Raelyn Cheung-Sutton
Also Known As: Raelyn Cheung-Sutton • Born: 07/15/1994
Raelyn Cheung-Sutton, a dynamic individual with a passion for technology and sports, has carved a unique path in the realm of software engineering and athletics. Born on July 15, 1994, in San Francisco, California, Raelyn demonstrated early on her commitment to excellence, both on and off the basketball court. Raelyn’s journey into the tech world began during her tenure as Assistant Athletic Director, where she delved into coding, ultimately transitioning into a career as a software engineer. Her expertise in software development led her to notable roles at esteemed companies like JPMorgan Chase & Co. and Slalom.
Photo Credit: Courtesy of Netflix
Sporting Legacy
Raelyn’s love for basketball started early and propelled her to remarkable achievements, including national recognition for her assist averages during her collegiate career.
Tech Trailblazer
Raelyn’s journey from the basketball court to the tech world reflects her versatility and determination to excel in diverse fields.
Community Engagement
Beyond her professional pursuits, Raelyn remains actively involved in her community, using her platform to inspire and empower others to pursue their passions.
• Height: 5’4”(162cm)
• Nationality: American
• Show(s): The Ultimatum: Queer Love
• Network(s): Netflix
• Guest Appearances: N/A
• Zodiac Sign: Cancer
• Children: N/A
• Father: Dale Sutton
• Mother: Evelyn Cheung
• Siblings: Elyse Cheung-Sutton