline redefines beauty standards and empowers people to embrace their unique essence.

Height: N/A

Nationality: American

Show(s): Vanderpump Villa

Network(s): Hulu

Guest Appearances: N/A

Zodiac Sign: N/A

Children: N/A

Father: N/A

Mother: N/A

Siblings: N/A

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