Just in case your DVR has enough capacity to squeeze in yet another spin-off (because I’m sure you’re all recording…
We all know that reality TV isn't all that it seems and plenty of goofs happen in the editing room. …
Looks like Kim Kardashian kopied sister Kourtney Kardashian! Last week Kourt debuted her new bangs, and today Kim flashed her…
Uh-oh, another set-back for Kris Humphries! The Kardashain hub TMZ is working overtime to get Kris' annulment claim and his reputation destroyed. Oh you…
For someone who has been whining about wanting to get her divorce over with, you would think that Kim Kardashian…
Guess what, y'all!?! Kim Kardashian is tiring of being a reality star. Isn't that the best news you've heard in…
Is the Kardashian reality TV dynasty failing? Sunday night was the premiere of the long awaited and heavily promoted Kourtney…
The Kardashians are baa-aack! Like they ever went away. Or ever will. I hope I didn't jinx us, but I've…
Well this Kim Kardashian pregnancy is already annoying me and we have like six more months to go. Do I…
Kim Kardashian may bellyache about wanting to end the divorce proceedings with former husband Kris Humphries, but she certainly seems…